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Jan 31st, 2015
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  3. ;Just do these easy steps to get the scanner working.
  4. ;-
  5. ;1.) Download mIRC from version does not matter.
  6. ;2.) Open mIRC.
  7. ;3.) Press ALT + R to open the remote tab.
  8. ;4.) Then copy paste the code located below into mIRC remotes.
  9. ;5.) Click Ok. Then type / to open the scanners windows.
  10. ;6.) Type /leech to leech the web for proxies; Do not worry if mIRC freezes or hangs, this means the script is working to import proxies into temporary files which will be scanned onward.
  11. ;7.) Do not forget you can open the menu of the scanners windows by right-clicking on them.
  12. ;8.) To scan custom proxies you can 1. ) Save your proxies into files (.txt) and click scan multiple files. OR 2.) Copy some proxies with (CTRL +C) paste them into the edit box (CTRL + V) .
  13. ;Remember: You can always open the scanners window by typing: / or by accessing it from the menu.
  14. ALIAS DEF.S { %z = $r(0,1) | if (%z) return %def.s | else return %def.s2 }
  15. alias getiphost2 {
  16. %var = /\b((?:(?:[a-z]+)\.)+(?:[a-z]+)[: ]\d{2,5})\b|\b((?:(?:(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[01]?\d?\d))\.){3}(?3)[: ]\d{2,5})\b/i
  17. if $regex(ip,$remove($1-,$chr(9)),%var) {
  18. return $replace($regml(ip,1),:,$chr(32))
  19. }
  20. }
  21. on
  22. alias getsource {
  23. var %i $iif(http://* !iswm $1,http://) $+ $1, $&
  24. %comName leech. $+ $ticks, $&
  25. %fname $qt($mircdir $+ %comName $+ .txt)
  26. .comopen %comName MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
  27. var %v = $&
  28. Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp") $lf $&
  29. "GET", $qt(%i) , false $lf $&
  30. xmlhttp.send $lf $&
  31. Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $lf $&
  32. fso.CreateTextFile( %fname ) $lf $&
  33. Set file = fso.OpenTextFile( %fname , 8, True) $lf $&
  34. file.WriteLine(xmlhttp.responseText) $lf $&
  35. file.Close
  37. noop $com(%comName,Language,4,bstr,VBScript) $com(%comName,ExecuteStatement,1,bstr,%v)
  38. .comclose %comName
  39. return %fname
  40. :error
  41. if ($com(%comName)) .comclose %comName
  42. }
  43. alias leech {
  45. if (!%interval) %interval = 50
  46. echo @proxyscan 4 $+ $timestamp * Now leeching proxy-lists over the web, mIRC might freeze (if so use CTRL + BREAK)
  47. .s4file $getsource( %interval
  48. .timerpl.1 1 1 .s5file %fname %interval
  49. .timerpl.2 1 2 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  50. .timerpl.3 1 3 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  51. .timerpl.4 1 4 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  52. .timerpl.5 1 5 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  53. .timerpl.6 1 6 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  54. .timerpl.7 1 7 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  55. .timerpl.8 1 8 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  56. .timerpl.9 1 9 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  57. .timerpl.10 1 10 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  58. .timerpl.11 1 11 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  59. .timerpl.12 1 12 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  60. .timerpl.13 1 13 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  61. .timerpl.14 1 14 .s5file $getsource( %interval
  62. .timerpl.15 1 15 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  63. .timerpl.16 1 16 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  64. .timerpl.17 1 17 .s5file $getsource( %interval
  65. .timerpl.18 1 18 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  66. .timerpl.19 1 19 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  67. .timerpl.20 1 20 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  68. .timerpl.21 1 21 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  69. .timerpl.22 1 22 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  70. .timerpl.23 1 23 .pxyfile $getsource( %interval
  71. .timerpl.24 1 24 .s4file $getsource( %interval
  72. .timerpl.25 1 25 .s5file %fname %interval
  73. }
  74. alias sc5nfile { s5.scan $1- }
  75. alias sc4nfile { s4.scan $1- }
  76. alias sc4n {
  77. if (*.*.*.* iswm $1-) && ($1 != x) && ($2) {
  78. if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) != $null) { echo @proxyscan $1 $2 Already in list, halted scan. | return }
  79. echo @proxyscan Scanning: $1 $2
  80. sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $1 $2
  81. return
  82. }
  83. if ($getiphost2($1-)) {
  84. if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $gettok($getiphost2($1-),1,32) $+ *) != $null) { echo @proxyscan $1 $+ : %+ $2 Already in list, halted scan. | goto next }
  85. echo @proxyscan Scanning: $getiphost2($1-)
  86. sockopen scan $+ $r(0,99999999999999) $getiphost2($1-)
  87. goto next
  88. }
  89. if (*.*.*.* !iswm $1-) goto next
  90. if ($read($pxy,w,* $+ $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) $+ *) != $null) { echo @proxyscan $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32) Already in list, halted scan. | goto next }
  91. :next
  92. }
  93. alias setinterval {
  94. echo -a Set interval in milliseconds to wait between each threads.
