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Nov 26th, 2014
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  1. on rightclick holding a gold sword on player:
  2. execute player command "rank %clicked player% standard"
  3. on rightclick holding a diamond sword on player:
  4. if {tryb.%player%} is 2:
  5. if name of player's tool is "&6&lODBIERZ &c&lZAPROSZENIE&6&l!":
  6. if player is sneaking:
  7. execute player command "styndryt2 %clicked player%"
  8. if name of player's tool is "&9&lREALZ &6&lPVP":
  9. if player is sneaking:
  10. execute player command "styndryt %clicked player%"
  11. if {tryb.%player%} is 1:
  12. execute player command "rank %clicked player% hardcore"
  13. if {tryb.%player%} is 3:
  14. execute player command "rank %clicked player% symulator"
  15. if {tryb.%player%} is 4:
  16. execute player command "rank %clicked player% fosa"
  17. command /styndryt [<player>]:
  18. trigger:
  19. if {tryb.%player%} is 2:
  20. if {mozezaprosic.%player%} is true:
  21. if {mozeodebrac.%arg 1%} is true:
  22. if {walka.%arg 1%} is false:
  23. set {mozezaprosic.%player%} to false
  24. set {mozeodebrac.%arg 1%} to true
  25. send "&3Zostales wyzwany na pojedynek przez &6%player%&3!" to arg 1
  26. send "&7Aby zaakceptowac wyzwanie, przytrzyjmaj SHIFT i kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy (RPM)!" to arg 1
  27. send "&3Wyzwales na pojedynek gracza &6%arg 1%" to player
  28. set {wyzwanie.%arg 1%} to name of player
  29. remove 1 diamond sword from the arg 1
  30. give 1 diamond sword of lure 5 named "&6&lODBIERZ &c&lZAPROSZENIE&6&l!" with lore "&7Aby zaakceptowac wyzwanie od %player% - kliknij &aSHIFT + RPM &7na niego!" to arg 1
  31. wait 2 seconds
  32. delete {wyzwanie.%arg 1%}
  33. remove 1 diamond sword from the arg 1
  34. give 1 diamond sword of sharpness 5 named "&9&lREALZ &6&lPVP" with lore "&7Aby wyzwac na pojedynek - kliknij SHIFT + RPM na gracza!" to arg 1
  35. set {mozezaprosic.%player%} to true
  36. set {mozeodebrac.%arg 1%} to false
  37. else:
  38. send "&3Gracz &6%arg 1% &3jest teraz podczas walki!"
  39. else:
  40. send "&3Gracz &6%arg 1% &3nie moze jeszcze odbierac zaproszen!"
  41. else:
  42. send "&3Nie mozesz ciagle &6wysylac zaproszen do walki&3!"
  43. command /styndryt2 [<player>]:
  44. trigger:
  45. if {mozeodebrac.%player%} is true:
  46. if {wyzwanie.%player%} is name of arg 1:
  47. remove 1 iron sword from the player
  48. make arg 1 see player's prefix as "&cāœ˜ &9"
  49. make player see arg 1's prefix as "&cāœ˜ &9"
  50. set {mozeodebrac.%player%} to false
  51. set {mozeodebrac.%arg 1%} to false
  52. set {mozezaprosic.%arg 1%} to false
  53. set {mozezaprosic.%player%} to false
  54. send "&6%player% &3zaakceptowal twoje wyzwanie!" to arg 1
  55. send "&3Zaakceptowales wyzwanie od &6%arg 1%&3!" to player
  56. send "&3Walka nastapi za &63 sekundy&3!" to arg 1
  57. send "&3Walka nastapi za &63 sekundy&3!" to player
  58. wait 1 second
  59. send "&3Pojedynek za: &6(3)" to arg 1
  60. send "&3Pojedynek za: &6(3)" to player
  61. wait 1 second
  62. send "&3Pojedynek za: &6(2)" to arg 1
  63. send "&3Pojedynek za: &6(2)" to player
  64. wait 1 second
  65. send "&3Pojedynek za: &6(1)" to arg 1
  66. send "&3Pojedynek za: &6(1)" to player
  67. wait 1 second
  68. execute console command "god %arg 1% off"
  69. execute console command "god %player% off"
  70. send "&3Walka z &6%arg 1% &3wystartowala!" to player
  71. send "&3Walka z &6%player% &3wystartowala!" to arg 1
  72. else:
  73. send "&6Nie masz &6aktualnego zaproszenia &3od gracza &6%arg 1%&3!"
  74. else:
  75. send "&3Nie mozesz wiecznie &6odbierac zaproszen&3!"
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