

Apr 23rd, 2014
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  1. DBD Abyss
  2. LOOL
  3. Numbnuts.
  4. You've been hanging around me too much
  5. You're starting to pick up some of my language
  6. but window licker is still my word
  7. 12:17
  8. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  9. numnuts i didnt get from you
  10. You are now away.
  11. if anything i get it from sarge rvb
  12. 12:18
  13. KnightmareS-C075
  14. DBD I said DO NOT say that
  15. 12:18
  16. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  17. KnightmareS-C075, what is the problem with the term window likcer?
  18. 12:18
  19. DBD Abyss
  20. Ur such a killjoy
  21. You're a mod version of 343
  22. 12:18
  23. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  24. if anything, it is less offensive of a term as lets say... "idiot" "dolt" or "dumbass"
  25. :P
  26. 12:19
  27. KnightmareS-C075
  28. It's a Variation of the R-word Miku
  29. 12:19
  30. DBD Abyss
  31. Bull.shit
  32. 12:19
  33. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  34. ^
  35. You are no longer away.
  36. 12:19
  37. Ego sum Tacita esse dux captus
  38. i saw retard, im here
  39. 12:19
  40. DBD Abyss
  42. 12:19
  43. KnightmareS-C075
  44. Ego don't say
  45. miku google it
  46. 12:19
  47. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  48. albeit the term ORIGINATES from that, KnightmareS-C075, it doesnt refer to that in modern day
  49. 12:19
  50. DBD Abyss
  51. If you still believe a word has to mean what you think it means in this day and age your thinking is narrow
  52. 12:19
  53. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  54. and yes i did knight
  55. 12:19
  56. KnightmareS-C075
  57. Yes it does
  58. 12:19
  59. DBD Abyss
  60. knight
  61. what does the swastika mean
  62. I want your genuine answer. no google
  63. 12:20
  64. KnightmareS-C075
  65. Original: Peace now: hate
  66. 12:20
  67. DBD Abyss
  68. and it took you that long to type that?
  69. 12:20
  70. KnightmareS-C075
  71. A bit busy
  72. 12:20
  73. DBD Abyss
  74. the original meaning isn't the same as a new meaning
  75. 12:21
  76. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  77. given your taking literaly definitions the "R-Word" which mean retard does not refer to mentally dis-abled people, it refers to anything that has been slowed down
  78. 12:21
  79. KnightmareS-C075
  80. Miku don't argue with me
  81. 12:21
  82. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  83. then be sensible, knight
  84. 12:21
  85. DBD Abyss
  86. Well miku is the more experienced mod.
  87. 12:21
  88. KnightmareS-C075
  89. ive warned him twice now
  90. 12:21
  91. DBD Abyss
  92. R-word verb 1. delay or hold back in terms of progress or development.
  93. ,.Maxus-AI1 has accessed FLEETCOM
  94. 12:22
  95. DBD Abyss
  96. Example: "his progress was retarded by his limp"
  97. 12:22
  98. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  99. and plus, given the whole metnally disabled subject, i am one to know this shit BECAUSE I MYSELF HAVE DISABILITY, so DO NOT act like you know more about the subject then I
  100. 12:22
  101. DBD Abyss
  102. welp.
  103. now you've done it knight.
  104. 12:22
  105. ,.Maxus-AI1
  106. Looks like I didn`t miss the party this time.
  107. 12:22
  108. KnightmareS-C075
  109. just take my warning it's your choice to ignore it, Miku chill
  110. 12:23
  111. DBD Abyss
  112. I choose to ignore you completely as a mod and listen to miku
  113. 12:23
  114. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  115. knight, i am equal rank as you, and my ruling opposes yours,
  116. 12:23
  117. DBD Abyss
  118. If anything miku gets the priority 'cause been here longer and was mod before
  119. 12:23
  120. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  121. THEREFORE, before we can make a ruling, i believe we require an admins opinion
  122. KnightmareS-C075 disconnected from FLEETCOM
  123. 12:24
  124. ,.Maxus-AI1
  125. This looks a tad complex.
  126. 12:24
  127. DBD Abyss
  128. So until then both sides are invalid and the word stays?
  129. You are now away.
  130. 12:24
  131. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  132. for now, dont use the term DBD, not until we can get the ruling varified by someone of higher rank
  133. 12:24
  134. DBD Abyss
  135. K
  136. T3CH is on skype but I don't think I should disturb him
  137. 12:25
  138. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  139. I am pretty sure which ever admin comes along would more then likely rule in my favour logically
  140. You are no longer away.
  141. 12:25
  142. Ego sum Tacita esse dux captus
  143. bravado?
  144. 12:25
  145. ,.Maxus-AI1
  146. What is the argument exactly?
  147. 12:25
  148. DBD Abyss
  149. My best friend has autism so I wouldn't use that word if I was using it to mean the R-word
  150. 'Cause that's just being a cunt
  151. 12:26
  152. ,.Maxus-AI1
  153. Ah.
  154. 12:26
  155. DBD Abyss
  156. Miku. let's use pleb instead
  157. 12:26
  158. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  159. kk
  160. 12:26
  161. DBD Abyss
  162. until 343 starts crying again
  163. 12:26
  164. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  165. pleb licker
  166. 12:27
  167. DBD Abyss
  168. LOOOL
  169. KnightmareS-C075 has accessed FLEETCOM
  170. 12:27
  171. DBD Abyss
  172. I had a theory at one point you was actually 343 knight.
  173. 12:27
  174. KnightmareS-C075
  175. Don't DBD
  176. 12:28
  177. DBD Abyss
  178. Don't what.
  179. 12:28
  180. KnightmareS-C075
  181. Say Pleb you've been told not to by Bravo
  182. 12:28
  183. DBD Abyss
  185. 12:29
  186. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  187. As per DBD
  188. I find that unlikely, if bravado says otherwise where i can see it, i will enforce it
  189. 12:29
  190. DBD Abyss
  191. Because most of the time you're the only one cmplaining about me and Miku's use of slang
  192. like filth meaning authority
  193. KnightmareS-C075 disconnected from FLEETCOM
  194. 12:30
  195. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  196. *british slang
  197. 12:30
  198. DBD Abyss
  199. or me saying you're frog/Gamagori
  200. 12:30
  201. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  202. i think knight has a thing against british slang
  203. (shrug)
  204. 12:30
  205. DBD Abyss
  206. He's racist
  207. 12:30
  208. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  209. lol
  210. You are now away.
  211. 12:30
  212. DBD Abyss
  213. He hates brits because we have free healthcare
  214. 12:30
  215. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  216. so does canada :P
  217. KnightmareS-C075 has accessed FLEETCOM
  218. 12:31
  219. DBD Abyss
  220. Hey
  221. 12:31
  222. KnightmareS-C075
  223. Bravo has said, you can ask him
  224. 12:31
  225. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  226. and what obama is trying to implement would be the basis of a free health plan if it were to continue and allowed to develope, but the americans dont seem to recognise that and are therefore calling obama the anti-christ
  227. 12:31
  228. DBD Abyss
  229. he's not here right now
  230. so citation or what.
  231. Miku
  232. 12:32
  233. KnightmareS-C075
  234. You can ask bravo, now new subject
  235. 12:32
  236. ♪♫ Hatsune Miku ♫♪
  237. thats not the same one i linked, lol
  238. different outfit
  239. You are no longer away.
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