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  1. dir $(SolutionDir)*.cs /S /B > projectfiles.txt
  2. dir $(SolutionDir)*.aspx /S /B >> projectfiles.txt
  3. dir $(SolutionDir)*.ascx /S /B >> projectfiles.txt
  4. dir $(SolutionDir)*.master /S /B >> projectfiles.txt
  6. rem create the english messages folder if it do not exists
  7. if not exist $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES mkdir $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES
  8. rem create a new .pot from sources
  9. $(SolutionDir)lib\Gnu\xgettext.exe -k_ --from-code=UTF-8 -LC# --omit-header -o$(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\newmessages.pot -fprojectfiles.txt  --force-po
  10. rem create messages.po file if it do not exists
  11. if not exist $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.po copy $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\newmessages.pot $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.po
  12. rem merge .pot file with existing messages.po
  13. $(SolutionDir)lib\Gnu\msgmerge.exe --backup=none -U $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\messages.po $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\newmessages.pot
  15. rem create a new spanish messages folder if it do not exists
  16. if not exist $(ProjectDir)locale\es\LC_MESSAGES mkdir $(ProjectDir)locale\es\LC_MESSAGES
  17. rem create messages.po file if it do not exists
  18. if not exist $(ProjectDir)locale\es\LC_MESSAGES\messages.po copy $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\newmessages.pot $(ProjectDir)locale\es\LC_MESSAGES\messages.po
  19. rem Merge the newly created .pot file with the Spanish translations:
  20. $(SolutionDir)lib\Gnu\msgmerge.exe --backup=none -U $(ProjectDir)locale\es\LC_MESSAGES\messages.po $(ProjectDir)locale\en\LC_MESSAGES\newmessages.pot