/* 2015 (c) dwi-siswant0.blogspot.com */
// recommend for trig; 5 minutes
$token = array(
"ig" => "...", // access token Instagram Anda
"fb" => "..." // access token Facebook Anda
$sopo = array(
// kumpulan username Instagram target yang ingin ditransfer fotonya ke Facebook (secara acak)
function hajar($yuerel, $dataAing=null) {
$cuih = curl_init();
curl_setopt($cuih, CURLOPT_URL, $yuerel);
if($dataAing != null){
curl_setopt($cuih, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($cuih, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $dataAing);
curl_setopt($cuih, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($cuih, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($cuih, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
$eks = curl_exec($cuih);
return $eks;
function search($user) {
global $token;
echo "=> Getting account : ";
$cari = json_decode(hajar("https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/search?q=" . $user . "&access_token=" . $token[\'ig\']), true);
if ($cari[\'meta\'][\'code\'] == 200 && (isset($cari[\'data\'][0][\'username\']))) {
echo "OK!";
echo "\\nUname: " . $cari[\'data\'][0][\'username\'];
echo "\\nUID: " . $cari[\'data\'][0][\'id\'] . "\\n\\n";
return $cari;
} else {
echo "ERROR!\\n";
echo "Failed when getting Instagram account you want to transfer, please check the list of accounts.";
function fetch() {
global $token, $sopo;
$cari = search($sopo[array_rand($sopo)]);
echo "=> Fetch a photo : ";
$fetch = json_decode(hajar("https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/" . $cari[\'data\'][0][\'id\'] . "/media/recent?count=1&access_token=" . $token[\'ig\']), true);
if ($fetch[\'data\'][0][\'type\'] == "image" && $cari[\'meta\'][\'code\'] == 200) {
echo "OK!\\n";
echo "Link: " . $fetch[\'data\'][0][\'link\'];
echo "\\nCaption: " . $fetch[\'data\'][0][\'caption\'][\'text\'];
echo "\\nID: " . $fetch[\'data\'][0][\'id\'] . "\\n\\n";
return $fetch;
} elseif (isset($fetch[\'meta\'][\'error_type\'])) {
echo "Something error.\\n";
echo $fetch[\'meta\'][\'error_message\'];
$ambil = fetch();
echo "=> Post to Facebook : ";
$kirim = json_decode(hajar("https://graph.facebook.com/me/photos", array(
"message" => $ambil[\'data\'][0][\'caption\'][\'text\'],
"url" => $ambil[\'data\'][0][\'images\'][\'standard_resolution\'][\'url\'],
"access_token" => $token[\'fb\'])
), true);
if (isset($kirim[\'post_id\'])) {
echo "OK!";
echo "\\nPID: " . $kirim[\'post_id\'];
} elseif (isset($kirim[\'error\'])) {
echo "ERROR!\\n";
echo $kirim[\'error\'][\'message\'];
} else {
echo "ERROR!";