'''This class describes the main character of the game.'''
class Character:
'''The main character of the game, i.e. the player.'''
def __init__(self):
self.actions = '[A]sk [B]ribe [C]omplain [D]eceive [E]ntreat \
[F]latter [H]ug [I]gnore [J]oke [K]iss [L]augh \
[M]ock [P]ress [S]hame [T]hreaten [Y]ell \
[W]ait [Q]uit'.split() # splits the string into a list of actions
def probability_is_high(self):
'''The probability of a successful action is relatively high.'''
self.multiplier = 2 # multiplied by this when odds are increased
self.divisor = 1.5 # divided by this when odds are decreased
def probability_is_low(self):
'''The probability of a successful action is relatively low.'''
self.multiplier = 1.5
self.divisor = 2
def desc_rank_desc_mood(self):
'''The lower the rank and the mood, the higher the odds.'''
self.asc_rank = False # the lower the rank the higher the odds
self.asc_mood = False # the lower the mood the higher the odds
def desc_rank_asc_mood(self):
'''The lower the rank and the higher the mood, the higher the odds.'''
self.asc_rank = False
self.asc_mood = True # the higher the mood the higher the odds
def asc_rank_desc_mood(self):
'''The higher the rank and the lower the mood, the higher the odds.'''
self.asc_rank = True # the higher the rank the higher the odds
self.asc_mood = False
def asc_rank_asc_mood(self):
'''The higher the rank and the mood, the higher the odds.'''
self.asc_rank = True
self.asc_mood = True