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a guest
Jul 29th, 2016
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text 42.99 KB | None | 0 0
  1. version := 0.15
  2. Filedelete,update.bat
  3. UrlDownloadToFile,, versionsupdate.ini
  4. FileRead, newver, versionsupdate.ini
  5. FileDelete, versionsupdate.ini
  6. if (version < newver)
  7. {
  8. newververfügbar := 1
  9. MsgBox, 4,Neues Update, Es ist eine neue Version des iBaseBinder online, (Version %newver%).`nMöchtest du diese jetzt herunterladen?
  10. IfMsgBox, Yes
  11. {
  12. MsgBox, 64, Update Download, Das Update wird nun heruntergeladen ,dies kann bis zu 5 Sekunden dauern...
  13. Urldownloadtofile,,
  14. BatchFile=
  15. (
  16. Ping localhost
  17. Del "%A_ScriptName%"
  18. Rename "" "%A_ScriptName%"
  19. cd "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
  20. "%A_ScriptName%"
  21. Del update.bat
  22. )
  23. FileDelete,update.bat
  24. FileAppend,%BatchFile%,update.bat
  25. MsgBox, 64, Update ausführen, Das Update wird nun ausgeführt...bitte warten...
  26. Run,update.bat,,hide
  27. Exitapp
  28. }
  29. }
  30. else
  31. {
  32. newververfügbar := 0
  33. }
  36. IfNotExist, C:\iBaseBinder
  37. FileCreateDir, C:\iBaseBinder
  38. IfNotExist, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder
  39. FileCreateDir, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder
  40. IfNotExist, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\1.png
  41. UrlDownloadToFile,, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\1.png
  42. IfNotExist, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\2.png
  43. UrlDownloadToFile,, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\2.png
  44. IfNotExist, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\4.png
  45. UrlDownloadToFile,, C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\4.png
  48. #NoEnv
  49. #include res/SAMP2.ahk
  50. #include res/improv3d.ahk
  52. SetTimer, autoEngine, 250
  53. SetTimer, autoZoll, 250
  54. SetTimer, aAutomat1, 250
  55. SetTimer, aAutomat2, 250
  56. SetTimer, aAutomat3, 250
  57. SetTimer, aAutomat4, 250
  58. SetTimer, aAutomat5, 250
  59. SetTimer, aAutomat6, 250
  60. SetTimer, aAutomat7, 250
  61. SetTimer, aParkschein1, 250
  62. SetTimer, aParkschein2, 250
  63. SetTimer, aParkschein3, 250
  64. SetTimer, aStadthalle, 250
  65. SetTimer, aZollpass, 250
  66. SetTimer, aRechtsschutz, 250
  67. SetTimer, aWerbung, 250
  68. SetTimer, aHauptAmo, 250
  69. SetTimer, aClubWaffen, 250
  70. SetTimer, aClubHeal, 250
  71. SetTimer, aClubAutomat, 250
  72. SetTimer, aTicket, 250
  73. SetTimer, aTanke1, 250
  74. SetTimer, aTanke2, 250
  75. SetTimer, aVersicherung, 250
  76. SetTimer, aZulassung, 250
  77. SetTimer, aPost, 250
  78. SetTimer, aRepar1, 250
  79. SetTimer, aRepar2, 250
  80. SetTimer, aPruefung, 250
  81. SetTimer, aWD1, 250
  82. SetTimer, aWartungen, 250
  83. SetTimer, aZerbrechen, 250
  84. SetTimer, aKleidung, 250
  85. ;Gang
  86. SetTimer, aBallas, 250
  87. SetTimer, aBallas2, 250
  88. SetTimer, aBallas3, 250
  89. SetTimer, aBallas4, 250
  90. SetTimer, aVagos1, 250
  91. SetTimer, aVagos2, 250
  92. SetTimer, Chatlog, 200
  94. global checksum_old := imp_check_table("chat_verlauf")
  95. SetTimer, Check_Db, 100
  97. initZonesAndCities()
  99. inVehicle := 0
  101. Loop, 26
  102. {
  103. count := A_Index - 1
  104. IniRead, Key%count%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keybinds, Key%count%
  105. IniRead, KeyChecked%count%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keybinds, KeyChecked%count%
  106. IniRead, KeyText%count%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keybinds, KeyText%count%
  108. if(Key%count% == "ERROR")
  109. Key%count% := "0"
  110. if(KeyChecked%count% == "ERROR")
  111. KeyChecked%count% := 0
  112. if(KeyText%count% == "ERROR")
  113. KeyText%count% := ""
  115. KeyCheckedVar := KeyChecked%count%
  116. KeyVar := Key%count%
  118. Hotkey, %KeyVar%, Hotkey%count%, Off
  120. if(KeyCheckedVar){
  121. KeyVar = ~%KeyVar%
  122. Hotkey, %KeyVar%, Hotkey%count%, On
  123. }
  124. }
  126. IniRead, SystemeChecked, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Systeme, SystemeChecked
  127. IniRead, KillCounterChecked, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, KillCounterChecked
  128. IniRead, KillCounterText, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, KillCounterText
  129. IniRead, Kills, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, Kills
  131. if(Kills == "ERROR")
  132. Kills := 0
  133. if(KillCounterChecked == "ERROR")
  134. KillCounterChecked := 0
  135. if(KillCounterText == "ERROR")
  136. KillCounterText := "/ic +1 Kill in [ZONE], [CITY]. Insgesamte Kills: [KILLS][ENTER]"
  137. if(KillCounterChecked == 1)
