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  1. Now in Color! [05/21/11]
  2. Based on a true story! [05/22/11]
  3. Silly old bear! [05/23/11]
  4. Predicted by Nostradamus! [05/24/11]
  5. de e-mail! [05/25/11]
  6. Little Lulu, Little Lulu! [05/26/11]
  7. Dermatologist approved! [05/28/11]
  8. Who is Claire Swire?! [05/30/11]
  9. ILoveBees! [06/01/11]
  10. Come play, my Lord! [06/03/11]
  11. Microsoft's giveaway! [06/05/11]
  12. Watch out for flying glass! [06/07/11]
  13. Not from concentrate! [06/09/11]
  14. hello, my future girlfriend! [06/11/11]
  15. Shotgun! [06/13/11]
  16. Sufferin' succotash! [06/16/11]
  17. AskJeeves! [06/18/11]
  18. 01000010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001! [06/20/11]
  19. Rocket Poppeteers! [06/22/11]
  20. Made in China! [06/24/11]
  21. Autobots, transform and roll out! [06/26/11]
  22. Highlighter! [06/28/11]
  23. ...Rosebud! [06/30/11]
  24. Made you look! [07/02/11]
  25. Oh my lanta! [07/09/11]
  26. Rubber Johnny! [07/12/11]
  27. In eye-popping 3-D! [07/15/11]
  28. 99 Luftballons! [07/18/11]
  29. Four more years! [07/27/11]
  30. Try the veal! [07/31/11]
  31. Pure imagination! [08/03/11]
  32. Slusho! [08/07/11]
  33. Good thinking, 99! [08/11/11]
  34. Scared stupid! [08/15/11]
  35. For external use only! [08/19/11]
  36. Boggis and Bunce and Bean! [08/24/11]
  37. This is not a drill! [08/28/11]
  38. There's panic in the industry! [09/01/11]
  39. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia! [09/04/11]
  40. Schnapp' sie dir alle! [09/08/11]
  41. They call me Mr. Fahrenheit! [09/12/11]
  42. Chemical X! [09/16/11]
  43. The sequel! [09/20/11]
  44. Still in style! [09/24/11]
  45. To be continued! [09/28/11]
  46. Rebirth! [10/17/11]
  47. Lights out! [10/21/11]