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  12. ComputerCraft | Programmable Computers for Minecraft → ComputerCraft → Programs → Operating Systems
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  14. [OS] DelOS [v1.4] [Internet, Downloading, Movies, And More!]
  15. Started by ComputerCraftFan11, Mar 24 2012 11:02 PM
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  20. 34 replies to this topic
  21. #1ComputerCraftFan11
  23. Members
  24. 771 posts
  25. LocationHawaii
  26. Posted 24 March 2012 - 11:02 PM
  27. This is my first public OS and will be updated*
  29. DelOS v1.4
  32. Code:
  34. Password:
  35. Spoiler Hide
  38. os.pullEvent = os.pullEventRaw
  40. term.clear()
  41. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  42. local selection = 1;
  43. local version = "1.3.1";
  44. local path = "";
  45. local page = 1;
  46. local function cPrint(text)
  47. local x,y = term.getSize()
  48. local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos()
  49. term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2)
  50. print(text)
  51. end
  52. local function cWrite(text)
  53. local x,y = term.getSize()
  54. local x2,y2 = term.getCursorPos()
  55. term.setCursorPos(math.ceil((x / 2) - (text:len() / 2)), y2)
  56. write(text)
  57. end
  59. function dmenu()
  60. term.clear()
  61. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  62. cPrint("---------------------")
  63. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  64. cPrint("---------------------")
  65. print("Type 'Downloads' to view downloads.")
  66. print("Type 'Download' to download files.")
  67. command = read()
  68. if command == "Downloads" then
  69. path = "downloads"
  70. filemanager()
  71. elseif command == "Download" then
  72. term.clear()
  73. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  74. cPrint("---------------------")
  75. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  76. cPrint("---------------------")
  77. write("Please enter the file ID: ")
  78. code = read()
  79. write("Please enter the name: ")
  80. name = read()
  81. if fs.exists("downloads/" then
  82. write(name.. " already exists! Would you like to overwrite this file? ")
  83. option = read()
  84. if option == "Yes" then
  85. fs.delete("downloads/"
  86."pastebin","get", code, "downloads/"
  87. sleep(2)
  88. dmenu()
  89. elseif option == "No" then
  90. print("Cancled...")
  91. sleep(2)
  92. dmenu()
  93. else
  94. print("Option does not exist! Say Yes or No.")
  95. sleep(2)
  96. dmenu()
  97. end
  98. else
  99."pastebin","get", code, "downloads/"
  100. sleep(3)
  101. dmenu()
  102. end
  103. else
  104. print("Command does not exist!")
  105. sleep(2)
  106. dmenu()
  107. end
  108. end
  109. function BootOptions()
  110. term.clear()
  111. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  112. cPrint("---------------------")
  113. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  114. cPrint("---------------------")
  115. cPrint("")
  116. if page == 1 then
  117. if selection == 1 then
  118. cPrint("--> File Manager <--")
  119. else
  120. cPrint("File Manager")
  121. end
  122. if selection == 2 then
  123. cPrint("--> Internet <--")
  124. else
  125. cPrint("Internet")
  126. end
  127. if selection == 3 then
  128. cPrint("--> Download Manager <--")
  129. else
  130. cPrint("Download Manager")
  131. end
  133. if selection == 4 then
  134. cPrint("--> Switch to monitor mode <--")
  135. else
  136. cPrint("Switch to monitor mode")
  137. end
  139. if selection == 5 then
  140. cPrint("--> Lua mode <--")
  141. else
  142. cPrint("Lua mode")
  143. end
  144. elseif page == 2 then
  145. if selection == 1 then
  146. cPrint("--> Game Library <--")
  147. else
  148. cPrint("Game Library")
  149. end
  150. if selection == 2 then
  151. cPrint("--> Change Password <--")
  152. else
  153. cPrint("Change Password")
  154. end
  155. if selection == 3 then
  156. cPrint("--> Blank <--")
  157. else
  158. cPrint("Blank")
  159. end
  161. if selection == 4 then
  162. cPrint("--> Blank <--")
  163. else
  164. cPrint("Blank")
  165. end
  167. if selection == 5 then
  168. cPrint("--> Blank <--")
  169. else
  170. cPrint("Blank")
  171. end
  172. end
  174. if selection == 6 then
  175. cPrint("--> Shutdown <--")
  176. else
  177. cPrint("Shutdown")
  178. end
  180. print("")
  181. if page == 1 then
  182. cPrint("Page " " of 2. -->")
  183. elseif page == 2 then
  184. cPrint("< -- Page " " of 2")
  185. end
  186. end
  188. function password()
  189. term.clear()
  190. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  191. cPrint("---------------------")
  192. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  193. cPrint("---------------------")
  194. cPrint("")
  195. if fs.exists("/.pass") then
  196. cWrite("Password: ")
  197. file ="/.pass","r")
  198. correctpass = file.readAll()
  199. file.close()
  200. pass = read("*")
  201. if pass == correctpass then
  202. term.clear()
  203. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  204. print("Welcome!")