  138. SetTimer, KillCounterTimer, 200
  142. Main:
  143. Gui, Destroy
  144. Gui, Font, S7 Cwhite, Verdana
  145. Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y0 w1161 h85 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\1.png
  146. Gui, Add, Picture, x0 y80 w1161 h500 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\2.png
  147. Gui, Add, Picture, x10 y90 w1143 h425 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\4.png
  148. Gui, Add, Picture, x10 y540 w1143 h40 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\4.png
  149. Gui, Font, S8 CWhite Bold, Lucida Console
  150. Gui, Add, Text, x980 y560 w180 h20 +BackgroundTrans gInfo, Version %Version% by iBase
  151. Gui, Font, S25 CWhite Bold, Segoe Script
  152. Gui, Add, Text, x30 y10 w230 h60 +BackgroundTrans, iBaseBinder
  153. Gui, Font, S13 CWhite Bold, Segoe Script
  154. Gui, Add, Text, x1000 y30 w150 h90 gTS +BackgroundTrans, Teamspeak 3
  155. Gui, Add, Text, x840 y30 w150 h90 gSAMP +BackgroundTrans, Samp Server
  156. Gui, Add, Text, x740 y30 w150 h90 gForum +BackgroundTrans, Forum
  157. Gui, Font, S13 CWhite Bold, Segoe Script
  158. Gui, Add, Text, x20 y545 w100 h30 gSave +BackgroundTrans, Speichern
  159. Gui, Add, Text, x130 y545 w100 h30 gVariables +BackgroundTrans, Variablen
  160. Gui, Add, Text, x240 y545 w100 h30 gKillCounter +BackgroundTrans, Killzähler
  161. Gui, Add, Text, x370 y545 w100 h30 gSysteme +BackgroundTrans, Systeme
  162. Gui, Font, S13 Cred Bold, Segoe Script
  163. Gui, Add, Text, x470 y545 w200 h30 gFunk +BackgroundTrans, Feste Funktionen
  164. Gui, Font, S7 CWhite, Verdana
  165. Gui, Add, Text, x19 y95 w25 h13 +BackgroundTrans, An
  166. Gui, Add, Text, x41 y95 w30 h15 +BackgroundTrans, Taste
  167. Gui, Add, Text, x146 y95 w30 h13 +BackgroundTrans, Text
  168. Gui, Font, S7 Cblack, Verdana
  169. YCoord := 120
  170. Loop, 13
  171. {
  172. count := A_Index - 1
  173. KeyVar = Key%count%
  174. KeyVarEx := Key%count%
  175. KeyCheckedVar = KeyChecked%count%
  176. KeyCheckedVarEx := KeyChecked%count%
  177. KeyTextVar = KeyText%count%
  178. KeyTextVarEx := KeyText%count%
  180. Gui, Add, CheckBox, x20 y%YCoord% w13 h13 v%KeyCheckedVar% Checked%KeyCheckedVarEx%,
  181. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x41 y%YCoord% w90 h390 v%KeyVar%, 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|Numpad0|Numpad1|Numpad2|Numpad3|Numpad4|Numpad5|Numpad6|Numpad7|Numpad8|Numpad9|F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|^|´|+|#|-|.|,|<
  182. GuiControl, ChooseString, %KeyVar%, %KeyVarEx%
  183. Gui, Add, Edit, x146 y%YCoord% w420 h20 v%KeyTextVar%, %KeyTextVarEx%
  184. YCoord += 30
  185. }
  187. Gui, Font, S7 Cwhite, Verdana
  188. Gui, Add, Text, x596 y95 w25 h13 +BackgroundTrans, An
  189. Gui, Add, Text, x621 y95 w30 h15 +BackgroundTrans, Taste
  190. Gui, Add, Text, x726 y95 w30 h13 +BackgroundTrans, Text
  191. Gui, Font, S7 Cblack, Verdana
  195. YCoord := 120
  196. Loop, 13
  197. {
  198. count += 1
  200. KeyVar = Key%count%
  201. KeyVarEx := Key%count%
  202. KeyCheckedVar = KeyChecked%count%
  203. KeyCheckedVarEx := KeyChecked%count%
  204. KeyTextVar = KeyText%count%
  205. KeyTextVarEx := KeyText%count%
  207. Gui, Add, CheckBox, x596 y%YCoord% w13 h13 v%KeyCheckedVar% Checked%KeyCheckedVarEx%,
  208. Gui, Add, DropDownList, x621 y%YCoord% w90 h390 v%KeyVar%, 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|Numpad0|Numpad1|Numpad2|Numpad3|Numpad4|Numpad5|Numpad6|Numpad7|Numpad8|Numpad9|F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7|F8|F9|F10|F11|F12|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|M|N|O|P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y|Z|^|´|+|#|-|.|,|<
  209. GuiControl, ChooseString, %KeyVar%, %KeyVarEx%
  210. Gui, Add, Edit, x726 y%YCoord% w420 h20 v%KeyTextVar%, %KeyTextVarEx%
  211. YCoord += 30
  212. }
  213. Gui, Show, Center h578 w1161, (c) iBase aka Giovanni Costa
  214. return
  218. Systeme:
  219. Gui, Destroy
  220. Gui, Add, Picture, x2 y0 w590 h60 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\1.png
  221. Gui, Add, Picture, x2 y60 w590 h250 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\2.png
  222. Gui, Add, Picture, x12 y80 w560 h170 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\4.png
  223. Gui, Add, Picture, x12 y270 w560 h30 , C:\iBaseBinder\Bilder\4.png
  224. Gui, Font, S20 Cwhite Bold, Segeo Script
  225. Gui, Font, S20 Cwhite Bold, Segoe Script
  226. Gui, Add, Text, x22 y0 w120 h40 +BackgroundTrans, Systeme
  227. Gui, Add, CheckBox, x22 y90 w13 h13 vSystemeChecked Checked%SystemeChecked%
  228. Gui, Font, S8 CWhite Bold, Lucida Console
  229. Gui, Add, Text, x52 y90 w300 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Motor/Licht/Zoll - Mit F aussteigen!
