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  1. Plugin Status
  3. Total Savings: 2.90 MB
  4. If updated versions are available below, you may need to enable write permission on the /home/indigooo/public_html/wp-content/ewww/ folder to use the automatic installs.
  5. *Updates are optional, but may contain increased optimization or security patches
  7. jpegtran: OK version: Independent JPEG Group's JPEGTRAN, version 9 13-Jan-2013
  8. optipng: OK version: OptiPNG version 0.7.4
  9. gifsicle: OK version: LCDF Gifsicle 1.78
  10. Graphics libraries - only need one, used for conversion, not optimization: GD: OK   Imagemagick 'convert': OK
  11. safe mode: Off  exec(): OK  
  12. Only need one of these: finfo: OK  getimagesize(): OK  mime_content_type(): OK