Guest User

Awesomenauts: Join Last Lobby

a guest
May 2nd, 2014
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  1. rem Adapted from Nodja's version:
  2. @echo off
  3. setlocal
  4. set gamedir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Awesomenauts
  5. set logfile=%gamedir%\ApplicationNetwork.log
  6. if not exist "%logfile%" echo Cant find log file, most likely because steam is not in the default directory or you're running XP, you can fix this by editing the bat file and changing the third line&goto :realend
  7. type "%logfile%" > tmp
  8. FOR /F "eol=; tokens=5,10* delims=   " %%i in (tmp) do if %%i == Succesfuly set steamid=%%j&goto :break
  9. :break
  10. FOR /F "eol=; tokens=5,8* delims=    " %%i in (tmp) do if %%i == Entered set lastlobby=%%j
  11. IF "%steamid%"=="" (echo Cant find steam id&goto :end)
  12. IF "%lastlobby%"=="" (echo No lobbies found&goto :end)
  13. echo Joining lobby %lastlobby% with steamid %steamid%...
  14. echo Press enter to confirm, CTRL+C to abort
  15. pause > nul
  16. start "" "steam://joinlobby/204300/%lastlobby%/%steamid%"
  17. :end
  18. del tmp
  19. :realend
  20. pause
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