
Hestia google tweak.

May 3rd, 2015
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  1. /*
  2.    Some tweaks for your google.
  3.    Change the part below before you want to copy.
  4.    @copyrighted to this guy -
  5. */
  7. /* Hides the subtext under the Google logo (i.e. "Canada") */
  8. #logo-sub {
  9.  visibility: hidden;  
  10. }
  11. /* Replaces the text that displays below the Google logo (i.e. "Canada") */
  12. #logo-sub:before { /* If you want to use this. You need to remove #hplogo with text-indent and white-space first. */
  13.  content: "Hestia is Bestia";
  14.  visibility: visible;
  15.  display: block;
  16. }
  17. /* Prevents the Google logo from hiding when you type in the search box*/
  18. body.hide, body.hide-sf #fkbx, body.hide-sf #lga {
  19.  visibility: visible;
  20. }
  21. /* Sets the search box, and the border to be transparent (more theme space)*/
  22. #fkbx {
  23.  background: transparent;
  24.  border: transparent;
  25. }
  26. /* Just setting more borders to transparent in regards to the search box*/
  27. .fkbxfcs #fkbx {
  28.  border: transparent;
  29. }
  30. /* Replacing the "Search Google" text, and changing the color to better match not having a white background, feel free to play with this to make it fit you. I found dark grey worked for me (777).*/
  31. #fkbx-text:before {
  32.  color: #777;
  33.  content: "Search Hestia or type URL";
  34.  border: transparent;
  35.  visibility: visible;
  36.  display: block;
  37. }
  38. /* This hides the search via speech, if you like that option, remove this line or replace hidden with "visible"*/
  39. #fkbx-spch {
  40.  visibility: hidden;
  41. }
  42. /* This hides the Google Doodle notifier. I found it to be super annoying, again remove this line or replace hidden with "visible" if you want this back.*/
  43. #ctDoodleNotifier {
  44.  visibility: hidden;
  45. }
  46. /* This hides the the BORDER around the most visited pages. If you don't like this, remove the line or replace hidden with "visible"*/
  47. .mv-tile .mv-mask {
  48.  visibility: hidden;
  49. }
  50. /* Makes the background of the Most Visited tiles transparent, and removes any border/outline it might try and create.*/
  51. .des-mat .mv-tile {
  52.  background: transparent;
  53.  outline: none;
  54.  border: transparent;
  55.  border-radius: 0px;
  56. }
  57. /* makes the background of the "X" (the remove this page button) on the most visited tiles transparent, and removes the border*/
  58. .des-mat .mv-page .mv-x {
  59.  background: transparent;
  60.  outline: none;
  61.  border: transparent;
  62.  border-radius: 0px;
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