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Oct 22nd, 2016
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  1. Me: There is a bucket elivator that if they raised
  2. Me: They could camp the front door and it would be game over
  3. Friend: the problem i had with the new caves is that they are under water atm
  4. Me: Thats fixed
  5. Friend: nice
  6. Me: But still to easily camped I think
  7. Friend: ye that will be a problem
  8. Me: I would never make a base on there
  9. Friend: did you see the area where u cant build around the cave?
  10. Me: No I didnt have like anything
  11. Friend: its like a giant area where u cant built
  12. Me: We can check it out another time
  13. Me: Like tommorrow together
  14. Friend: its like the size of the powerplant
  15. Me: Wow
  16. Friend: where u cant build
  17. Friend: ye lets do that
  18. Me: I dont mind that though
  19. Me: That kind of helps
  20. Friend: ye so u dont get built in xD
  21. Me: If they do have it as good loot north nakeds south I say we live in the middle
  22. Me: Because we arent enough to go against Zergs on EU Main and we dont want to get Speared every minute by nakeds so
  23. Friend: ye because then zerg will most likely be in the north where like the good this will spawn
  24. Me: But then imagine if a zerg clan got really set up
  25. Friend: i meant to say shit not this lol
  26. Me: Took like 10k stone down south and made a big ass sniper tower
  27. Me: And they could just roofcamp anyone that spawned for days
  28. Friend: ye that is gonna happen for sure
  29. Me: Then they would have to make it so they cant build down south
  30. Me: But then Solos would get annoyed cause they are forced to fight Zergs
  31. Me: So its like a lose lose situatuion
  32. Friend: or like u cant built higher than like 3 layers or so
  33. Me: Maybe that would work
  34. Friend: if its gonna end up like that
  35. Me: But then a solo that does well will get pissed off
  36. Friend: there will be a ton of YT videos that say OMG RUST IS BROKE
  37. Me: We normall build between 4-6
  38. Me: So we should probably stay middle
  39. Friend: thats true
  40. Me: Or!
  41. Me: We could have a 2x2 Hidden away up north
  42. Me: And we just bring down good loot south
  43. Me: So we have main base
  44. Me: Then Up north a small shack
  45. Me: That we keep loot before moving it down south
  46. Friend: ye that sounds cool
  47. Friend: btw after the crossbow re-buff did they re-buff it back to how it was before?
  48. Me: Yeah
  49. Friend: or does the crossy deal lower damage then before
  50. Me: Aw BTW now the Crossbow needs:
  51. Me: 5 Rope
  52. Me: Cogs
  53. Me: Metal
  54. Me: Cloth
  55. Me: WOod
  56. Friend: is that in devblog?
  57. Friend: that sounds a lot
  58. Me: No in pre release
  59. Me: Yeah!
  60. Friend: oh its on prerelease now?
  61. Me: And there are new clothing
  62. Me: Collared Shirt and Shorts
  63. Me: Look nice
  64. Friend: because last week when i checked it out there were no components
  65. Me: Nah we can check it out tommorrow together yeah?
  66. Friend: yes
  67. Friend: definitely
  68. Friend: do you find componnents in rad towns?
  69. Me: Yes
  70. Me: The only way
  71. Me: From Barrels
  72. Me: Thats whats bad
  73. Friend: how hard is it to get like 5ft or rope
  74. Friend: *of
  75. Me: But we could just wall of a section of road
  76. Me: Its not in length I meant as in 5 pieces of Rope
  77. Me: I dont know I didnt find any rad towns
  78. Friend: ye but i saw a pic where it said ft of rope
  79. Me: Oh maybe
  80. Friend: hmmm so there will be sniper towers and shit around rad towns soon:/
  81. Me: More than now
  82. Friend: ye just like back in the days when there was the bp system
  83. Me: When it was first added you got XP from destroying barrels from any distance
  84. Friend: but maybe even more because you cant craft stuff without that
  85. Me: SO people could roofcamp with Bolty at Barrels and get XP
  86. Me: Yeah and also with Components you loose all sense of progression
  87. Friend: ye if youre raided ure back at zero
  88. Me: Yeah with BPs you still learned how to make stuff