  230. Gui, Font, S10 Cwhite Bold, Segoe Script
  231. Gui, Add, Text, x502 y40 w70 h20 +BackgroundTrans gSystemeSafe, Speichern
  232. Gui, Add, Text, x432 y40 w60 h20 +BackgroundTrans gMain, Zurück
  233. Gui, Show, w585 h304, (c) iBase aka Giovanni Costa
  234. return
  238. Killcounter:
  239. Gui, Destroy
  240. Gui, Add, Picture, x-8 y0 w670 h60 , C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\1.png
  241. Gui, Add, Picture, x-8 y60 w670 h180 , C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\2.png
  242. Gui, Add, Picture, x22 y80 w620 h130 , C:\iBaseBinder\bilder\4.png
  243. Gui, Font, S25 Cwhite Bold, Segoe Script
  244. Gui, Add, Text, x22 y0 w450 h50 +BackgroundTrans, iBaseBinder - Killzähler
  245. Gui, Add, CheckBox, x42 y123 w15 h15 vKillCounterChecked Checked%KillCounterChecked%
  246. Gui, Font, S10 Cblack Bold, Segoe Script
  247. Gui, Add, Edit, x102 y120 w450 h20 vKillCounterText, %KillCounterText%
  248. Gui, Font, S8 Cwhite Bold, Segoe Script
  249. Gui, Add, Text, x67 y121 w30 h20 +BackgroundTrans, An?
  250. Gui, Font, S10 Cwhite Bold, Segoe Script
  251. Gui, Add, Text, x562 y170 w70 h20 +BackgroundTrans gKillCounterSave, Speichern
  252. Gui, Font, S8 Cwhite Bold, Lucida Console
  253. Gui, Add, Text, x80 y160 w420 h20 +BackgroundTrans, Am ende immer [ENTER] einfügen sonst geht es nicht!
  254. Gui, Font, S10 Cwhite Bold, Segoe Script
  255. Gui, Add, Text, x572 y190 w60 h20 +BackgroundTrans gMain, Zurück
  256. Gui, Show, w661 h239, (c) iBase aka Giovanni Costa
  257. return
  260. KillCounterSave:
  261. GuiControlGet, KillCounterChecked
  262. GuiControlGet, KillCounterText
  265. IniWrite, %KillCounterChecked%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, KillCounterChecked
  266. IniWrite, %KillCounterText%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, KillCounterText
  267. if(KillCounterChecked){
  268. SetTimer, KillCounterTimer, 200
  269. }else{
  270. SetTimer, KillCounterTimer, Off
  271. }
  273. MsgBox, 64, Keybinder, Killzähler gespeichert.
  274. return
  278. SystemeSafe:
  279. GuiControlGet, SystemeChecked
  281. IniWrite, %SystemeChecked%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Systeme, SystemeChecked
  283. MsgBox, 64, Keybinder, Systeme gespeichert.
  284. return
  286. Funk:
  287. Gui, Destroy
  288. Gui, Add, ListBox, x6 y7 w530 h220 , /rechner`t`tTaschenrechner in Game|/ab`t`tAnrufsbeantworter|/cd`t`tEin Countdown der 3 Sekunden abzählt|/min`t`tDu kannst Sekunden in Minuten umrechnen|Numpad-`t`tAutomatisches Spice System|Numpad+`t`tAutomatisches Kekse System
  289. Gui, Add, Button, x225 y227 w100 h30 gMain, Zurück
  290. Gui, Show, Center h268 w547, (c) iBase aka Giovanni Costa
  291. Return
  294. Variables:
  295. Gui, Destroy
  296. Gui, Add, ListBox, x6 y7 w730 h220 , &&`t`tMan kann mehrere Chatnachrichten senden (undendlich viele, Achtung: Spamkick!)|[NAME]`t`tZeigt deinen Namen an|[CITY]`t`tZeigt die Stadt an`, in der du dich gerade befindest (LS`, SF`, LV)|[ZONE]`t`tZeigt die Zone an in der du dich gerade befindest (z.B. Red County)|[HP]`t`tZeigt dein aktuelles Leben an|[ARMOUR]`tZeigt deine Rüstung an|[WANTED]`tZeigt deine Wanteds an|[MONEY]`t`tZeigt dein Geld auf der Hand an|[KILLS]`t`tZeigt deine Kills von deinem Killzähler| |Vehicle Informationen:|[VHEALTH]`tZeigt das Leben deines Vehicles an|[VMODELID]`tZeigt die Model ID deines Vehicles an|[VMODEL]`tZeigt den Model Namen deines Vehicles an|[VTYPE]`t`tZeigt den Type deines Vehicles an (z.B. LKW)|[VSPEED]`tZeigt die Geschwindigkeit an
  297. Gui, Add, Button, x6 y227 w100 h30 gMain, Zurück
  298. Gui, Show, Center h268 w747, (c) iBase aka Giovanni Costa
  299. Return
  301. GuiClose:
  302. ExitApp
  304. Save:
  305. Loop, 26
  306. {
  307. count := A_Index - 1
  309. GuiControlGet, Key%count%
  310. GuiControlGet, KeyChecked%count%
  311. GuiControlGet, KeyText%count%
  313. KeyVar := Key%count%
  314. KeyCheckedVar := KeyChecked%count%
  315. KeyTextVar := KeyText%count%
  317. Hotkey, %KeyVar%, Hotkey%count%, Off
  319. IniWrite, %KeyVar%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keybinds, Key%count%
  320. IniWrite, %KeyCheckedVar%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keybinds, KeyChecked%count%
  321. IniWrite, %KeyTextVar%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keybinds, KeyText%count%
  323. if(KeyCheckedVar){
  324. KeyVar = ~%KeyVar%
  325. HotKey, %KeyVar%, Hotkey%count%, On
  326. }
  327. }
  328. MsgBox, 64, Keybinder, Erfolgreich gespeichert
  329. return
  331. #IfWinActive GTA:SA:MP
  333. +t::
  334. ~T::
  335. Suspend On
  336. return
  338. ~NumpadEnter::
  339. ~Enter::
  340. Suspend Permit
  341. Suspend Off
  342. Return
  344. ~Escape::
  345. Suspend Permit
  346. Suspend Off
  348. return
  351. autoZoll:
  352. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  353. return
  354. if(SystemeChecked)
  355. GetChatLine(0, Chatline)
  356. if(InStr(Chatline, "Sie stehen an einer Zollstation, der Zollübergang kostet $5.000! Befehl: /Zoll")){
  357. AddChatMessage(chat . "{0088cc}[iBaseBinder]{008800} Automatisches Zoll System Aktiviert")
  358. sleep, 200
  359. SendChat("/me besitzt eine Moutkarte und kann automatisch den Zoll durchqueren!")
  360. sleep, 100
  361. SendChat("/zoll")
  362. sleep, 800
  363. AddChatMessage(chat . "{0088cc}[iBaseBinder]{008800} Automatisches Zoll System deaktiviert")
  364. sleep, 10000
  365. }
  366. return
  369. KillCounterTimer:
  370. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  371. return
  372. GetChatLine(1,Chatline)
  373. if(InStr(Chatline,"Du hast ein Verbrechen begangen! (Beamten/Zivilisten Mord)") || InStr(Chatline,"Du hast ein Verbrechen begangen! (Mord an einem Gangmitglied) Reporter: Polizeizentrale")){
  374. IniRead, %Kills%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, Kills
  375. if(Kills == "ERROR")
  376. Kills := 0
  377. Kills++
  378. IniWrite, %Kills%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, Kills
  379. string := Variable(KillCounterText)
  380. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  381. if(InStr(string, "|")){
  382. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  383. Loop, %splitted0%
  384. {
  385. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  386. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  387. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  388. SendChat(Value)
  389. }else{
  390. SendInput, t%Value%
  391. }
  392. }
  393. }else{
  394. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  395. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  396. SendChat(string)
  397. }else{
  398. SendInput, t%Value%
  399. }
  400. }
  401. }
  402. return
  405. autoEngine:
  406. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  407. return
  408. if(SystemeChecked)
  409. if(inVehicle == 1 && !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle()){
  410. inVehicle := 0
  411. }else if(inVehicle == 0 && IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() && IsPlayerDriver()){
  412. sleep, 100
  413. if(!GetVehicleEngineState()){
  414. SendChat("/motor")
  415. }
  416. inVehicle := 1
  417. if(!GetVehicleLightState()){
  418. sleep, 1000
  419. if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() && IsPlayerDriver())
  420. SendChat("/licht")
  421. }
  422. }
  423. return
  426. ~$f::
