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  2. Please note that "binary" (pre-compiled) distributions of John may
  3. include alternate executables instead of just "john". You may need to
  4. choose the executable that fits your system best, e.g. "john-omp" to
  5. take advantage of multiple CPUs and/or CPU cores.
  8. Features and performance.
  10. John the Ripper is designed to be both feature-rich and fast. It
  11. combines several cracking modes in one program and is fully
  12. configurable for your particular needs (you can even define a custom
  13. cracking mode using the built-in compiler supporting a subset of C).
  14. Also, John is available for several different platforms which enables
  15. you to use the same cracker everywhere (you can even continue a
  16. cracking session which you started on another platform).
  18. Out of the box, John supports (and autodetects) the following Unix
  19. crypt(3) hash types: traditional DES-based, "bigcrypt", BSDI extended
  20. DES-based, FreeBSD MD5-based (also used on Linux and in Cisco IOS), and
  21. OpenBSD Blowfish-based (now also used on some Linux distributions and
  22. supported by recent versions of Solaris). Also supported out of the box
  23. are Kerberos/AFS and Windows LM (DES-based) hashes, as well as DES-based
  24. tripcodes.
  26. When running on Linux distributions with glibc 2.7+, John 1.7.6+
  27. additionally supports (and autodetects) SHA-crypt hashes (which are
  28. actually used by recent versions of Fedora and Ubuntu), with optional
  29. OpenMP parallelization (requires GCC 4.2+, needs to be explicitly
  30. enabled at compile-time by uncommenting the proper OMPFLAGS line near
  31. the beginning of the Makefile).
  33. Similarly, when running on recent versions of Solaris, John 1.7.6+
  34. supports and autodetects SHA-crypt and SunMD5 hashes, also with
  35. optional OpenMP parallelization (requires GCC 4.2+ or recent Sun Studio,
  36. needs to be explicitly enabled at compile-time by uncommenting the
  37. proper OMPFLAGS line near the beginning of the Makefile and at runtime
  38. by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable to the desired
  39. number of threads).
  41. John the Ripper Pro adds support for Windows NTLM (MD4-based) and Mac
  42. OS X 10.4+ salted SHA-1 hashes.
  44. "Community enhanced" -jumbo versions add support for many more password
  45. hash types, including Windows NTLM (MD4-based), Mac OS X 10.4-10.6
  46. salted SHA-1 hashes, Mac OS X 10.7 salted SHA-512 hashes, raw MD5 and
  47. SHA-1, arbitrary MD5-based "web application" password hash types, hashes
  48. used by SQL database servers (MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle) and by some LDAP
  49. servers, several hash types used on OpenVMS, password hashes of the
  50. Eggdrop IRC bot, and lots of other hash types, as well as many
  51. non-hashes such as OpenSSH private keys, S/Key skeykeys files, Kerberos
  52. TGTs, PDF files, ZIP (classic PKZIP and WinZip/AES) and RAR archives.
  54. Unlike older crackers, John normally does not use a crypt(3)-style
  55. :