  89. Me: Same with XP kinda
  90. Friend: u even got more xp because when the raiders used the stuff u had
  91. Me: With components it kinda gets rid of the point of playing...
  92. Me: Yeah
  93. Friend: i mean u still do for the next 2 weeks so
  94. Me: There were benefits to like everything
  95. Me: But with COmponents if you get raided
  96. Friend: i hope they add like more thingys where u can get components from i mean like idk forest huts more electric thingys
  97. Me: Theres no point of saying 'Lets start again with what I have gained' cause you havent gained anything
  98. Friend: y:/
  99. Me: What you mean?
  100. Me: More in depth components?
  101. Me: SO you can do more stuff basically
  102. Me: I hope they add more traps
  103. Friend: like the new electric stations that are around like powerplant at the roads
  104. Me: For humans and animals
  105. Me: Yeah
  106. Friend: more like that just random in the landscape
  107. Me: If you could make Electric arrows...
  108. Me: And if you shot them at Metal Foundations
  109. Me: It would damage anyone on them
  110. Friend: and maybe new stuff like forest huts or idk
  111. Me: yeah
  112. Friend: xD that would be nice
  113. Me: You could find rifle parts or ammo
  114. Me: Or camo clothing
  115. Friend: no one would build a floor out of metal then
  116. Friend: can u still craft a hatchet without components?
  117. Me: ATM you can
  118. Me: But I dont know how much they are gonna make it
  119. Friend: ye i saw like that they added rifle body smg body and stuff
  120. Me: Like how in depth
  121. Me: If you have to craft handles and Heads
  122. Friend: gg then
  123. Me: And how many parts are they gonna break the rifle into
  124. Me: Like there are 100's of parts
  125. Me: But hopefully its only like 3
  126. Me: Body, Barrel and Stock
  127. Friend: i dont know how it would work out if you could like need to craft a hatchet handle and head but u can craft it from the begin
  128. Friend: ye it should be like 3
  129. Me: 1 positive is you can make everything
  130. Me: WHich I love
  131. Friend: yep
  132. Me: Because when I used to play Solo back in BP's I was barely ever able to make large boxes
  133. Me: It was so hard
  134. Friend: :/ i didnt have that problem my problem was to get a proper gun
  135. Me: Yeah
  136. Me: I just used Bows
  137. Friend: the best i got was like revolver bp
  138. Me: Because I used to be insane with them
  139. Me: But then when XP hit I started playing groups more
  140. Friend: the only time i had like every bp was when i first met stijn and i farmer for like 4 days only
  141. Me: Then I used Crossys and Stuff
  142. Me: Yeah
  143. Me: So if you could decide right now would you have components or not?
  144. Friend: i would like to try it for like a few weeks but right now i would prefer the xp syste
  145. Friend: m
  146. Me: Same
  147. Me: I think XP was the best TBH
  148. Friend: ye
  149. Friend: bp was so random
  150. Me: Cause the Negatives way outwheigh the negatives
  151. Friend: now u can farm for like 2 days and you have a semi rifle "bp" for sure
  152. Me: But I kind of like that randomnesss in a way
  153. Me: Like you could hit a barrel and be able to make a Gun
  154. Friend: i dont because u didnt get that much good shit
  155. Me: But also if the only reason you cant raid is cause you cant find a shitt BP then
  156. Me: Thats bad.
  157. Friend: it only happend like 6 times or so
  158. Friend: where i like smashed a barrel and got a thommy bp a high external bp etc
  159. Me: yeah
  160. Friend: i mean once i was like lucky when i first joined a server i got auto turret bp after 5 mins and next bp wipe again but i mean that happend once in like a year
  161. Me: I wish ther was a way of having BP system but less random
  162. Friend: and it was a autoturret that i couldnt craft
  163. Friend: ye and idea is like that bps drop again so you can learn them instantly
  164. Friend: so that if youre lvl 15 and youre lucky u have and ak"bp"
  165. Me: When the Graphics overhaul set in
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