  427. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  428. return
  429. if(SystemeChecked == 1){
  430. if(IsInChat() || !IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() || !IsPlayerDriver())
  431. return
  432. if(GetVehicleEngineState() == 1)
  433. SendChat("/licht")
  434. SendChat("/motor")
  435. sleep, 300
  436. }
  437. return
  440. aAutomat1:
  441. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  442. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1489.3931,-1749.8262,15.4453,1)){
  443. SendChat("/automat")
  444. Sleep, 4000
  445. }
  446. return
  448. aAutomat2:
  449. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  450. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1473.1715,-1749.8110,15.4453,1)){
  451. SendChat("/automat")
  452. Sleep, 4000
  453. }
  454. return
  456. aAutomat3:
  457. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  458. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2440.2874,-1470.7396,24.0000,1)){
  459. SendChat("/automat")
  460. Sleep, 4000
  461. }
  462. return
  464. aAutomat4:
  465. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  466. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1017.2853,-1553.3749,14.8657,1)){
  467. SendChat("/automat")
  468. Sleep, 4000
  469. }
  470. return
  472. aAutomat5:
  473. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  474. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1137.2208,-1761.3993,13.5950,1)){
  475. SendChat("/automat")
  476. Sleep, 4000
  477. }
  478. return
  480. aAutomat6:
  481. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  482. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1225.3387,-1812.3468,16.5938,1)){
  483. SendChat("/automat")
  484. Sleep, 4000
  485. }
  486. return
  488. aAutomat7:
  489. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  490. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(551.7926,-1261.2736,17.2422,1)){
  491. SendChat("/automat")
  492. Sleep, 4000
  493. }
  494. return
  496. aParkschein1:
  497. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  498. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1508.7009,-1743.3817,13.5469,1)){
  499. SendChat("/parkschein")
  500. Sleep, 4000
  501. }
  502. return
  504. aParkschein2:
  505. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  506. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1453.1760,-1744.6180,13.5469,1)){
  507. SendChat("/parkschein")
  508. Sleep, 4000
  509. }
  510. return
  512. aParkschein3:
  513. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  514. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1519.4677,-1663.7755,13.5469,1)){
  515. SendChat("/parkschein")
  516. Sleep, 4000
  517. }
  518. return
  520. aStadthalle:
  521. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  522. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(362.4966,173.6272,1008.3828,1)){
  523. SendChat("/stadthalle")
  524. Sleep, 4000
  525. }
  526. return
  528. aZollpass:
  529. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  530. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(359.0061,167.6860,1008.3828,1)){
  531. SendChat("/zollpass")
  532. Sleep, 6000
  533. }
  534. return
  536. aRechtsschutz:
  537. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  538. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(358.2594,180.2729,1008.3828,1)){
  539. SendChat("/rechtsschutz")
  540. Sleep, 6000
  541. }
  542. return
  544. aWerbung:
  545. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  546. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1412.3086,-1700.5872,13.5395,1)){
  547. SendChat("/werbung")
  548. Sleep, 6000
  549. }
  550. return
  552. aHauptAmo:
  553. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  554. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(295.7043,-80.2912,1001.5156,1)){
  555. SendChat("/wmenu")
  556. Sleep, 3000
  557. }
  558. return
  560. aClubWaffen:
  561. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  562. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2324.8267,-1014.0950,1050.2109,1)){
  563. SendChat("/clubwaffen")
  564. Sleep, 3000
  565. }
  566. return
  568. aClubHeal:
  569. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  570. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2313.5605,-1008.8242,1050.2109,1)){
  571. SendChat("/clubheal")
  572. Sleep, 3000
  573. }
  574. return
  576. aClubAutomat:
  577. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  578. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2320.4951,-1008.0906,1054.7188,1)){
  579. SendChat("/automat")
  580. Sleep, 5000
  581. }
  582. return
  584. aTicket:
  585. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  586. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(249.1964,67.4902,1003.6406,1)){
  587. SendChat("/wantedticket")
  588. Sleep, 9000
  589. }
  590. return
  592. aTanke1:
  593. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  594. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1004.5968,-940.1353,41.7882,5)){
  595. SendChat("/tanken")
  596. Sleep, 9000
  597. }
  598. return
  600. aTanke2:
  601. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  602. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1944.3615,-1772.2019,13.1177,5)){
  603. SendChat("/tanken")
  604. Sleep, 9000
  605. }
  606. return
  608. aVersicherung:
  609. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  610. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2309.2583,-8.1945,26.7422,1)){
  611. SendChat("/kfzversicherung")
  612. Sleep, 9000
  613. }
  614. return
  616. aZulassung:
  617. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  618. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2316.5847,-12.4728,26.7422,1)){
  619. SendChat("/zulassungsstelle")
  620. Sleep, 9000
  621. }
  622. return
  624. aPost:
  625. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  626. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(822.2796,1.8087,1004.1797,1)){
  627. SendChat("/post")
  628. Sleep, 4000
  629. }
  630. return
  632. aRepar1:
  633. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  634. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(853.0599,-1251.1927,15.6126,1)){
  635. SendChat("/staatrepair")
  636. Sleep, 3000
  637. }
  638. return
  640. aRepar2:
  641. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  642. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1248.2892,-1834.0872,13.3925,1)){
  643. SendChat("/staatrepair")
  644. Sleep, 3000
  645. }
  646. return
  648. aPruefung:
  649. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  650. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(1234.3197,-1823.8492,13.5910,1)){
  651. SendChat("/fahrpruefung")
  652. Sleep, 4000
  653. }
  654. return
  656. aWD1:
  657. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  658. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2348.5911,-2302.4236,13.2740,2)){
  659. SendChat("/paketeinladen 15")
  660. Sleep, 5000
  661. }
  662. return
  664. aWartungen:
  665. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  666. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(547.7910,-1285.4287,17.3094,2)){
  667. SendChat("/wartungen")
  668. Sleep, 8000
  669. }
  670. return
  672. aZerbrechen:
