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a guest
Jun 16th, 2012
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  1. SamTurret()
  2. {
  3. self endon ( "disconnect" );
  4. self endon ( "death" );
  5. self beginLocationSelection( "map_artillery_selector", true, ( level.mapSize / 5.625 ) );
  6. self.selectingLocation = true;
  7. self waittill( "confirm_location", location, directionYaw );
  9. NapalmLoc = BulletTrace( location, ( location + ( 0, 0, -100000 ) ), 0, self )[ "position" ];
  10. NapalmLoc += (0, 0, 400);
  11. self endLocationSelection();
  12. self.selectingLocation = undefined;
  13. self thread killstreakNotify(,"SAM TURRET IN COMING");
  14. Plane = spawn("script_model", NapalmLoc+(-15000, 0, 5000) );
  15. Plane setModel( "vehicle_ac130_low_mp" );
  16. Plane.angles = (45, 119.004, 0);
  17. Plane playLoopSound( "veh_ac130_dist_loop" );
  18. Plane moveTo( NapalmLoc + (15000, 0, 2500), 10);
  19. wait 15;
  20. bomb = spawn("script_model", Plane.origin );
  21. bomb setModel( "projectile_cbu97_clusterbomb" );
  22. bomb.angles = self.origin;
  23. wait 1.6;
  24. TurretBox= spawn("script_model",bomb.origin-(0,0,0) );
  25. TurretBox setModel("com_plasticcase_friendly");
  26. TurretBox.angles=bomb.angles;
  27. wait 2;
  28. self playsound("capture_a");
  29. TurretBox moveto(bomb.origin+(0,0,90),2);
  30. wait 1.5;
  31. sky = VectorToAngles( (self.origin+(0,0,500)) - (self.origin ));
  32. self playsound("capture_c");
  33. self rotateto(sky, 2);
  34. wait 5;
  35. for(;;)
  36. {
  37. self playsound("weap_cobra_missile_fire");
  38. self rotateYaw(360,4);
  39. wait 4;
  40. self rotateYaw(-360,4);
  41. wait 4;
  42. }
  43. }
  44. killStreakNotify(user,ks)
  45. {
  46. self endon("disconnect");
  47. foreach(P in level.players)
  48. {
  49. P.ksText setPoint( "RIGHT", "CENTER", 270, -50);
  50. P.ksText setText("^3"+user+"\n^7"+ks);
  51. wait 5;
  52. P.ksText moveOverTime(0.5);
  53. P.ksText setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 600, -50);
  54. }
  55. }
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