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a guest
Nov 20th, 2012
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  1. protected void loadEntities() {
  2. this.checkFile(new File(this.getDataFolder(), "npcs.yml"));
  3. YamlConfiguration c = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(new File(this.getDataFolder(), "npcs.yml"));
  4. for(String npc : c.getConfigurationSection("").getKeys(false)){
  5. int entityID = Integer.parseInt(npc);
  6. World w = this.getServer().getWorld(c.getString(npc + ""));
  7. if(w == null){
  8. //TODO
  9. }
  10. Location loc = new Location(w,
  11. c.getDouble(npc + ".location.x"),
  12. c.getDouble(npc + ".location.y"),
  13. c.getDouble(npc + ".location.z"));
  14. loc.setPitch(c.getLong(npc + ".location.pitch"));
  15. loc.setYaw(c.getLong(npc + ".location.yaw"));
  16. try {
  17. String name = c.getString(npc + ".name");
  18. RemoteEntity ent;
  19. if(name == null){
  20. ent = this.getEntityManager().createEntity(RemoteEntityType.valueOf(c.getString(npc + ".type")), loc);
  21. }else{
  22. ent = this.getEntityManager().createNamedEntity(RemoteEntityType.valueOf(c.getString(npc + ".type")), loc, name);
  23. }
  24. if(c.getString(npc + ".name") != null){
  25. ((Nameable)ent).setName(c.getString(npc + ".name"));
  26. }
  27. NPCWrapper wrapper = this.getNPCManager().getNPCWrapper(entityID);
  28. for(String s : c.getStringList(npc + ".texts")){
  29. wrapper.addText(s);
  30. }
  31. ent.setMaxHealth(c.getInt(npc + ".maxhealth"));
  32. ent.setPushable(c.getBoolean(npc + ".pushable"));
  33. ent.setSpeed(c.getLong(npc + ".speed"));
  34. ent.setStationary(c.getBoolean(npc + ".stationary"));
  35. this.getEntityManager().removeEntity(ent.getID()); //remove the one the LIB put in the hashmap
  36. this.getEntityManager().addRemoteEntity(entityID, ent); //add the one I want in the hashmap
  37. } catch (NoNameException ex) {
  38. Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
  39. }
  40. }
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