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Jan 9th, 2014
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  1. STB ID,String
  2. 3346836085539072,Battle Duration
  3. 3346836085539073,The total amount of time the battle lasted for you.
  4. 3346836085539074,Time Played
  5. 3346836085539075,Your total play time spent as a contributor.
  6. 3346836085539076,Kills
  7. 3346836085539077,Your total kills including other players, drones, and objectives.
  8. 3346836085539078,Assists
  9. 3346836085539079,Your total assists including other players, drones, and objectives.
  10. 3346836085539080,Deaths
  11. 3346836085539081,Your total deaths.
  12. 3346836085539082,Kill/Death Ratio
  13. 3346836085539083,Your ratio of kills to deaths.
  14. 3346836085539084,Damage Dealt
  15. 3346836085539085,Your total damage dealt to enemies.
  16. 3346836085539086,Damage Received
  17. 3346836085539087,Your total damage received.
  18. 3346836085539088,Damage Repaired
  19. 3346836085539089,Your total damage repaired on yourself or others.
  20. 3346836085539090,Blasters Fired
  21. 3346836085539091,The total number of times you fired blaster weapons during the battle.
  22. 3346836085539092,Missiles Fired
  23. 3346836085539093,The total number of times you fired missile weapons during the battle.
  24. 3346836085539094,Railguns Fired
  25. 3346836085539095,The total number of times you fired railgun weapons during the battle.
  26. 3346836085539096,Weapon Hits
  27. 3346836085539097,Your total number of weapons hits.
  28. 3346836085539098,Hit %
  29. 3346836085539099,Your percentage of hits versus misses for all weapons fired.
  30. 3346836085539100,Longest Kill Streak
  31. 3346836085539101,The largest number of kills you had before being destroyed.
  32. 3346836085539102,Drones/Mines Launched
  33. 3346836085539103,The total number of drones/mines you launched during the battle.
  34. 3346836085539104,Maneuvers Executed
  35. 3346836085539105,The total number of defensive maneuvers you executed during the battle.
  36. 3346836085539106,Abilities Used
  37. 3346836085539107,The total number of times you used a special ability during the battle
  38. 3346836085539108,Objective Captures
  39. 3346836085539109,The total number of times you aided in capturing objectives during the battle.
  40. 3346836085539110,Objective Defense
  41. 3346836085539111,The total amount of time spent defending objectives during the battle.
  42. 3346836085539112,Objective Turret Kills
  43. 3346836085539113,Your total objective turret kills.
  44. 3346836085539114,Objective Turret Assists
  45. 3346836085539115,Your total objective turret kill assists.
  46. 3346836085539116,Powerups Collected
  47. 3346836085539117,The total number of powerups you collected during the battle.
  48. 3346836085539118,Total Lifetime Ship Requisition
  49. 3346836085539119,Total Lifetime Fleet Requisition
  50. 3346836085539120,The total amount of requisition you have earned over your lifetime.
  51. 3346836085539121,Total Time Played
  52. 3346836085539122,Your total Galactic Starfighter play time
  53. 3346836085539123,Total Number of Battles
  54. 3346836085539124,Your total completed battles.
  55. 3346836085539125,Total Wins
  56. 3346836085539126,Your total battle wins.
  57. 3346836085539127,Total Losses
  58. 3346836085539128,Your total battle loses.
  59. 3346836085539129,Win/Loss %
  60. 3346836085539130,Your percentage of wins over losses.
  61. 3346836085539131,Total Kills
  62. 3346836085539132,Your total kills including other players, drones, and objective.
  63. 3346836085539133,Average Kills per Battle
  64. 3346836085539134,Your average number of kills per battle.
  65. 3346836085539135,Total Assists
  66. 3346836085539136,Your total deaths including other players, drones, and objective.
  67. 3346836085539137,Average Assists per Battle
  68. 3346836085539138,Your average number of assists per battle.
  69. 3346836085539139,Total Deaths
  70. 3346836085539140,Your total deaths.
  71. 3346836085539141,Kill/Death Ratio
  72. 3346836085539142,Your ratio of kills to deaths.
  73. 3346836085539143,Total Damage Dealt
  74. 3346836085539144,The total amount of damage you have dealt.
  75. 3346836085539145,Average Damage Dealt per Battle
  76. 3346836085539146,The average amount of damage you have dealt per battle.
  77. 3346836085539147,Total Damage Received
  78. 3346836085539148,The total amount of damage you have received.
  79. 3346836085539149,Average Damage Received per Battle
  80. 3346836085539150,The average amount of damage you have received per battle.
  81. 3346836085539151,Damage Ratio
  82. 3346836085539152,Your ratio of damage dealt to damage received.