  205. sleep(2)
  206. BootOptions()
  207. else
  208. print("")
  209. write("Incorrect! Rebooting!")
  210. sleep(2)
  211. os.reboot()
  212. end
  213. else
  214. cPrint("No password set. Set one now.")
  215. cWrite("New password: ")
  216. newPass = read("*")
  217. cWrite("Comfirm Password: ")
  218. comPass = read("*")
  219. if newPass == comPass then
  220. file ="/.pass","w")
  221. file.write(newPass)
  222. file.close()
  223. print("Password set, rebooting...")
  224. sleep(2)
  225. os.reboot()
  226. else
  227. print("Password does not match comfirm.")
  228. sleep(2)
  229. password()
  230. end
  231. end
  232. end
  235. function Loader()
  236. cPrint("---------------------")
  237. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  238. cPrint("---------------------")
  239. cPrint("")
  240. cPrint("Loading.")
  241. cPrint("[ ]")
  242. sleep(1)
  243. term.clear()
  244. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  245. cPrint("---------------------")
  246. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  247. cPrint("---------------------")
  248. cPrint("")
  249. cPrint("Loading.")
  250. cPrint("[II ]")
  251. sleep(1)
  252. term.clear()
  253. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  254. cPrint("---------------------")
  255. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  256. cPrint("---------------------")
  257. cPrint("")
  258. cPrint("Loading.")
  259. cPrint("[IIII ]")
  260. sleep(1)
  261. term.clear()
  262. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  263. cPrint("---------------------")
  264. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  265. cPrint("---------------------")
  266. cPrint("")
  267. cPrint("Loading.")
  268. cPrint("[IIIIII]")
  269. sleep(1)
  270. --BootOptions()
  271. password()
  272. end
  274. Loader()
  276. while true do
  277. local e,key = os.pullEvent( "key" )
  278. if key == 17 or key == 200 then
  279. if selection > 1 then
  280. selection = selection - 1
  281. BootOptions()
  282. end
  283. elseif key == 31 or key == 208 then
  284. if selection < 6 then
  285. selection = selection + 1
  286. BootOptions()
  287. end
  288. elseif key == 203 then
  289. if page > 1 then
  290. page = page - 1
  291. BootOptions()
  292. end
  293. elseif key == 205 then
  294. if page < 2 then
  295. page = page + 1
  296. BootOptions()
  297. end
  298. elseif key == 28 then
  299. if selection == 6 then
  300. os.shutdown()
  301. elseif selection > 2 and page == 2 then
  302. BootOptions()
  303. else
  304. break
  305. end
  306. end
  307. end
  308. function filemanager()
  309. term.clear()
  310. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  311. cPrint("---------------------")
  312. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  313. cPrint("C://" ..path)
  314. cPrint("---------------------")
  315."dir", path)
  316. cPrint("---------------------")
  317. write("C://")
  318. directory = read()
  319. path = directory
  320. if fs.isDir( path ) then
  321. if path == "disk" then
  322. print("Browse or Label?")
