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Jan 27th, 2015
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  1. Feminism is just about equality. Yes and there are little magic space-bunnies living on the moon.
  2. You obviously have no understanding either of history or of feminist ideology. Women were always discriminated against, but men were discriminated against too and often in harsher ways.
  3. You make the usual sweeping unsubstantiated claims about what feminism is supposed to stand for and what it is trying to achieve. I can cite you leading feminists, feminist organisations and feminists government institutions which have blocked initiatives towards equality for decades.
  4. You say that feminists strive for "equality." You, like most feminists, don't seem to have any concept of what equality means in terms of the "substantive equality" that feminism espouses. Have you ever asked yourself why feminists stopped talking about "equal rights" over thirty years ago and instead began to talk about "equality?" I could go on about this one point all night. I suggest you do your own research. Suffice to say, I don't want "equality," I want equal rights and equal freedoms and equal responsibilities. "Equality is North Korea. You can have equality or you can have equal rights but you cannot have both.
  5. ”Men have pretty much had it good in the history of mankind;they've been able to vote,lead countries,own land, and speak freely all throughout history”
  6. Men have always had it good you say? Let me tell you something. Most men and women were oppressed throughout most of human history. Both were able to own land and business. Women owned land and business as far back as the Roman Empire. But very few men or women ever achieved this. Most people could not vote in most societies whether they were male or female. Most people had very few rights. People who spoke too freely were very often sorry they did and countless numbers of men fought throughout history for that right, which they immediately shared with women wherever they won it.
  7. The fact is that the 99% were always oppressed, usually by a tiny elite at the very top. That tiny elite were made up of both men and women. You have heard of Elizabeth I of England or Isabella of Castile or Catherine the Great I take it? If not I suggest you look them up, along with the countless other female rulers and aristocrats throughout history.
  8. But though men have generally been treated worse than women historically, the disparity is even more pronounced today.
  9. Women in Europe and America are the most privileged, most cosseted most protected demographic in the history of human civilization; but feminists still scream oppression. Western women have had equal rights under the law for about half a century depending on which country you’re talking about. That’s why feminists no longer talk about equal rights so much. We already have equal rights and then some.
  10. Our entire political, media and educational systems revolve around pandering to the needs of women. Women are advantaged over men in western societies in every way that matters.
  11. Feminists don’t want equality. They are terrified of equality. They want gender quotas in boardrooms and on political benches but they don’t want equality in the dole queues or the homeless hostels. They certainly don’t want equality in the family courts and have fought tooth and nail to prevent it. They certainly don’t want equality in the justice system and have fought hard to achieve the massive sentencing gap we now have. They have also fought very successfully to dismantle the very foundation of the western justice system, removing the age-old right to due process and the requirement for prove beyond reasonable doubt in gender specific cases. They have done the same in education. In the USA, see Title IV thanks to Joe Biden and Barak Obama.
  12. As for “sexism:” the most overused and meaningless word in the English language, basically used as a knee-jerk reaction to silence any man who says anything women don’t like. The problem with sexism is that it very much works both ways, and sexism is much more prevalent against men than women. In fact pouring scorn and ridicule on men has pretty much become the bread and butter of media culture, not surprising when you consider that women are by far the biggest consumers and the media is basically just a vehicle for advertising.
  13. Men where I live can literally lose their jobs if they make any remark about women that stops short of glowing praise and yet we listen to a barrage of “all men are stupid” “men are pigs” – “boys are stupid throw rocks at them.” – I know, I know, that’s just male privilege backfiring. Sexism is only sexism when it’s not women who are doing it?
  14. “Men think with their dicks.”
  15. “You go girl.”
  16. “Women are gold-diggers.”
  17. “ Sexist pig! That guy should be fired from his job.”
  18. We have affirmative action plans for women in education and employment even though women are already graduating colleges in larger numbers than men and women are less likely to be unemployed than men. We have campaigns to stop violence against women even though violence against men is far more prevalent. We give priority to women over men in socialized housing even though the vast majority of homeless people are men. We discriminate heavily against men in the criminal courts and completely in family and divorce courts. We have gender quotas for women on political benches even though there are no barriers to women entering politics and even though women constitute more than half of voters.
  19. When a man hits a woman we demand his arrest. When a woman hits a man we say “you go girl.” When a woman (Catherine kieu beker) drugged her husband, tied him up and then cut off his penis, people thought it was hilarious. TV show hosts joked approvingly about it as audiences howled with laughter. Imagine anyone laughing about a woman who was drugged bound and then horrifically sexually mutilated by her husband? No, I can’t imagine that either, and if anyone laughed about that on TV, they would be looking for a new job the next day.
  20. Our societies demonize and marginalize men, and privilege women in almost every field, and all of this is being exasperated by massive feminist lobbies which now dominate much of our political discourse. And all this is being done in the name of “gender equality.”
  21. Can anyone imagine any man standing up at the UN and demanding that women should step up and start supporting men? Not a chance.
  22. I could give you a full list of all the ways in which men are marginalized and discriminated against in western societies but it would be a very long one. I suggest you educate yourself. You owe it to yourself and if you have a son, then you owe it to him.
  23. Feminism casts all men as inherently deviant and dangerous and all women as special beings who are on the one hand, empowered and independent equals of men, while also being weak, helpless, easily manipulated and in constant need of all kinds of special protections.
  24. This now deeply entrenched ideology has driven a toxic wedge of mistrust and hostility between the sexes. It has led, by design, to the destruction of marriage, the rise of the phenomenon of the welfare dependent single mother. It has destroyed countless families and left generations of children fatherless. It had poisoned the education system, turning our colleges into little more than ideological indoctrination centers and causing some of our brightest young men to drop out in their droves. It has attacked the justice system, overturning the centuries old principle of the right to due process and the presumption of innocence and the requirement for proof beyond reasonable doubt. It has attacked the fundamental principles of democracy and fatally polluted our political systems; It has launched a devastating and largely successful war against the right to free speech and many of the other rights that we used to value so highly.
  25. The next time you see a homeless man begging on the street though and you wonder what kind of problems befell this unfortunate individual; did he have a drug problem or a drink problem or did he just lose his house in a divorce court? One thing you can be sure of though is this; he would have been far less likely to end up in that situation, if he had been born female.
  26. Don’t worry though. Feminists will tell you that it’s just his own “privilege” backfiring on him.
  27. The fact is that any objective conclusion must be that we live in a gynocentric society where women are privileged in every way and the power structures are designed to cater to the needs of women as a priority over men.
  28. So I suggest you educate yourself. I is easy to chant off infantile feminist slogans about “equality,” relying on simplistic definitions instead of actually examining what your saying objectively, but it just makes you sound like an idiot.
  29. Feminism has been spewing hatred at men for over a hundred years now twisting history and denying biology to blame all women’s woes on men. I could give you endless examples of how they do this and thousands of quotes from leading feminists to back them up. I already put a myriad of examples in this thread. But I am tired of repeating myself for lazy infants who refuse to educate themselves and prefer to just chant off whatever the trendy, politically correct slogan of the day is, without ever even thinking about it.
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