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a guest
Oct 24th, 2014
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  1. <ul>
  2. <li><strong>Pretend you're talking to a busy colleague</strong> and have to sum up your entire question in one sentence: what details can you include that will help someone identify and solve your problem?</li>
  3. <li><strong>Spelling, grammar and punctuation are important!</strong> Remember, this is the first part of your question others will see - you want to make a good impression. If you're not comfortable writing in English, ask a friend to proof-read it for you. </li>
  4. <li>If you're having trouble summarizing the problem, <strong>write the title <em>last</em></strong> - sometimes writing the rest of the question first can make it easier to describe the problem.&nbsp;</li>
  5. </ul>
  7. <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true" isBlankWhenNull="true">
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  9. <textElement markup="html">
  10. <font size="10"/>
  11. </textElement>
  12. <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{description}]]></textFieldExpression>
  13. </textField>
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