  323. write("Do: ")
  324. command = read()
  326. if command == "Browse" then
  327. filemanager()
  328. elseif command == "Label" then
  329. write("Choose a side: ")
  330. diskside = read()
  331. write("Enter what you want to label it: ")
  332. diskname = read()
  333."label", "set", diskside, diskname)
  334. print("Labeled!")
  335. sleep(1)
  336. path = ""
  337. filemanager()
  338. else
  339. print("Invalid Command!")
  340. sleep(1)
  341. path = ""
  342. filemanager()
  343. end
  344. else
  345. filemanager()
  346. end
  347. else
  348. term.clear()
  349. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  350. cPrint("---------------------")
  351. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  352. cPrint("---------------------")
  353. print("Run, Copy, Delete, Edit, Move, or Upload?")
  354. write("Do: ")
  355. command = read()
  357. if command == "Run" then
  359. elseif command == "Copy" then
  360. write("Copy to where?")
  361. copypath = read()
  362. fs.copy(path, copypath)
  363. print("Copied!")
  364. sleep(1)
  365. path = ""
  366. filemanager()
  367. elseif command == "Delete" then
  368. print("Deleted.")
  369. fs.delete(path)
  370. sleep(1)
  371. path = ""
  372. filemanager()
  373. elseif command == "Upload" then
  374."pastebin","put", path)
  375. sleep(5)
  376. path = ""
  377. filemanager()
  378. elseif command == "Move" then
  379. write("Move where?")
  380. movepath = read()
  381. fs.move(path, movepath)
  382. print("Moved!")
  383. sleep(3)
  384. path = ""
  385. filemanager()
  386. elseif command == "Edit" then
  387."edit", path)
  388. else
  389. print("Command does not exist.")
  390. sleep(1)
  391. path = ""
  392. filemanager()
  393. end
  394. end
  395. end
  397. function games()
  398. term.clear()
  399. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  400. cPrint("---------------------")
  401. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  402. cPrint("---------------------")
  403. cPrint("Game Library: ")
  404. if fs.exists("games") then
  405."dir", "games")
  406. else
  407. fs.makeDir("games")
  408. fs.copy("rom/programs/computer/worm", "games/Worm")
  409."dir", "games")
  410. end
  411. write("C://games/")
  412. input = read()
  413. if fs.exists("games/"..input) then
  414."games/" ..input)
  415. else
  416. print("This game does not exist, would you like to download it (y/n)?")
  417. input = read()
  418. if input == "n" then
  419. games()
  420. elseif input == "y" then
  421. write("Enter the pastebin game ID: ")
  422. fileid = read()
  423. write("Enter the game name: ")
  424. filename = read()
  425."pastebin", "get", fileid, "games/" ..filename)
  426. games()
  427. else
  428. print("Unknown...")
  429. sleep(3)
  430. games()
  431. end
  432. end
  433. end
  436. function password()
  437. term.clear()
  438. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  439. cPrint("---------------------")
  440. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  441. cPrint("---------------------")
  442. cPrint("")
  443. cWrite("Old Password: ")
  444. file ="/.pass","r")
  445. correctpass = file.readAll()
  446. file.close()
  447. pass = read("*")
  448. if pass == correctpass then
  449. cWrite("New Password: ")
  450. oldpass = read("*")
  451. fs.delete("/.pass")
  453. else
  454. print("")
  455. write("Incorrect! Rebooting!")
