
Theme [10] Orihara

Oct 31st, 2012
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  1. <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. <html>
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  5. <!-----------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Theme 10 Orihara
  8. by yukoki/yokoris
  10. 1. Light/Heavy CSS editting is allowed.
  11. 2. Do not use as base code.
  12. 3. Do not remove credit.
  13. 4. Do not claim theme as your own.
  14. 5. Do not redistribute.
  17. This theme is unlikely to be further edited or updated, & its preview will also be moved to a static page. It's similar to being labeled as an 'old theme'. This theme's first title was 'Ikebukuro'.
  19. --------------------------------------------------- UPDATE VER 041215 -->
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  1077. <div id="album"><div class="noart"></div>{block:AlbumArt}<img class="albumart" src="{AlbumArtURL}">{/block:AlbumArt}</div>
  1078. {block:ifpostsize3}
  1079. <div class="information">
  1080. <div class="info"><b>TRACK NAME:</b> {block:TrackName}{TrackName}{/block:TrackName}</div>
  1081. <div class="info"><b>ALBUM TITLE:</b> {block:Album}{Album}{/block:Album}</div>
  1082. <div class="info"><b>ARTIST:</b> {block:Artist}{Artist}{/block:Artist}</div>
  1083. <div class="info"><b>PLAY COUNT:</b> {PlayCount}</div>
  1084. </div>
  1085. {/block:ifpostsize3}
  1086. {block:IfShowCaptions}{block:Caption}<div class="text">{Caption}</div>{/block:Caption}{/block:IfShowCaptions}
  1087. {block:IfNotShowCaptions}{block:PermalinkPage}{block:Caption}
  1088. <div class="text">{Caption}</div>
  1089. {/block:Caption}{/block:PermalinkPage}{/block:IfNotShowCaptions}
  1090. {/block:Audio}
  1092. {block:Answer}
  1093. <img class="askerportrait" src="{AskerPortraitURL-64}">
  1094. <div class="a">
  1095. <div class="asker">{Asker} whispered:</div>
  1096. <div class="q">{Question}</div>
  1097. </div>
  1098. <div class="text">{Answer}</div>
  1099. {/block:Answer}
  1101. {block:Text}
  1102. {block:title}<div class="title">{title}</div>{/block:title}
  1103. <div class="text">{body}</div>
  1104. {/block:Text}
  1106. {block:indexpage}{block:ifnot1column}
  1107. <div id="permalink">
  1108. {block:date}<div class="pe">Posted <a href="{Permalink}">{timeago}</a>, with <a href="{Permalink}">{NoteCountWithLabel}</a></div><!--pe-->{/block:date}
  1109. </div><!--permalink-->
  1110. {/block:ifnot1column}{/block:indexpage}
  1112. {block:permalinkpage}{block:date}
  1114. <div id="permapg">
  1115. Posted on {DayOfMonthWithZero} {Month} {Year}, at {12Hour}.{Minutes}{AmPm} with {NoteCountWithLabel}<br>
  1116. {block:RebloggedFrom}reblogged from <a href="{ReblogParentURL}">{ReblogParentName}</a>, originally by <a href="{ReblogRootURL}">{ReblogRootName}</a>{/block:RebloggedFrom}
  1117. {block:HasTags}<div class="tags">
  1118. filed under: {block:tags}<a href="{tagurl}">#{tag}</a> {/block:tags}
  1119. </div>{/block:HasTags}
  1120. </div><!--permapg-->
  1122. {block:PostNotes}
  1123. <div id="notecontainer">{PostNotes}</div>
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