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  1. onSelectFilterPath: function getLatestDoc_onSelectFilterPath(e)
  2. {
  3. if (!this.widgets.filterPathDialog)
  4. {
  5. this.widgets.filterPathDialog = new Alfresco.module.DoclibGlobalFolder( + "-selectFilterPath");
  6. var allowedViewModes =
  7. [
  8. Alfresco.module.DoclibGlobalFolder.VIEW_MODE_REPOSITORY
  9. ];
  10. this.widgets.filterPathDialog.setOptions(
  11. {
  12. allowedViewModes: allowedViewModes,
  13. siteId: this.options.siteId,
  14. containerId: this.options.containerId,
  15. title: "Configure",
  16. nodeRef: "alfresco://company/home"
  17. });
  18. YAHOO.Bubbling.on("folderSelected", function (layer, args) {
  19. var obj = args[1];
  20. if (obj !== null) {
  21. this.widgets.filterPathView.innerHTML = obj.selectedFolder.path;
  22. this.widgets.filterPathField.value = obj.selectedFolder.nodeRef + "|" + obj.selectedFolder.path;
  23. this.widgets
  24. }
  25. }, this);
  26. }
  27. var pathNodeRef = this.widgets.filterPathField.value.split("|")[0];
  28. this.widgets.filterPathDialog.setOptions({
  29. pathNodeRef: pathNodeRef ? new Alfresco.util.NodeRef(pathNodeRef) : null
  30. });
  31. // Show the dialog
  32. this.widgets.filterPathDialog.showDialog();
  33. }