  456. sleep(2)
  457. os.reboot()
  458. end
  459. end
  461. if page == 1 then
  462. if selection == 1 then
  463. if fs.exists("movies") then
  464. else
  465. fs.makeDir("movies")
  466. fs.copy("rom/programs/secret/alongtimeago", "movies/starwars")
  467. end
  468. term.clear()
  469. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  470. cPrint("---------------------")
  471. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  472. cPrint("C://" ..path)
  473. cPrint("---------------------")
  474."dir", path)
  475. cPrint("---------------------")
  476. write("C://")
  477. directory = read()
  478. path = directory
  479. if fs.isDir( path ) then
  480. if path == "disk" then
  481. print("Browse or Label?")
  482. write("Do: ")
  483. command = read()
  485. if command == "Browse" then
  486. filemanager()
  487. elseif command == "Label" then
  488. write("Choose a side: ")
  489. diskside = read()
  490. write("Enter what you want to label it: ")
  491. diskname = read()
  492."label", "set", diskside, diskname)
  493. print("Labeled!")
  494. sleep(1)
  495. path = ""
  496. filemanager()
  497. else
  498. print("Invalid Command!")
  499. sleep(1)
  500. path = ""
  501. filemanager()
  502. end
  503. else
  504. filemanager()
  505. end
  506. else
  507. term.clear()
  508. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  509. cPrint("---------------------")
  510. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  511. cPrint("---------------------")
  512. print("Run, Copy, Delete, Edit, Move, or Upload?")
  513. write("Do: ")
  514. command = read()
  516. if command == "Run" then
  518. elseif command == "Copy" then
  519. write("Copy to where?")
  520. copypath = read()
  521. fs.copy(path, copypath)
  522. print("Copied!")
  523. sleep(1)
  524. path = ""
  525. filemanager()
  526. elseif command == "Delete" then
  527. print("Deleted.")
  528. fs.delete(path)
  529. sleep(1)
  530. path = ""
  531. filemanager()
  532. elseif command == "Upload" then
  533."pastebin","put", path)
  534. sleep(5)
  535. path = ""
  536. filemanager()
  537. elseif command == "Move" then
  538. write("Move where?")
  539. movepath = read()
  540. fs.move(path, movepath)
  541. print("Moved!")
  542. sleep(3)
  543. path = ""
  544. filemanager()
  545. elseif command == "Edit" then
  546."edit", path)
  547. else
  548. print("Command does not exist.")
  549. sleep(1)
  550. path = ""
  551. filemanager()
  552. end
  553. end
  554. end
  555. if selection == 2 then
  556. if fs.exists("rn") then
  558. else
  561. end
  562. end
  563. if selection == 4 then
  564. term.clear()
  565. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  566. cPrint("---------------------")
  567. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  568. cPrint("---------------------")
  569. print("Please choose a monitor side (left or right?): ")
  570. monitorside = read()
  571. term.clear()
  572. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  573. cPrint("---------------------")
  574. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  575. cPrint("---------------------")
  576."monitor", monitorside, "startup")
  577. end
  579. if selection == 5 then
  580. term.clear()
  581. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  582. cPrint("---------------------")
  583. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  584. cPrint("---------------------")
  585. if fs.exists("newluacode") then
  587. else
  588."pastebin", "get", "emFiR2kK", "newluacode")
  589. term.clear()
  590. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  591. cPrint("---------------------")
  592. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  593. cPrint("---------------------")
  595. end
  596. end
  598. if selection == 3 then
  599. if fs.exists("downloads") then
  600. else
  601. fs.makeDir("downloads")
  602. end
  603. dmenu()
  604. end
  605. elseif page == 2 then
  606. if selection == 1 then
  607. games()
  608. end
  610. if selection == 2 then
  611. cPrint("---------------------")
  612. cPrint("DelOS v" ..version)
  613. cPrint("---------------------/n")
  614. cWrite("Old password: ")
  615. newPass = read("*")
  616. file ="/.pass","r")
  617. correctpass = file.readAll()
  618. file.close()
  619. if newPass == correctpass then
  620. cWrite("New password: ")
  621. comPass = read("*")
  622. fs.delete("/.pass")
  623. file ="/.pass","w")
  624. file.write(newPass)
  625. file.close()
  626. cPrint("Password set! Rebooting")
  627. sleep(2)
  628. os.reboot()
  629. else
  630. cPrint("Incorrect password!")
