
Roblox Pranking System

Jan 18th, 2017
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  1. @echo off
  2. Title Roblox Hack
  3. color 0e
  4. :top
  5. echo ===Roblox Unbanning System===
  6. ECHO 1 - access via password
  7. ECHO 2 - access for hackers
  8. ECHO 3 - get into my ststem without password
  9. ECHO 4 - Exit
  10. SET /P OPT=Please make a selection, and press enter
  11. if %OPT%==1 GOTO OPTION1
  12. if %OPT%==2 GOTO OPTION2
  13. if %OPT%==3 GOTO OPTION3
  14. if %opt%==4 GOTO OPTION4
  15. :OPTION1
  17. ECHO Redirect to Password input
  18. :OPTION2
  19. ECHO Redirect for hackers
  20. ping -n 2>nul
  21. color c
  22. echo
  23. ==============================================================================
  24. echo Sorry but no hackers are found
  25. echo
  26. ==============================================================================
  27. ping -n 2 1270.0.1>nul
  28. echo ACCESS DENIED
  29. pause
  30. exit
  31. :OPTION3
  32. echo Free Access
  33. color c
  34. ping -n 2 1270.0.1>nul
  35. echo
  36. ==============================================================================
  37. ECHO Sorry but no cheating!
  38. echo
  39. ==============================================================================
  40. ping -n 2>nul
  41. pause
  42. exit
  43. :OPTION4
  44. echo Are you sure you want to exit?
  45. echo Y/N
  46. set input=
  47. set /p=
  48. if %input%==y goto y
  49. if %input%==n goto n
  50. :y
  51. echo yes
  52. pause
  53. exit
  54. :n
  55. echo no
  56. echo redirect to menu
  57. ping -n 2>nul
  58. CLS
  59. goto top
  60. :PASS
  61. echo Enter the correct CORRECT password
  62. set/p pass=password
  63. if %pass%==1234 goto ACCESS GRANTED
  64. Cls
  65. COLOR C
  66. echo.
  67. echo ACCESS DENIED
  68. ping -n>nul
  69. EXIT
  70. cls
  71. gotopass
  72. :Access Granted
  73. color a
  74. echo Access Granted, Welcome.
  75. pause
  76. color a
  77. echo We had caught you trying to unban ROBLOX.exe
  78. echo We have called your local school.
  79. echo We had also called your local police.
  80. pause
  81. Color 0c
  82. echo Warning, We have been hacked
  83. pause
  84. Color 0c
  85. echo Hack completed!
  86. pause
  87. Color 0c
  88. echo Hacker: HAHAHAHAHA!!!
  89. pause
  90. Color 0c
  91. echo Hacker: This is a text where you see me say something from 2015
  92. pause
  93. Color 0c
  94. echo Hacker: If you see this at your local school
  95. pause
  96. Color 0c
  97. echo Hacker: Esgenoopetitj School Bayview drive
  98. pause
  99. Color 0c
  100. echo Hacker: Canada, Newbrunswick, Well.
  101. pause
  102. Color 0c
  103. echo Hacker: Sorry, We are sending terrorist to your school
  104. pause
  105. Color 0c
  106. echo Hacker: But... One more thing...
  107. echo Sorry but you have been trolled again, Thanks for playing, Roblox Unbanning System
  108. echo If you got scared, Please log off
  109. pause
  110. Color a
  111. echo Hacker: WE ARE NO HACK ITS JUST A TROLL
  112. pause
  113. exit
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