
WordPress #15080.8.diff patch - comment form output

Mar 12th, 2013
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  1. <!-- When user is logged in. -->
  3. <form action="http://localhost/wordpress-dev/" method="post" id="commentform">
  4.     <p class="logged-in-as">
  5.         <label>Logged in as <a href="http://localhost/wordpress-dev/">admin</a>.
  6.             <a
  7.            href="http://localhost/wordpress-dev/;;_wpnonce=35bf965161"
  8.            title="Log out of this account">Log out?</a>
  9.         </label>
  10.     </p>
  11.     <p class="comment-form-comment">
  12.         <label for="comment">Comment</label>
  13.         <textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8"
  14.        aria-required="true"></textarea>
  15.     </p>
  16.     <p class="form-allowed-tags">
  17.         <label>You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags
  18.             and attributes: <code>&lt;a href="" title=""&gt; &lt;abbr title=""&gt; &lt;acronym title=""&gt; &lt;b&gt; &lt;blockquote cite=""&gt; &lt;cite&gt; &lt;code&gt; &lt;del datetime=""&gt; &lt;em&gt; &lt;i&gt; &lt;q cite=""&gt; &lt;strike&gt; &lt;strong&gt; </code>
  19.         </label>
  20.     </p>
  21.     <p class="form-submit">
  22.         <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Post Comment">
  23.         <input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="10" id="comment_post_ID">
  24.         <input type="hidden" name="comment_parent" id="comment_parent" value="0">
  25.     </p>
  26. </form>
  30. <!-- When user is not logged in. -->
  32. <form action="http://localhost/wordpress-dev/" method="post" id="commentform">
  33.     <p class="comment-notes">
  34.         <label>Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked
  35.             <span
  36.            class="required">*</span>
  37.         </label>
  38.     </p>
  39.     <p class="comment-form-author">
  40.         <label for="author">Name <span class="required">*</span>
  41.         </label>
  42.         <input id="author" name="author" type="text" value="" size="30" aria-required="true">
  43.     </p>
  44.     <p class="comment-form-email">
  45.         <label for="email">Email <span class="required">*</span>
  46.         </label>
  47.         <input id="email" name="email" type="text" value="" size="30" aria-required="true">
  48.     </p>
  49.     <p class="comment-form-url">
  50.         <label for="url">Website</label>
  51.         <input id="url" name="url" type="text" value="" size="30">
  52.     </p>
  53.     <p class="comment-form-comment">
  54.         <label for="comment">Comment</label>
  55.         <textarea id="comment" name="comment" cols="45" rows="8"
  56.        aria-required="true"></textarea>
  57.     </p>
  58.     <p class="form-allowed-tags">
  59.         <label>You may use these <abbr title="HyperText Markup Language">HTML</abbr> tags
  60.             and attributes: <code>&lt;a href="" title=""&gt; &lt;abbr title=""&gt; &lt;acronym title=""&gt; &lt;b&gt; &lt;blockquote cite=""&gt; &lt;cite&gt; &lt;code&gt; &lt;del datetime=""&gt; &lt;em&gt; &lt;i&gt; &lt;q cite=""&gt; &lt;strike&gt; &lt;strong&gt; </code>
  61.         </label>
  62.     </p>
  63.     <p class="form-submit">
  64.         <input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" value="Post Comment">
  65.         <input type="hidden" name="comment_post_ID" value="10" id="comment_post_ID">
  66.         <input type="hidden" name="comment_parent" id="comment_parent" value="0">
  67.     </p>
  68. </form>
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