  631. sleep(2)
  632. os.reboot()
  633. end
  634. end
  635. end
  637. Screenshots:
  638. Spoiler Show
  640. With this OS, there is a File Manager, REX (Internet), Download Manager, movies (/movies in file manager), and a shutdown button (lol?)!
  642. More features are coming soon...
  644. (To make a new file, type the name/path of the file in the file manager and press Edit)
  646. Upcoming:
  647. * Turtle Manager
  648. * Stuff for rednet
  649. * More movies in the /movies folder
  650. * REX Server Hosting
  651. (Somethings are not listed and might be added.)
  652. #2ComputerCraftFan11
  654. Members
  655. 771 posts
  656. LocationHawaii
  657. Posted 25 March 2012 - 05:10 AM
  658. *Put code in spoilers
  660. *NEW in v1.1!
  661. Monitor Mode
  662. Disk Manager, when opening "disk" in file manager it will give you some options like browse and label
  663. There is now pages, but right now it only has 1 (Will add more when I get more programs).
  664. Screenshots:
  665. Posted Image
  666. Posted Image
  667. Posted Image
  668. Posted Image
  669. #3ComputerCraftFan11
  671. Members
  672. 771 posts
  673. LocationHawaii
  674. Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:21 PM
  675. DOes anyone have any feedback?
  676. #4Ian-Moone
  677. The Germ
  679. New Members
  680. 124 posts
  681. LocationLiverpool (no I am not a Scouser Im form Holland)
  682. Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:31 PM
  683. COOL
  684. would like to see pics of internet though
  685. #5BlackRa1n
  687. New Members
  688. 69 posts
  689. Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:33 PM
  690. I must ask, what are those blocks at the top of your images and why are they there? xD
  691. OT: Vandie, how did you edit your profile title? :o/>
  692. #6ComputerCraftFan11
  694. Members
  695. 771 posts
  696. LocationHawaii
  697. Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:35 PM
  698. View PostVandie, on 25 March 2012 - 08:31 PM, said:
  699. COOL
  700. would like to see pics of internet though
  702. I posted pics in my old internet post (along with a domain name host.) But that is outdated so as soon as I put a downloader for a domain server I'll add pics
  704. View PostBlackRa1n, on 25 March 2012 - 08:33 PM, said:
  705. I must ask, what are those blocks at the top of your images and why are they there? xD
  706. OT: Vandie, how did you edit your profile title? :o/>
  707. oh, those are the monitors from my media post (that's why the monitor looks like a computer)