  673. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  674. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(-381.7509,-1425.8539,26.0110,1)){
  675. SendChat("/zerbrechen")
  676. Sleep, 8000
  677. }
  678. return
  680. aKleidung:
  681. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  682. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(161.2758,-83.2521,1001.8047,1)){
  683. SendChat("/kleidung")
  684. Sleep, 8000
  685. }
  686. return
  688. ;Gang
  689. aBallas:
  690. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  691. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(331.0785,1128.5133,1083.8828,1)){
  692. SendChat("/gangwaffen")
  693. SendChat("/gheilen")
  694. Sleep, 3000
  695. }
  696. return
  698. aBallas2:
  699. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  700. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(331.9322,1119.8638,1083.8903,1)){
  701. SendChat("/waffenlager")
  702. Sleep, 5000
  703. }
  704. return
  706. aBallas3:
  707. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  708. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(308.1615,1120.7888,1083.8828,1)){
  709. SendChat("/gangitem")
  710. Sleep, 5000
  711. }
  712. return
  714. aBallas4:
  715. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  716. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(333.4099,1121.9167,1083.8903,1)){
  717. SendInput t/fsafebox{space}
  718. Sleep, 17000
  719. }
  720. return
  722. aVagos1:
  723. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  724. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2599.3076,-1126.1841,65.6774,1)){
  725. SendChat("/gangwaffen")
  726. SendChat("/gheilen")
  727. Sleep, 3000
  728. }
  729. return
  731. aVagos2:
  732. if(IsInChat() == 0 || isDialogOpen() == 0)
  733. if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(2582.0928,-1118.9347,66.2032,1)){
  734. SendChat("/waffenlager")
  735. Sleep, 3000
  736. }
  737. return
  741. TS:
  742. WinMinimize %title%
  743. run, ts3server://
  744. Return
  746. Forum:
  747. WinMinimize %title%
  748. Run,
  749. return
  751. Info:
  752. WinMinimize %title%
  753. Run,
  754. return
  756. SAMP:
  757. WinMinimize %title%
  758. IfWinExist, SA-MP 0.3
  759. WinClose, SA-MP 0.3
  761. SplitPath, GTA_SA_EXE,, PFAD
  762. Run, %PFAD%\samp.exe
  763. return
  766. Variable(string){
  767. name := getUsername()
  768. city := getPlayerCity()
  769. zone := getPlayerZone()
  770. hp := GetPlayerHealth()
  771. armour := GetPlayerArmor()
  772. money := GetPlayerMoney()
  773. wanteds := GetPlayerWanteds()
  774. if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle()){
  775. vhealth := GetVehicleHealth()
  776. vmodelid := GetVehicleModelId()
  777. vmodel := GetVehicleModelName()
  778. vtype := GetVehicleType()
  779. vspeed := GetVehicleSpeed()
  780. }
  781. IniRead, Kills, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, KillCounter, Kills
  782. if(Kills == "ERROR")
  783. Kills := 0
  784. StringReplace, string, string, [NAME], %name%, All
  785. StringReplace, string, string, [CITY], %city%, All
  786. StringReplace, string, string, [ZONE], %zone%, All
  787. StringReplace, string, string, [HP], %hp%, All
  788. StringReplace, string, string, [ARMOUR], %armour%, All
  789. StringReplace, string, string, [WANTEDS], %wanteds%, All
  790. StringReplace, string, string, [MONEY], %money%, All
  791. StringReplace, string, string, [KILLS], %Kills%, All
  792. if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle()){
  793. StringReplace, string, string, [VHEALTH], %vhealth%, All
  794. StringReplace, string, string, [VMODELID], %vmodelid%, All
  795. StringReplace, string, string, [VMODEL], %vmodel%, All
  796. StringReplace, string, string, [VTYPE], %vtype%, All
  797. StringReplace, string, string, [VSPEED], %vspeed%, All
  798. }
  799. StringReplace, string, string, [SPACE], %A_Space%, All
  800. return string
  801. }
  803. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  804. return
  805. :?:/SetSpice::
  806. Suspend Permit
  807. Sendinput, Spice Anzahl:{space}
  808. Input, Anzahl_Spice,V I M,{enter}
  809. SendInput t{end}+{home}{esc}
  810. Sendinput t{del}{enter}
  811. if Anzahl_Spice is not number
  812. {
  813. Sleep, 200
  814. Addchatmessage("{0088cc}[iBaseBinder]{008800} Bitte gebe eine gültige Zahl ein!")
  815. return
  816. }else{
  817. Addchatmessage("{00ff00}Spice auf: {00ff00}" Anzahl_Spice " {00ff00}geändert!")
  818. Iniwrite, %Anzahl_Spice%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keske, Anzahl_Spice
  819. }
  820. return
  822. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  823. return
  824. :?:/SetKekse::
  825. Suspend Permit
  826. Sendinput, Keks Anzahl:{space}
  827. Input, Anzahl_Kekse,V I M,{enter}
  828. SendInput t{end}+{home}{esc}
  829. Sendinput t{del}{enter}
  830. if Anzahl_Kekse is not number
  831. {
  832. Sleep, 200
  833. Addchatmessage("{0088cc}[iBaseBinder]{008800} Bitte gebe eine gültige Zahl ein!")
  834. return
  835. }else{
  836. Addchatmessage("{00ff00}Kekse auf: {00ff00}" Anzahl_Kekse " {00ff00}geändert!")
  837. Iniwrite, %Anzahl_Kekse%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keske, Anzahl_Kekse
  838. }
  839. return
  842. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  843. return
  844. ~$Numpadsub::
  845. if(IsInChat() == 0)
  846. c=0
  847. Loop,
  848. {
  849. armour := GetPlayerArmor()
  850. Iniread, Anzahl_Spice, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keske, Anzahl_Spice
  851. Anzahl_Spice--
  852. Iniwrite, %Anzahl_Spice%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keske, Anzahl_Spice
  853. SendChat("/nimmspice")
  854. if(armour >= 90)
  855. {
  856. Addchatmessage("{0088cc}[iBaseBinder]{008800} Automatisches Spice System beendet")
  857. break
  858. }
  859. if(Anzahl_Spice == 0)
  860. {
  861. break
  862. }
  863. c++
  864. if(c==1)
  865. {
  866. sleep 11000
  867. c=0
  868. }
  869. sleep 100
  870. }
  871. return
  874. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  875. return
  876. ~$NumpadAdd::
  877. if(IsInChat() == 0)
  878. c=0
  879. Loop,
  880. {
  881. Health := GetPlayerHealth()
  882. Iniread, Anzahl_Kekse, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keske, Anzahl_Kekse
  883. Anzahl_Kekse--
  884. Iniwrite, %Anzahl_Kekse%, C:\iBaseBinder\settings.ini, Keske, Anzahl_Kekse
  885. SendChat("/isskeks")
  886. if(Health >= 85)
  887. {
  888. Addchatmessage("{0088cc}[iBaseBinder]{008800} Automatisches Kekse System beendet")
  889. break
  891. }
  892. if(Anzahl_Kekse == 0)
  893. {
  894. break
  895. }
  896. c++
  897. if(c==5)
  898. {
  899. sleep 5000
  900. c=0
  901. }
  902. sleep 200
  903. }
  904. return
  907. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  908. return
  909. :?:/ab::
  910. Suspend Permit
  911. SendInput t{end}+{home}{esc}
  912. Sendinput t{del}{enter}
  913. name := getUsername()
  914. SendChat("/abnehmen")
  915. SendChat("Hier spricht der Anrufsbeantworter von " . name . ", ich habe leider gerade keine Zeit,")
  916. Sleep, 500
  917. SendChat("bitte rufen Sie später noch einmal an, schönen Tag noch!")
  918. SendChat("/auflegen")
  919. return
  922. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  923. return
  924. :?:/min::
  925. Suspend Permit
  926. sekunden := PlayerInput("Sekunden: ")
