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  1. fdisk [options] <disk> change partition table
  2. fdisk [options] -l <disk> list partition table(s)
  3. fdisk -s <partition> give partition size(s) in blocks
  5. Options:
  6. -b <size> sector size (512, 1024, 2048 or 4096)
  7. -c[=<mode>] compatible mode: 'dos' or 'nondos' (default)
  8. -h print this help text
  9. -u[=<unit>] display units: 'cylinders' or 'sectors' (default)
  10. -v print program version
  11. -C <number> specify the number of cylinders
  12. -H <number> specify the number of heads
  13. -S <number> specify the number of sectors per track