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  1. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. # LOCAL.MK - Allows you to customize the build/Make process for a particular
  3. # PSoC Designer project. The information you enter in this file is governed
  4. # by MAKE. It is recommended that you read about MAKE in the
  5. # PSoC Designer/Documents/Supporting Documents/Make.PDF. It is also
  6. # recommended that you set the Options >> Builder >> Enable verbose
  7. # build messages, so that you can view the impact of the changes caused
  8. # by actions in this file.
  9. #
  10. # There are no dependencies in the primary Make process (e.g. ...\\tools\\Makefile)
  11. # associated with this file. Therefore, if you build the project, after saving
  12. # changed information in this file, you may not get the changes you expected.
  13. # You can "touch" a file before you build to allow changes in this file to
  14. # take effect.
  15. #
  16. # Example use:
  17. #
  18. # To Enable the 24MHZ alignment option in ImageCraft
  20. #---------------------------------------------------
  21. #
  22. # The floating point Option enabled
  23. #
  25. #
  26. #
  27. #
  28. # The long data type Option enabled
  29. #