Guest User

Posted 6:25AM AEST

a guest
Dec 18th, 2014
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  1. Guest_RasheedOneale: O__O
  2. Guest_RasheedOneale: wit u..?'
  3. Guest_minimeme1 has joined the chat
  4. Guest_itskelly14: not like that mean he in a room wit me
  5. Guest_HeyKarot has joined the chat
  6. Guest_RasheedOneale: oh i did not mean that way tho
  7. Guest_RasheedOneale: i jsut wanted to know wa u ment cuz he lef tthat last room
  8. Guest_itskelly14: oh ok
  9. Guest_RasheedOneale: yh
  10. Guest_HeyKarot has left the chat
  11. Guest_BeautyAnaconda has joined the chat
  12. Guest_itskelly14: hey kalyarock do u work here
  13. Guest_RasheedOneale: ok they talking aout u in the chat now
  14. Guest_kalyarock: no
  15. Guest_itskelly14: wat they saying
  16. Guest_kalyarock: i dont know
  17. Guest_rock0245 has joined the chat
  18. Guest_RasheedOneale: trunks told 1o that i invited u to tell u thAT ... U KNOW WHO LIKES U
  19. Guest_RasheedOneale: srry caps
  20. Guest_itskelly14: umm can u respect the boss's rule its on the wall over there
  21. Guest_nicomateusd has left the chat
  22. Guest_RasheedOneale: then 10 said yh i kim talking to her now
  23. Guest_RasheedOneale: then tell 10 to leave cuz he dont wana talk to him
  24. sIxGeekay: Kal. Move.
  25. sIxGeekay: Now.
  26. Lepidar has joined the chat
  27. Guest_kalyarockGuest_kalyarock : no
  28. Guest_kalyarock: make me
  29. Guest_kalyarock has left the chat
  30. Guest_RasheedOneale: Lol
  31. sIxGeekay: Just did.
  32. Guest_RasheedOneale: se asked for it
  33. Guest_Skarlletyair has joined the chat
  34. Guest_RasheedOneale: she*
  35. Guest_itskelly14: i told her too move but she didnt listen so
  36. Guest_RasheedOneale: lool
  37. Guest_RasheedOneale: she got to own way to listen
  38. Guest_minimeme1: hey guys
  39. Guest_RasheedOneale: hey..^_^
  40. Guest_rock0245: hey
  41. Guest_itskelly14: tru n hi
  42. Guest_RasheedOneale: so wat i told u is wat went down kellz
  43. Guest_minimeme1: hru
  44. EverlastingShyness has joined the chat
  45. Guest_mzZdijah has joined the chat
  46. Guest_RasheedOneale: im cool just chilling wat about u minimeme1
  47. Guest_mzZdijah has left the chat
  48. Guest_itskelly14: i caused it i told u that although i didnt do anything
  49. Guest_RasheedOneale: i dont think so its jus tthey both got the wrong idea
  50. Guest_SWAG1923 has joined the chat
  51. Guest_itskelly14: n how we going to correct it
  52. Guest_Skarlletyair has left the chat
  53. EverlastingShyness has left the chat
  54. Guest_RasheedOneale: well the only thing that can work right now
  55. Guest_RasheedOneale: is by u telling them
  56. sIxGeekay: Mini. Move.
  57. Guest_BeautyAnaconda has left the chat
  58. sIxGeekay: Also, lower your kbs.
  59. Guest_minimeme1: hey im bk
  60. sIxGeekay: Move
  61. Guest_RasheedOneale: wb
  62. sIxGeekay: And lower your kbs
  63. Guest_minimeme1: what??
  64. sIxGeekay: MOVE
  65. sIxGeekay: And lower your kbs
  66. Guest_SWAG1923 has left the chat
  67. Guest_darkangelgirlfreak has joined the chat
  68. sIxGeekay: Lower. <_<
  69. sIxGeekay: You're at 4.6. The limit is 4.0
  70. Guest_itskelly14: xD
  71. Guest_darkangelgirlfreak has left the chat
  72. Guest_RasheedOneale: Lol
  73. Guest_ocean15hot has joined the chat
  74. Guest_Trunks4 has joined the chat
  75. Guest_minimeme1 has left the chat
  76. Guest_RasheedOneale: LOOOOOl
  77. Guest_RasheedOneale: boot
  78. Guest_itskelly14: six if you keep that up you will frighten everyone who does come here :D
  79. Guest_RasheedOneale: took to long to lower Kb
  80. Guest_itskelly14: although dey deserve it
  81. Guest_RasheedOneale: yh tru..:D
  82. Lepidar: lolz
  83. sIxGeekay: I'm only inforcing the rules.
  84. Guest_itskelly14Guest_itskelly14 WhisperAdd Friend: i know that you are and your doing a great job
  85. Guest_RasheedOnealeGuest_RasheedOneale WhisperAdd Friend: ^_^
  86. Lepidar has left the chat
  87. Guest_rock0245 has left the chat
  88. Guest_RasheedOneale: brb
  89. Guest_ocean15hot has left the chat
  90. Guest_itskelly14: k
  91. Guest_itskelly14: tyt
  92. Guest_Trunks4: hi
  93. Guest_RasheedOneale: bck..^_^
  94. Guest_TGhotgirl098 has joined the chat
  95. Guest_itskelly14: weba
  96. Guest_kouklara8ea13Guest_kouklara8ea13 has joined the chat
  97. Guest_RasheedOneale: ty
  98. Guest_RasheedOneale: still talking to 10
  99. Guest_itskelly14: yep
  100. Guest_RasheedOneale: ok
  101. Guest_Trunks4: 10 said she likes him
  102. Guest_ajcreed12 has joined the chat
  103. Guest_itskelly14: i told im i like everyone
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