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  1. \\DIFdelbegin \\DIFdel{From a very general point of view, a metric is \'\'the mapping of a particular characteristic of a measured entity to a numerical value\'\' }%DIFDELCMD < \\cite{LM2010}%%%
  2. \\DIFdel{. Metrics are used in almost all engineering disciplines, since most manufactures of an engineering process have to fulfill precise specifications. Metrics can be used to determine if those specifications are achieved. In other words, metrics can be used to control quality. That is why, \'\'accurate measurement is a prerequisite for all engineering disciplines, and software engineering is not an exception\'\' }%DIFDELCMD < \\cite{Lincke2008}%%%
  3. \\DIFdel{. In software projects, there are a lot of different metrics available. They vary from metrics that measure the size of a whole software project to metrics that are only available in the scope of a single operation such as for example the \\textit{Nesting Depth\\footnote{The metric \\textit{Nesting Depth} measures the maximum number of encapsulated scopes inside the body of a method \\cite{ndepend}}} of an operation. In particular, code metrics can be used to measure the size, the complexity and the quality of a software project. By using reference points, such as for example statistical thresholds, it is possible to interpret the measured values and to determine if they are in an acceptable range. From this , statements about the complexity, quality and size of a software project can be derived.}%DIFDELCMD < \\\\