  95. echo -a To run the script without problem try an interval between 1 and 1000 use larger value if connection is slow.
  96. :restart
  97. %interval = $?="Enter interval in milliseconds, 1 to 1000 "
  98. if (!$!) || ($! >= 1000) goto restart
  99. }
  100. alias defaultset { %interval = 50 | %def.s = | %def.s2 = | %def.p = 6667 | %fldchan = #elite-team }
  101. alias { inc %scan.start | if (%scan.start == 1) defaultset | if (%interval == $null) setinterval | if ($window(@proxyscan) == $null) { window -e @proxyscan | window -e @sock4 | window -e @sock5 } }
  102. alias selectmultiplefile { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE PROXY FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /pxyfile $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
  103. menu @proxyscan,menubar {
  104. [-Proxy Scan-]
  105. .play central:play
  106. .Show window: | window -e @proxyscan | echo @proxyscan Paste your proxies here
  107. .Leech Proxy Now!:leech
  108. .-
  109. .Settings
  110. ..Default Setting: defaultset
  111. ..Set interval of scan ( $+ %interval $+ ): setinterval
  112. ..Set channel to load on ( $+ %fldchan $+ ): set %fldchan $$?="enter #channel"
  113. ..Set server to scan on ( $+ %def.s $+ ): set %def.s $?=="Please enter an ip address (no hostnames)"
  114. ..Set alternate server to scan on ( $+ %def.s2 $+ ): set %def.s2 $?=="Please enter an ip address (no hostnames)"
  115. ..
  116. .-
  117. .Show good proxies: /run $pxy
  118. .Sort proxy list: /filterfile $pxy
  119. .-
  120. .Scan multiple proxy files: selectmultiplefile
  121. .-
  122. .Abort scanning: abord | /SOCKCLOSE SCAN*
  123. .Clear window: /clear
  124. .Hide window: window -h @proxyscan
  125. .-
  126. .Proxy lists
  127. ..My-Proxy forum: run
  128. ..Xorum: run
  129. ..Proxy4Free: run
  130. ..PublicProxyServers:run
  131. ..AnonymityChecker:run
  132. ..Proxz:run
  133. ..MultiProxy:run
  134. ..Samair:run
  135. ..HighAnonimity: run
  136. }
  138. alias pxy return ValidProxy.txt
  139. alias abord { play stop | .timerleech off | timerpl.* off }
  140. on *:INPUT:@Proxyscan:{
  141. if (/ !isin $1) && ($getiphost2($1-)) {
  142. write temp $getiphost2($1-)
  143. .timerscanfile 1 1 .pxyfile temp %interval
  144. .timerscanfileoff 1 2 .remove temp
  145. return
  146. }
  147. if (!$getiphost2($1-)) && ($wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)) sc4n $wildtok($1-,*.*.*.*,1,32)
  148. }
  149. alias sk {
  150. write $pxy $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
  151. set %radi $read($allpxy,w,* $+ %scan.ip $+ : $+ %scan.port $+ *)
  152. if (!%radi) write $allpxy %scan.ip $+ : $+ %scan.port
  153. }
  154. on *:sockopen:scan*:{
  155. if ($sockerr > 0) { echo @proxyscan 14,15 $sock($sockname).ip $sock($sockname).port Error ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) | return }
  156. if (_ !isin $sockname) {
  157. sockmark $sockname $ticks
  158. sockwrite -n $sockname CONNECT $def.s $+ : $+ %def.p HTTP/1. $+ $r(0,1) $+ $crlf
  159. sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  160. sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  161. return
  162. }
  163. }
  164. alias success { echo @proxyscan $1- | sk }
  165. alias allpxy return ALL.txt
  166. alias portclose { sockclose $1 }
  167. on *:SOCKREAD:scan*:{
  168. sockread %scan
  169. if (ERROR* iswm $gettok(%scan,1,32)) { Echo @proxyscan 6* $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port WORKING! (but banned on %def.s $+ ) Lag: $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark) ms }
  170. if (PING == $gettok(%scan,1,32)) sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $remove($gettok(%scan,2,32),:)
  171. if (HTTP/* iswm $gettok(%scan,1,32)) {
  172. if ($gettok(%scan,2,32) > 200) { echo @proxyscan 4,5 Bad: $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $iif(Method not allowed iswm $gettok(%scan,3-,32),CoDeeN Proxy,$gettok(%scan,3-,32)) $+ ) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  173. if ($gettok(%scan,2,32) == 200) {
  174. echo @proxyscan 3 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port is connecting... | sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf | sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  175. }
  176. }
  177. if (*NOTICE AUTH* iswmcs $gettok(%scan,1-3,32)) {
  178. set -u1 %readi $read($pxy,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ *)
  179. if (%readi == $null) {
  180. success 9,3* $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port WORKING! Lag: $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark) ms
  181. sockrename $sockname fld $+ $sockname
  182. }
  183. sockwrite -n $sockname USER $read(users.txt) "." "." : $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(0,999)
  184. sockwrite -n $sockname NICK $read(users.txt)
  185. sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN %fldchan
  187. }
  188. }
  190. on 1:sockclose:scan*:echo @proxyscan 4,5 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated.
