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  1.   wifi_enterCommandMode();
  3.   // wifi_sendCommand("set wlan join 0");        // disable auto associate
  4.   // wifi_sendCommand("save");           // needed to disable auto associate permanently!
  5.   wifi_sendCommand("set comm size 1420");        // set flush size as large as possible
  6.   wifi_sendCommand("set ip proto 18");           // http + tcp mode
  7.   wifi_sendCommand("set ip remote 80");          // port 80
  8.   wifi_sendCommand("set ip address 0");          // turn on dns
  9.   wifi_sendCommand("set comm remote 0");         // no default string upon open TCPC connection...
  10.   // wifi_sendCommand("set wlan pass p@ssw0rd"); // set wireless password if needed
  11.   wifi_sendCommand("join MIT");                  // join wireless network
  13.   wifi_exitCommandMode();