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a guest
May 30th, 2016
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  1. #KillBoard Skript By GreenUHC
  2. #Http://
  3. command /kb <text>:
  4. description: /kb <on|off> - Enable/Disable the Killboard
  5. usage: /kb <on|off>
  6. permission: skript.op
  7. permission message: &cYou do not have permission to execute this command&8.
  8. executable by: players and console
  9. trigger:
  10. if arg-1 is "on":
  11. execute console command "/scoreboard objectives add kills dummy &3Intoxicated &a&l- &b%command sender%"
  12. execute console command "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar kills"
  13. command "/scoreboard players set &8-&bDeaths&8- kills 0"
  14. execute console command "/scoreboard players set &aPlayers&8&l: kills %amount of players%"
  15. broadcast "&7[&3&lIntoxicated&7] &cKillBoard &2Enabled"
  16. if arg-1 is "off":
  17. execute console command "/scoreboard objectives remove kills"
  18. broadcast "&7[&3&lIntoxicated&7] &3KillBoard &4Disabled"
  19. on death of player:
  20. if attacker is a player:
  21. execute console command "/scoreboard players add %attacker% kills 1"
  22. execute console command "/scoreboard players reset %victim%"
  23. execute console command "/scoreboard players add &8-&bDeaths&8- kills 1"
  24. else:
  25. execute console command "/scoreboard players add &8-&3PvE&8- kills 1"
  26. execute console command "/scoreboard players add &8-&bDeaths&8- kills 1"
  27. every second:
  28. execute console command "/scoreboard players set &aPlayers&8&l: kills %amount of players%"
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