  191. alias pb return echo @proxyscan
  192. alias scanfile { sc4n $iif($getiphost2($1-),$getiphost2($1-),$2) }
  193. alias pxyfile { play -a scanfile @proxyscan $1 $2 }
  194. alias range {
  195. unset %range*
  196. set %range1 $gettok($1,1,46)
  197. set %range2 $gettok($1,2,46)
  198. set %range3 $gettok($1,3,46)
  199. .timerRANGEr -om 0 %interval next $2-
  200. privmsg %fldchan Starting at $1 on Port $2 Sv $+ $3
  201. }
  202. menu menubar {
  203. Open Socks Scanner:
  204. }
  205. alias next {
  206. :START
  207. set %temp $r(0,999999999999)
  208. if ($sock(s $+ $2 $+ chk $+ %temp).name != $null) goto START
  209. inc %range4
  210. sockopen s $+ $2 $+ chk $+ %temp %range1 $+ . $+ %range2 $+ . $+ %range3 $+ . $+ %range4 $1
  211. goto next
  212. :NEXT
  213. if (%range4 >= 255) { inc %range3 | set %range4 0 }
  214. if (%range3 >= 255) { inc %range2 | set %range3 0 }
  215. if (%range2 >= 255) { unset %range* | PRIVMSG : $+ $chr(35) $+ $gettok(%def.c,1,32) Scan halted. | .timerRANGE off | halt }
  216. }
  217. on *:INPUT:@sock5:{
  218. write temp.s5 $getiphost2($1-)
  219. .timerscans5file 1 1 .s5file temp.s5 %interval
  220. .timerscans5fileoff 1 2 .remove temp.s5
  221. }
  222. on *:INPUT:@sock4:{
  223. write temp.s4 $getiphost2($1-)
  224. .timerscans4file 1 1 .s4file temp.s4 %interval
  225. .timerscans4fileoff 1 2 .remove temp.s4
  226. }
  227. alias s5.scan {
  228. if (!$1) goto END
  229. window -e @sock5
  230. if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { echo @sock5 $gettok($1,1,58) $+ : $+ $gettok($1,2,58) Already in list. | goto END }
  231. if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
  232. if ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
  233. sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
  234. echo @sock5 Scanning: $1 $2
  235. }
  236. }
  237. elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null) {
  238. sockopen s5chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
  239. echo @sock5 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-)
  240. }
  241. :END
  242. }
  243. menu @sock5 {
  244. play central:play
  245. Show window: | window -e @proxyscan | echo @proxyscan Paste your proxies here
  246. Leech Proxy Now!:leech
  247. -
  248. Settings
  249. .Default Setting: defaultset
  250. .Set interval of scan ( $+ %interval $+ ): setinterval
  251. .Set channel to load on ( $+ %fldchan $+ ): set %fldchan $$?="enter #channel"
  252. .Set server to scan on ( $+ %def.s $+ ): set %def.s $?=="Please enter an ip address (no hostnames)"
  253. .Set alternate server to scan on ( $+ %def.s2 $+ ): set %def.s2 $?=="Please enter an ip address (no hostnames)"
  254. -
  255. Scan SOCK5 IP range:range $?="IP:" $?="Port" 5
  256. -
  257. Check current SOCK5 list: /run sock5.txt
  258. Sort file: /filterfile sock5.txt
  259. -
  260. Set interval of scan:setinterval
  261. Scan multiple SOCK5 files: selectmultiplefiles5
  262. -
  263. ABORT SCANS: abord
  264. Clear: /clear
  265. }
  266. alias selectmultiplefiles5 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK5 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s5file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
  267. alias selectmultiplefiles4 { set %sfiles $nopath($shortfn($msfile($mircdir,CHOSE SOCK4 FILES,SCAN))) | :incthat | inc %sinc | if (%sinc > %sfiles) { unset %sinc | halt } | /s4file $shortfn($msfile(%sinc)) %interval | goto incthat }
  268. menu @sock4 {
  269. play central:play
  270. Show window: | window -e @proxyscan | echo @proxyscan Paste your proxies here
  271. Leech Proxy Now!:leech
  272. -
  273. Settings
  274. .Default Setting: defaultset
  275. .Set interval of scan ( $+ %interval $+ ): setinterval
  276. .Set channel to load on ( $+ %fldchan $+ ): set %fldchan $$?="enter #channel"