  927. if(sekunden < 1){
  928. AddChatMessage(chat . "Du musst mindestens 1 Sekunde angeben.")
  929. }else{
  930. Minute := floor(sekunden / 60)
  931. if(Minute < 1){
  932. AddChatMessage(chat . sekunden . " Sekunden sind " . sekunden . " Sekunden.")
  933. }else{
  934. alteSekunden := Minute * 60
  935. neueSekunden := sekunden - alteSekunden
  936. AddChatMessage(chat . sekunden . " Sekunden sind " . Minute . " Minuten und " . neueSekunden . " Sekunden.")
  937. }
  938. }
  939. return
  941. if(!WinActive("GTA:SA:MP"))
  942. return
  943. :?:/cd::
  944. Suspend Permit
  945. SendInput t{end}+{home}{esc}
  946. Sendinput t{del}{enter}
  947. SendChat("Countdown wird gestartet!!")
  948. sleep, 200
  949. SendChat(">>>>> 3 <<<<<")
  950. sleep, 1000
  951. SendChat(">>>>> 2 <<<<<")
  952. sleep, 1000
  953. SendChat(">>>>> 1 <<<<<")
  954. sleep, 1000
  955. SendChat(">>>>> GO <<<<<")
  956. return
  958. :?:/rechner::
  959. Suspend Permit
  960. {
  961. Zahl1 := PlayerInput("Zahl 1: ")
  962. Aktion := PlayerInput("Aktion: ")
  963. Zahl2 := PlayerInput("Zahl 2: ")
  964. if (Aktion = "+")
  965. {
  966. StringSplit, calc, Aktion, +
  967. calcresult := Round(Zahl1 + Zahl2, 3)
  968. }
  969. if (Aktion = "-")
  970. {
  971. StringSplit, calc, Aktion, -
  972. calcresult := Round(Zahl1 - Zahl2, 3)
  973. }
  974. if (Aktion = "*")
  975. {
  976. StringSplit, calc, Aktion, *
  977. calcresult := Round(Zahl1 * Zahl2, 3)
  978. }
  979. if (Aktion = "/")
  980. {
  981. StringSplit, calc, Aktion, /
  982. calcresult := Round(Zahl1 / Zahl2, 3)
  983. }
  984. AddChatMessage(chat . "Das Ergebniss lautet: " . calcresult . "")
  985. }
  986. return
  988. ;Chat
  989. :?:/base::
  990. Suspend Permit
  991. Sendinput, /base{space}
  992. Input, Msg_To_Database,V I M,{enter}
  993. SendInput t{end}+{home}{esc}
  994. Sendinput t{del}{enter}
  995. Time := A_Hour ":" A_Min ":" A_Sec
  996. Max_Rows := imp_count_rows("chat_verlauf")
  997. imp_create_row("chat_verlauf", Max_Rows + 1)
  998. imp_write("chat_verlauf", Max_Rows + 1, "time", time)
  999. imp_write("chat_verlauf", Max_Rows + 1, "user", uname)
  1000. imp_write("chat_verlauf", Max_Rows + 1, "message", Msg_To_Database)
  1001. Suspend off
  1002. return
  1004. Check_Db:
  1005. checksum := imp_check_table("chat_verlauf")
  1006. if(checksum != checksum_old)
  1007. {
  1008. Max_Rows := imp_count_rows("chat_verlauf" )
  1009. time := imp_read("chat_verlauf", Max_Rows, "time")
  1010. user := imp_read("chat_verlauf", Max_Rows, "user")
  1011. msg := imp_read("chat_verlauf", Max_Rows, "message")
  1012. addchatmessage("{ee0000}[iBase Chat] {16F066}" user "{FFFFFF} : {16F066}" msg)
  1013. checksum_old := checksum
  1014. }
  1015. return
  1017. Chatlog:
  1018. FileRead, Chatlog, %A_MyDocuments%\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\Chatlog.txt
  1019. If(InStr(Chatlog, "[SMS]:") && InStr(Chatlog, "Von:") && InStr(Chatlog, "(Nr."))
  1020. {
  1021. RegExMatch(Chatlog, "\[SMS\]\: (.*)\, Von\: (.*) \(Nr\. (.*)\)" ,output,3)
  1022. addchatmessage("Nachricht: " output1)
  1023. addchatmessage("User: " output2)
  1024. addchatmessage("Nr.: " output3)
  1026. FileRead,log_Backup, %A_MyDocuments%\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\Chatlog.txt
  1027. Backup := log_Backup
  1028. Filedelete, %A_MyDocuments%\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\Chatlog.txt
  1029. FileAppEnd,`n%Backup%,%A_MyDocuments%\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\Chatlog_backup.txt
  1030. }
  1031. return
  1033. Blacklist:
  1034. uname := getUsername()
  1035. RegRead, uname, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software\SAMP, PlayerName
  1036. if(imp_row_exist("Blacklist", uname))
