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Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. macmania22 - Today at 4:42 PM
  2. Hey gamers(edited)
  3. kyra - Today at 4:42 PM
  4. Read the example lol
  5. pizza - Today at 4:43 PM
  6. hey gamer
  7. macmania22 - Today at 4:43 PM
  8. Moot and Nap are censoring my messages in dorado
  9. So I'm back here
  10. pizza - Today at 4:43 PM
  11. mac
  12. kyra - Today at 4:43 PM
  13. kek
  14. pizza - Today at 4:43 PM
  15. scrolll up a bit
  16. macmania22 - Today at 4:43 PM
  17. They didn't need to be censored
  18. Gooblep - Today at 4:43 PM
  19. potassium
  20. macmania22 - Today at 4:43 PM
  21. What
  22. pizza - Today at 4:43 PM
  23. >tfw shit happens but dorado still dead af(edited)
  25. macmania22 - Today at 4:43 PM
  26. What do I need to scroll to
  27. Ah(edited)
  28. pizza - Today at 4:43 PM
  29. there you go
  30. repost
  31. macmania22 - Today at 4:43 PM
  32. Yeah that's what I got in trouble for
  33. pizza - Today at 4:43 PM
  34. just for u
  35. Gooblep - Today at 4:43 PM
  36. They're not deleting it, abbot is and they can't do anything about it
  37. so chill
  38. macmania22 - Today at 4:44 PM
  39. I said "hey this server's gonna be alive again"
  40. And it got deleted three times
  41. Gooblep - Today at 4:44 PM
  42. oh I thought you were doing copypasta
  43. macmania22 - Today at 4:44 PM
  44. I know it's not a bot because there was about 15 seconds between my posting and the deletion of the message
  45. MrDad. - Today at 4:44 PM
  46. Now every single time I see a pic of Megumin all I have in mind is "EXPLLLOOSIIOONN~~"
  47. macmania22 - Today at 4:44 PM
  48. So yeah fuck dorado
  49. pizza - Today at 4:44 PM
  50. i posted that megumin pic
  51. with the caption in dorado
  52. inb4 3 bans
  53. macmania22 - Today at 4:45 PM
  54. Lmao
  55. Efi Oladele - Today at 4:45 PM
  57. im hiding in luggage
  58. and im running out of oxygen
  59. macmania22 - Today at 4:46 PM
  60. Tfw I got muted lmao
  61. pizza - Today at 4:46 PM
  62. didnt get muted
  63. only triggered them
  64. good
  65. good
  66. macmania22 - Today at 4:47 PM
  67. I left the server before they could ban me lmao
  68. I got muted though
  69. pizza - Today at 4:47 PM
  70. tfw they have more whitenames
  71. macmania22 - Today at 4:47 PM
  72. "Hey don't forget the post that puppy made"
  73. Hey you mean the one I didn't fucking see and no one bothered to tell me about
  74. Fuck them
  75. Gooblep - Today at 4:48 PM
  76. or you could have just went with it
  77. just sayin
  78. Phant0m11668 - Today at 4:48 PM
  79. are signing petitions on a waste of time?
  80. macmania22 - Today at 4:48 PM
  81. Yes but that doesn't change the fact that I was treated unfairly
  82. The least they could've done was given me an actual fucking reason for why I needed to stop instead of "uncalled for"
  83. pizza - Today at 4:49 PM
  84. is a waste of time
  85. no one listens to it
  86. Gooblep - Today at 4:49 PM
  87. tbh people who get salty over dorado need to chill
  88. Let it die
  89. macmania22 - Today at 4:49 PM
  91. YouTube
  92. iKroniicKiller
  93. The Lorax- Let It Die
  96. Efi Oladele - Today at 4:49 PM
  97. guys
  98. Phant0m11668 - Today at 4:49 PM
  99. oh no
  100. should I get off
  101. Efi Oladele - Today at 4:50 PM
  102. search every luggage
  103. im running out of oxygen
  104. pizza - Today at 4:50 PM
  105. welp
  106. they banned me
  107. ok
  108. i even gave them a meme
  109. macmania22 - Today at 4:50 PM
  110. I left before they could ban me
  111. Lmao
  112. pizza - Today at 4:50 PM
  113. a jojoke even
  114. i gave them material to be alive
  115. and they ban me
  116. disgusting
  117. macmania22 - Today at 4:51 PM
  118. Yeah fuck dorado
  119. No one gives two shits about them anymore
  120. Gooblep - Today at 4:51 PM
  121. clearly you do if you're angry
  122. macmania22 - Today at 4:51 PM
  123. Shhhhhhhhh
  124. pizza - Today at 4:51 PM
  125. jmw announces things in the middle of a crisis
  126. jmw - Today at 4:51 PM
  127. ?
  128. pizza - Today at 4:51 PM
  129. i tought it was doomfist is released
  130. smh
  131. Nensec - Today at 4:51 PM
  132. facepalmes
  133. jmw - Today at 4:51 PM
  134. What's happening
  135. pizza - Today at 4:51 PM
  136. things
  137. macmania22 - Today at 4:51 PM
  138. We got banned
  139. Gooblep - Today at 4:51 PM
  140. people are angery
  141. macmania22 - Today at 4:51 PM
  142. Well pizza got banned
  143. I left
  144. jmw - Today at 4:51 PM
  145. Oh boy
  146. More dorado shit
  147. Efi Oladele - Today at 4:51 PM
  148. nen
  149. jmw - Today at 4:51 PM
  150. Please
  151. macmania22 - Today at 4:52 PM
  152. Yep
  153. pizza - Today at 4:52 PM
  154. a thing appeared in ptr
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