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  1. if (!this.configDialog)
  2. {
  3. this.configDialog = new Alfresco.module.SimpleDialog( + "-configDialog").setOptions(
  4. {
  5. width: "30em",
  6. templateUrl: Alfresco.constants.URL_SERVICECONTEXT + "modules/someco/get-latest-doc/config",
  7. actionUrl: actionUrl,
  8. onSuccess:
  9. {
  10. fn: function getLatestDoc_onConfig_callback(response)
  11. {
  12. var obj = response.json;
  13. // Save values for new config dialog openings
  14. this.options.title = (obj && obj.title) ? obj.title : this.options.title;
  15. this.options.filterPath = (obj && obj.filterPath) ? obj.filterPath : this.options.filterPath;
  16. // Update dashlet body with new values
  17. Dom.get( + "-title").value = obj ? obj.title : "";
  18. Dom.get( + "-filterPath").value = obj ? obj.filterPath : "";
  19. Dom.get( + "-filterPathView").innerHTML = obj ? obj.filterPathView : "";
  20. },
  21. scope: this
  22. },