  83. 3346836085539153,Damage Repaired
  84. 3346836085539154,The total amount of damage you've repaired on yourself and allies.
  85. 3346836085539155,Blasters Fired
  86. 3346836085539156,The total number of times you've fired blaster weapons.
  87. 3346836085539157,Missiles Fired
  88. 3346836085539158,The total number of times you've fired missile weapons.
  89. 3346836085539159,Railguns Fired
  90. 3346836085539160,The total number of times you've fired railgun weapons.
  91. 3346836085539161,Weapon Hits
  92. 3346836085539162,The total number of times your weapons have hit a target.
  93. 3346836085539163,Hit/Miss %
  94. 3346836085539164,Your percentage of hits over misses misses for all weapons fired by the player.
  95. 3346836085539165,Drones/Mines Launched
  96. 3346836085539166,The total number of drones/mines you've launched.
  97. 3346836085539167,Maneuvers Executed
  98. 3346836085539168,The total number of defensive maneuvers you executed during battle.
  99. 3346836085539169,Abilities Used
  100. 3346836085539170,The total number of times you've used a special ability.
  101. 3346836085539171,Total Objectives Captured
  102. 3346836085539172,The total number of times you've captured an objective.
  103. 3346836085539175,Total Objective Turrets Killed
  104. 3346836085539176,The total number of times you've destroyed an objective turret.
  105. 3346836085539179,Total Objective Turret Assists
  106. 3346836085539180,Your total objective turret kill assists.
  107. 3346836085539183,Powerups Collected
  108. 3346836085539184,The total number of powerups you collected during the battle.
  109. 3346836085539185,Battle Completion
  110. 3346836085539186,Earnings for completing the battle.
  111. 3346836085539187,Victory Bonus
  112. 3346836085539188,Bonus earnings for winning the battle.
  113. 3346836085539189,Battle Length
  114. 3346836085539190,Earnings for the amount of time you spent as a contributor.
  115. 3346836085539191,Kill/Assist Points
  116. 3346836085539192,Earnings for all of your kills/assists including other players and drones.
  117. 3346836085539193,Objective Turret Kills/Assists
  118. 3346836085539194,Earnings for all of your kills/assists of objective turrets.
  119. 3346836085539195,Objectives Captured
  120. 3346836085539196,Earnings based on the number of times you helped capture an objective.
  121. 3346836085539197,Objective Defense
  122. 3346836085539198,Earnings based on your defense of objectives captured by your team.
  123. 3346836085539199,Daily Bonus
  124. 3346836085539200,Limited bonus earnings given daily for each ship.
  125. 3346836085539201,Player Bonus
  126. 3346836085539202,Increased earnings from a boost applied to your ground character.
  127. 3346836085539203,Mastery Bonus
  128. 3346836085539204,Bonus earnings for flying a Mastered ship.
  129. 3346836085539205,Event Bonus
  130. 3346836085539206,Bonus earnings for an increased Requisition event
  131. 3346836085539207,Powerup Kill/Assist Points
  132. 3346836085539208,Bonus earnings for all of your kills/assists (including other players and drones) while having a powerup active.
  133. 3346836085539209,Cargo Pickups
  134. 3346836085539210,The total amount of cargo you picked up during the battle.
  135. 3346836085539211,Cargo Deliveries
  136. 3346836085539212,The total amount of cargo you successfully delivered during the battle.
  137. 3346836085539213,Cargo Carrier Kills
  138. 3346836085539214,The total number of cargo carrying enemies you killed during the battle.
  139. 3346836085539215,Cargo Carrier Assists
  140. 3346836085539216,The total number of cargo carrying enemies you assisted in killing during the battle.
  141. 3346836085539217,Cargo Carrier Kill/Assist Points
  142. 3346836085539218,Earnings for all of your kills/assists of cargo carrying players during Cargo Run battles.
  143. 3346836085539219,Personal Cargo Deliveries
  144. 3346836085539220,Earnings based on the number of times you successfully delivered cargo during Cargo Run battles.
  145. 3346836085539221,Team Cargo Deliveries
  146. 3346836085539222,Earnings based on the number of times your team successfully delivered cargo during Cargo Run battles.
  147. 3346836085539223,Cargo Pickups
  148. 3346836085539224,The total amount of cargo you've picked up during battles.
  149. 3346836085539225,Cargo Deliveries
  150. 3346836085539226,The total amount of cargo you've successfully delivered during battles.
  151. 3346836085539227,Cargo Carrier Kills
  152. 3346836085539228,The total number of cargo carrying enemies you've killed during battles.
  153. 3346836085539229,Cargo Carrier Assists
  154. 3346836085539230,The total number of cargo carrying enemies you've assisted in killing during battles.
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