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  1. It\'s a moot question.  The GOP doesn\'t walk back on its core planks.  Ever.  They\'ve never once admitted to the error of their embrace of the Dixiecrats or their continued blasts on the Dog Whistle of Race.  Well, there might have been one: Lee Atwater.  But he was dying of cancer, so that was just a deathbed confession and knowing what a crooked, mean-spirited bastard he was, I think he was just spinning it, as he always had in life.
  3. Would I change my mind about the GOP?  Hell, no.  They made my life a living hell, alienated me from my father for two decades (and it was me who patched it all up anyway and he never did change his mind) and have generally been Stupid in the No-Stupid Zone since I was a little kid.  The very question presumes the impossible, that a Republican changes his mind about anything.  Without someone to hate, fags, niggers, wetbacks, they lose their very reason for existence.