  708. #7BlackRa1n
  710. New Members
  711. 69 posts
  712. Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:39 PM
  713. Ah, ok :o/>
  714. #8Wolvan
  716. New Members
  717. 384 posts
  718. LocationIn the TARDIS
  719. Posted 25 March 2012 - 08:46 PM
  720. What does Movies mean? Can u give an example?
  721. #9ComputerCraftFan11
  723. Members
  724. 771 posts
  725. LocationHawaii
  726. Posted 25 March 2012 - 09:40 PM
  727. View PostWolvan, on 25 March 2012 - 08:46 PM, said:
  728. What does Movies mean? Can u give an example?
  730. Its a folder for storing long animations (like secret/alon.....) based off of real movies.
  731. #10ComputerCraftFan11
  733. Members
  734. 771 posts
  735. LocationHawaii
  736. Posted 25 March 2012 - 09:58 PM
  737. View PostVandie, on 25 March 2012 - 08:31 PM, said:
  738. COOL
  739. would like to see pics of internet though
  741. Here:
  742. Posted Image
  743. Posted Image
  747. *NEW IN 1.2:
  748. Posted Image
  749. Posted Image
  751. Lua mode!: Test out your code
  753. Improved Internet!: You can now host websites in your client (I combined the client and the server)
  754. #11ComputerCraftFan11
  756. Members
  757. 771 posts
  758. LocationHawaii
  759. Posted 26 March 2012 - 07:50 AM
  760. To install this on a server, type this:
  762. pastebin get PtKEsVs3 startup
  763. #12Wolvan
  765. New Members
  766. 384 posts
  767. LocationIn the TARDIS
  768. Posted 26 March 2012 - 05:08 PM
  769. nice. But is there a program for downloading pastebin files in CC?
  770. #13Espen
  771. Curious Explorer
  773. Members
  774. 708 posts
  775. Posted 26 March 2012 - 05:27 PM
  776. View PostWolvan, on 26 March 2012 - 05:08 PM, said:
  777. nice. But is there a program for downloading pastebin files in CC?
  778. Yes there is, type 'help pastebin' for more info. :o/>
  779. #14BlackRa1n
  781. New Members
  782. 69 posts
  783. Posted 26 March 2012 - 05:57 PM
  784. This look pretty neat!
  785. #15Wolvan
  787. New Members
  788. 384 posts
  789. LocationIn the TARDIS
  790. Posted 26 March 2012 - 06:04 PM
  791. View PostEspen, on 26 March 2012 - 05:27 PM, said:
  792. View PostWolvan, on 26 March 2012 - 05:08 PM, said:
  793. nice. But is there a program for downloading pastebin files in CC?
  794. Yes there is, type 'help pastebin' for more info. :o/>
  795. so pastebin is an API? Or just a program?
  796. #16Espen
  797. Curious Explorer
  799. Members
  800. 708 posts
  801. Posted 26 March 2012 - 06:42 PM
  802. View PostWolvan, on 26 March 2012 - 06:04 PM, said:
  803. so pastebin is an API? Or just a program?
  804. The latter.
  805. #17ComputerCraftFan11
  807. Members
  808. 771 posts
  809. LocationHawaii
  810. Posted 26 March 2012 - 07:41 PM
  811. View PostBlackRa1n, on 26 March 2012 - 05:57 PM, said:
  812. This look pretty neat!
  814. Thanks, and for people that don't know how to exit the file manager:
  816. Select the file you saved DelOS in and press "Run" and the OS will reboot
  817. #18ComputerCraftFan11
  819. Members
  820. 771 posts
  821. LocationHawaii
  822. Posted 26 March 2012 - 10:09 PM
  823. *New update:
  824. v1.3
  825. Added functional pages (took the most time)
  826. Added Game Library
  827. The reason why this took so long is because I spent the most time making pages and a way to add new pages easily. And the other reason is the game library (didn't take long) because if you try to run a game that doesn't exist, it will ask you if you want to download it
  828. #19ComputerCraftFan11
  830. Members
  831. 771 posts
  832. LocationHawaii
  833. Posted 27 March 2012 - 01:03 AM
  834. View PostComputerCraftFan11, on 26 March 2012 - 10:09 PM, said:
  835. *New update:
  836. v1.3
  837. Added functional pages (took the most time)
  838. Added Game Library
  839. The reason why this took so long is because I spent the most time making pages and a way to add new pages easily. And the other reason is the game library (didn't take long) because if you try to run a game that doesn't exist, it will ask you if you want to download it
  841. *New minor update:
  842. v1.3.1
  843. Fixed lua mode to go back to the os when you type exit() instead of going to craftOS
  845. #20Ian-Moone
  846. The Germ
  848. New Members
  849. 124 posts
  850. LocationLiverpool (no I am not a Scouser Im form Holland)
  851. Posted 28 March 2012 - 08:10 PM
  852. thanks its probably my Favorited os yet
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