  1037. {
  1038. MsgBox, 0, Blackliste!, Du wurdest von iBase gesperrt! Im Forum kannst du mich gerne anschreiben.
  1039. ExitApp
  1040. return
  1041. }
  1042. return
  1044. Hotkey0:
  1045. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked0){
  1046. return
  1047. }
  1048. string := Variable(KeyText0)
  1049. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1050. if(InStr(string, "|")){
  1051. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1052. Loop, %splitted0%
  1053. {
  1054. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1055. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1056. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1057. SendChat(Value)
  1058. }else{
  1059. SendInput, t%Value%
  1060. }
  1061. }
  1062. }else{
  1063. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1064. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1065. SendChat(string)
  1066. }else{
  1067. SendInput, t%string%
  1068. }
  1069. }
  1070. return
  1073. Hotkey1:
  1074. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked1 || A_ThisHotkey != Key1){
  1075. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1076. return
  1077. }
  1078. string := Variable(KeyText1)
  1079. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1080. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1081. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1082. Loop, %splitted0%
  1083. {
  1084. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1085. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1086. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1087. SendChat(Value)
  1088. }else{
  1089. SendInput, t%Value%
  1090. }
  1091. }
  1092. }else{
  1093. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1094. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1095. SendChat(string)
  1096. }else{
  1097. SendInput, t%string%
  1098. }
  1099. }
  1100. return
  1103. Hotkey2:
  1104. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked2 || A_ThisHotkey != Key2){
  1105. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1106. return
  1107. }
  1108. string := Variable(KeyText2)
  1109. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1110. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1111. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1112. Loop, %splitted0%
  1113. {
  1114. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1115. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1116. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1117. SendChat(Value)
  1118. }else{
  1119. SendInput, t%Value%
  1120. }
  1121. }
  1122. }else{
  1123. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1124. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1125. SendChat(string)
  1126. }else{
  1127. SendInput, t%string%
  1128. }
  1129. }
  1130. return
  1133. Hotkey3:
  1134. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked3 || A_ThisHotkey != Key3){
  1135. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1136. return
  1137. }
  1138. string := Variable(KeyText3)
  1139. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1140. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1141. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1142. Loop, %splitted0%
  1143. {
  1144. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1145. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1146. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1147. SendChat(Value)
  1148. }else{
  1149. SendInput, t%Value%
  1150. }
  1151. }
  1152. }else{
  1153. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1154. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1155. SendChat(string)
  1156. }else{
  1157. SendInput, t%string%
  1158. }
  1159. }
  1160. return
  1163. Hotkey4:
  1164. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked4 || A_ThisHotkey != Key4){
  1165. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1166. return
  1167. }
  1168. string := Variable(KeyText4)
  1169. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1170. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1171. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1172. Loop, %splitted0%
  1173. {
  1174. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1175. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1176. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1177. SendChat(Value)
  1178. }else{
  1179. SendInput, t%Value%
  1180. }
  1181. }
  1182. }else{
  1183. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1184. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1185. SendChat(string)
  1186. }else{
  1187. SendInput, t%string%
  1188. }
  1189. }
  1190. return
  1193. Hotkey5:
  1194. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked5 || A_ThisHotkey != Key5){
  1195. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1196. return
  1197. }
  1198. string := Variable(KeyText5)
  1199. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1200. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1201. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1202. Loop, %splitted0%
  1203. {
  1204. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1205. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1206. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1207. SendChat(Value)
  1208. }else{
  1209. SendInput, t%Value%
  1210. }
  1211. }
  1212. }else{
  1213. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1214. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1215. SendChat(string)
  1216. }else{
  1217. SendInput, t%string%
  1218. }
  1219. }
  1220. return
  1223. Hotkey6:
  1224. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked6 || A_ThisHotkey != Key6){
  1225. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1226. return
  1227. }
  1228. string := Variable(KeyText6)
  1229. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1230. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1231. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1232. Loop, %splitted0%
  1233. {
  1234. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1235. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1236. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1237. SendChat(Value)
  1238. }else{
  1239. SendInput, t%Value%
  1240. }
  1241. }
  1242. }else{
  1243. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1244. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1245. SendChat(string)
  1246. }else{
  1247. SendInput, t%string%
  1248. }
  1249. }
  1250. return
  1253. Hotkey7:
  1254. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked7 || A_ThisHotkey != Key7){
  1255. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1256. return
  1257. }
  1258. string := Variable(KeyText7)
  1259. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1260. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1261. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1262. Loop, %splitted0%
  1263. {
  1264. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1265. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1266. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1267. SendChat(Value)
  1268. }else{
  1269. SendInput, t%Value%
  1270. }
  1271. }
  1272. }else{
  1273. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1274. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1275. SendChat(string)
  1276. }else{
  1277. SendInput, t%string%
  1278. }
  1279. }
  1280. return
  1283. Hotkey8:
  1284. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked8 || A_ThisHotkey != Key8){
  1285. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1286. return
  1287. }
  1288. string := Variable(KeyText8)
  1289. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1290. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1291. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1292. Loop, %splitted0%
  1293. {
  1294. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1295. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1296. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1297. SendChat(Value)
  1298. }else{
  1299. SendInput, t%Value%
  1300. }
  1301. }
  1302. }else{
  1303. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1304. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1305. SendChat(string)
  1306. }else{
  1307. SendInput, t%string%
  1308. }
  1309. }
  1310. return
  1313. Hotkey9:
  1314. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked9 || A_ThisHotkey != Key9){
  1315. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1316. return
  1317. }
  1318. string := Variable(KeyText9)
  1319. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1320. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1321. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1322. Loop, %splitted0%
  1323. {
  1324. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1325. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1326. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1327. SendChat(Value)
  1328. }else{
  1329. SendInput, t%Value%
  1330. }
  1331. }
  1332. }else{
  1333. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1334. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1335. SendChat(string)
  1336. }else{
  1337. SendInput, t%string%
  1338. }
  1339. }
  1340. return
  1343. Hotkey10:
  1344. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked10 || A_ThisHotkey != Key10){
  1345. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1346. return
  1347. }
  1348. string := Variable(KeyText10)
  1349. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1350. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1351. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1352. Loop, %splitted0%
  1353. {
  1354. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1355. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1356. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1357. SendChat(Value)
  1358. }else{
  1359. SendInput, t%Value%
  1360. }
  1361. }
  1362. }else{
  1363. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1364. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1365. SendChat(string)
  1366. }else{
  1367. SendInput, t%string%
  1368. }
  1369. }
  1370. return
  1373. Hotkey11:
  1374. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked11 || A_ThisHotkey != Key11){
  1375. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1376. return
  1377. }
  1378. string := Variable(KeyText11)
  1379. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1380. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1381. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1382. Loop, %splitted0%
  1383. {
  1384. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1385. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1386. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1387. SendChat(Value)
  1388. }else{
  1389. SendInput, t%Value%
  1390. }
  1391. }
  1392. }else{
  1393. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1394. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1395. SendChat(string)
  1396. }else{
  1397. SendInput, t%string%
  1398. }
  1399. }
  1400. return
  1403. Hotkey12:
  1404. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked12 || A_ThisHotkey != Key12){
  1405. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1406. return
  1407. }
  1408. string := Variable(KeyText12)
  1409. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1410. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1411. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1412. Loop, %splitted0%
  1413. {
  1414. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1415. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1416. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1417. SendChat(Value)
  1418. }else{
  1419. SendInput, t%Value%
  1420. }
  1421. }
  1422. }else{
  1423. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1424. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1425. SendChat(string)
  1426. }else{
