
Hillary Kidhater

Jul 4th, 2015
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  1. Hillary, champion of kids? I think not:
  3. "Yeah, I think it's absurd to suggest she's [Hillary] a friend of children who are in need or families. This is a woman who, when her husband was governor, I first met her at that time, when I went down to interview him for the Los Angeles Times and he was starting his presidential run. And they were bragging about their welfare reform, which destroyed what existed of support for poor children in Arkansas. Then, as president, her husband, with her full-throated approval, destroyed the aid to families with dependent children, which 70 percent of the people on that program were children. It was the major federal program to help poor people and poor families, and in the cynicism of the Clinton administration, they destroyed that program. And we have no - we don't even have an accounting of poor children anymore. They're off the radar. So, that's just utter nonsense."
  4. --Robert Scheer
  6. And as I mentioned, her national welfare "reform" made millions homeless, since welfare no longer covered most rents, just food, and you can't pay the rent with food. Look, she'll make liberal noises to get elected, then it's back into the bosom of billionaires. The fraudulent Clintons make me puke. And of course, "unleashing" the Banksters and destroying populism in the Democratic Party was the Clinton's doing.
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