  1427. SendInput, t%string%
  1428. }
  1429. }
  1430. return
  1433. Hotkey13:
  1434. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked13 || A_ThisHotkey != Key13){
  1435. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1436. return
  1437. }
  1438. string := Variable(KeyText13)
  1439. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1440. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1441. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1442. Loop, %splitted0%
  1443. {
  1444. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1445. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1446. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1447. SendChat(Value)
  1448. }else{
  1449. SendInput, t%Value%
  1450. }
  1451. }
  1452. }else{
  1453. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1454. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1455. SendChat(string)
  1456. }else{
  1457. SendInput, t%string%
  1458. }
  1459. }
  1460. return
  1463. Hotkey14:
  1464. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked14 || A_ThisHotkey != Key14){
  1465. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1466. return
  1467. }
  1468. string := Variable(KeyText14)
  1469. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1470. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1471. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1472. Loop, %splitted0%
  1473. {
  1474. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1475. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1476. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1477. SendChat(Value)
  1478. }else{
  1479. SendInput, t%Value%
  1480. }
  1481. }
  1482. }else{
  1483. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1484. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1485. SendChat(string)
  1486. }else{
  1487. SendInput, t%string%
  1488. }
  1489. }
  1490. return
  1493. Hotkey15:
  1494. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked15 || A_ThisHotkey != Key15){
  1495. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1496. return
  1497. }
  1498. string := Variable(KeyText15)
  1499. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1500. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1501. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1502. Loop, %splitted0%
  1503. {
  1504. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1505. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1506. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1507. SendChat(Value)
  1508. }else{
  1509. SendInput, t%Value%
  1510. }
  1511. }
  1512. }else{
  1513. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1514. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1515. SendChat(string)
  1516. }else{
  1517. SendInput, t%string%
  1518. }
  1519. }
  1520. return
  1523. Hotkey16:
  1524. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked16 || A_ThisHotkey != Key16){
  1525. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1526. return
  1527. }
  1528. string := Variable(KeyText16)
  1529. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1530. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1531. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1532. Loop, %splitted0%
  1533. {
  1534. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1535. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1536. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1537. SendChat(Value)
  1538. }else{
  1539. SendInput, t%Value%
  1540. }
  1541. }
  1542. }else{
  1543. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1544. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1545. SendChat(string)
  1546. }else{
  1547. SendInput, t%string%
  1548. }
  1549. }
  1550. return
  1553. Hotkey17:
  1554. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked17 || A_ThisHotkey != Key17){
  1555. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1556. return
  1557. }
  1558. string := Variable(KeyText17)
  1559. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1560. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1561. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1562. Loop, %splitted0%
  1563. {
  1564. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1565. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1566. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1567. SendChat(Value)
  1568. }else{
  1569. SendInput, t%Value%
  1570. }
  1571. }
  1572. }else{
  1573. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1574. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1575. SendChat(string)
  1576. }else{
  1577. SendInput, t%string%
  1578. }
  1579. }
  1580. return
  1583. Hotkey18:
  1584. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked18 || A_ThisHotkey != Key18){
  1585. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1586. return
  1587. }
  1588. string := Variable(KeyText18)
  1589. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1590. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1591. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1592. Loop, %splitted0%
  1593. {
  1594. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1595. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1596. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1597. SendChat(Value)
  1598. }else{
  1599. SendInput, t%Value%
  1600. }
  1601. }
  1602. }else{
  1603. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1604. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1605. SendChat(string)
  1606. }else{
  1607. SendInput, t%string%
  1608. }
  1609. }
  1610. return
  1613. Hotkey19:
  1614. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked19 || A_ThisHotkey != Key19){
  1615. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1616. return
  1617. }
  1618. string := Variable(KeyText19)
  1619. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1620. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1621. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1622. Loop, %splitted0%
  1623. {
  1624. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1625. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1626. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1627. SendChat(Value)
  1628. }else{
  1629. SendInput, t%Value%
  1630. }
  1631. }
  1632. }else{
  1633. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1634. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1635. SendChat(string)
  1636. }else{
  1637. SendInput, t%string%
  1638. }
  1639. }
  1640. return
  1643. Hotkey20:
  1644. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked20 || A_ThisHotkey != Key20){
  1645. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1646. return
  1647. }
  1648. string := Variable(KeyText20)
  1649. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1650. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1651. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1652. Loop, %splitted0%
  1653. {
  1654. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1655. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1656. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1657. SendChat(Value)
  1658. }else{
  1659. SendInput, t%Value%
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. }else{
  1663. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1664. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1665. SendChat(string)
  1666. }else{
  1667. SendInput, t%string%
  1668. }
  1669. }
  1670. return
  1673. Hotkey21:
  1674. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked21 || A_ThisHotkey != Key21){
  1675. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1676. return
  1677. }
  1678. string := Variable(KeyText21)
  1679. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1680. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1681. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1682. Loop, %splitted0%
  1683. {
  1684. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1685. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1686. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1687. SendChat(Value)
  1688. }else{
  1689. SendInput, t%Value%
  1690. }
  1691. }
  1692. }else{
  1693. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1694. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1695. SendChat(string)
  1696. }else{
  1697. SendInput, t%string%
  1698. }
  1699. }
  1700. return
  1703. Hotkey22:
  1704. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked22 || A_ThisHotkey != Key22){
  1705. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1706. return
  1707. }
  1708. string := Variable(KeyText22)
  1709. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1710. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1711. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1712. Loop, %splitted0%
  1713. {
  1714. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1715. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1716. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1717. SendChat(Value)
  1718. }else{
  1719. SendInput, t%Value%
  1720. }
  1721. }
  1722. }else{
  1723. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1724. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1725. SendChat(string)
  1726. }else{
  1727. SendInput, t%string%
  1728. }
  1729. }
  1730. return
  1733. Hotkey23:
  1734. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked23 || A_ThisHotkey != Key23){
  1735. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1736. return
  1737. }
  1738. string := Variable(KeyText23)
  1739. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1740. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1741. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1742. Loop, %splitted0%
  1743. {
  1744. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1745. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1746. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1747. SendChat(Value)
  1748. }else{
  1749. SendInput, t%Value%
  1750. }
  1751. }
  1752. }else{
  1753. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1754. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1755. SendChat(string)
  1756. }else{
  1757. SendInput, t%string%
  1758. }
  1759. }
  1760. return
  1763. Hotkey24:
  1764. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked24 || A_ThisHotkey != Key24){
  1765. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1766. return
  1767. }
  1768. string := Variable(KeyText24)
  1769. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1770. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1771. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1772. Loop, %splitted0%
  1773. {
  1774. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1775. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1776. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1777. SendChat(Value)
  1778. }else{
  1779. SendInput, t%Value%
  1780. }
  1781. }
  1782. }else{
  1783. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1784. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1785. SendChat(string)
  1786. }else{
  1787. SendInput, t%string%
  1788. }
  1789. }
  1790. return
  1793. Hotkey25:
  1794. if(isInChat() || !KeyChecked25 || A_ThisHotkey != Key25){
  1795. SendInput, {A_ThisHotkey}
  1796. return
  1797. }
  1798. string := Variable(KeyText25)
  1799. if(InStr(string, "&&")){
  1800. StringReplace, string, string, &&, |, All
  1801. StringSplit, splitted, string,|
  1802. Loop, %splitted0%
  1803. {
  1804. Value := splitted%A_Index%
  1805. if(InStr(Value,"[ENTER]")){
  1806. StringReplace, Value, Value, [ENTER], , All
  1807. SendChat(Value)
  1808. }else{
  1809. SendInput, t%Value%
  1810. }
  1811. }
  1812. }else{
  1813. if(InStr(string,"[ENTER]")){
  1814. StringReplace, string, string, [ENTER], , All
  1815. SendChat(string)
  1816. }else{
  1817. SendInput, t%string%
  1818. }
  1819. }
  1820. return
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