  277. .Set server to scan on ( $+ %def.s $+ ): set %def.s $?=="Please enter an ip address (no hostnames)"
  278. .Set alternate server to scan on ( $+ %def.s2 $+ ): set %def.s2 $?=="Please enter an ip address (no hostnames)"
  279. -
  280. Scan SOCK4 IP range:range $?="IP:" $?="Port" 4
  281. -
  282. Check current SOCK4 list: /run sock4.txt
  283. Sort list: /filterfile sock4.txt
  284. -
  285. Set interval of scan: setinterval
  286. Scan multiple SOCK4 files: selectmultiplefiles4
  287. -
  288. ABORT SCANS: .play stop | .timerranger off | sockclose *chk*
  289. Clear: clear
  290. }
  291. alias s4.scan {
  292. if (!$1) goto END
  293. window -e @sock4
  294. if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $gettok($1,1,58) $+ *) != $null) { echo @sock4 $gettok($1,1,58) $+ : $+ $gettok($1,2,58) Already in list | goto END }
  295. if (*.*.*.* iswm $1) && (*.*.*.*:* !iswm $1) {
  296. if ($read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $1 $+ *) == $null) {
  297. sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $1 $2
  298. echo @sock4 Scanning: $1 $2
  299. }
  300. }
  301. elseif (*.*.*.*:* iswm $1-) && ($read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $getiphost2($1-) $+ *) == $null) {
  302. sockopen s4chk $+ $r(0,9999999) $getiphost2($1-)
  303. echo @sock4 Scanning: $getiphost2($1-)
  304. }
  305. :END
  306. }
  307. on *:sockopen:s5chk*:{
  308. if ($sockerr) { echo @sock5 15,14* Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) | return }
  309. .bset &bvar5 1 5 1 0
  310. .sockwrite -n $sockname &bvar5
  311. .bunset &bvar5
  312. return
  313. }
  314. on *:sockread:s5chk*:{
  315. if ($sockbr) { return }
  316. .sockread &bsocks5
  317. if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) != 5 0) { echo @sock5 4,5Bad $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port return $bvar(&bsocks5,2-) | return }
  318. if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) == 5 0) && ($bvar(&bsocks5,3) != 0) {
  319. sockmark $sockname $ticks
  320. bset &socks5 1 5 1 0 1 $replace($def.s,.,$chr(32)) $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46)
  321. .sockwrite -n $sockname &socks5
  322. .bunset &socks5
  323. sockrename $sockname chks5 $+ $remove($sockname,s5chk)
  325. }
  326. }
  327. on 1:SOCKREAD:chks5*:{
  328. sockread %socks5
  329. if (*NOTICE AUTH* iswmcs $gettok(%socks5,1-3,32)) {
  330. window -e @sock5
  331. suces5 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Lag: $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark) $+ ms
  332. sockrename $sockname fld $+ $sockname
  333. }
  334. }
  335. alias suces4 { echo @sock4 9,3* $1- | sk4 }
  336. alias suces5 { echo @sock5 9,3* $1- | sk5 }
  337. alias sk4 {
  338. set -u3 %rady $read(sock4.txt,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
  339. if (!%rady) write sock4.txt $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
  340. }
  341. alias sk5 {
  342. set -u3 %redy $read(sock5.txt,w,* $+ $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $+ *)
  343. if (!%redy) write sock5.txt $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port
  344. }
  345. on *:sockopen:s4chk*:{
  346. if ($sockerr) { echo @sock4 14,15* Error $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port ( $+ $sock($sockname).wsmsg $+ ) | return }
  347. sockmark $sockname $ticks
  348. .bset &bvar4 1 4 1 $gettok($longip(%def.p),3,46) $gettok($longip(%def.p),4,46) $replace($def.s,.,$chr(32)) 0
  349. .sockwrite $sockname &bvar4
  350. .bunset &bvar4
  351. }
  352. ON *:SOCKREAD:s4chk*:{
  353. if ($sockbr) { return }
  354. .sockread &bsocks4
  355. if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) != 90) { echo 4 @sock4 Bad $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port return $bvar(&bsocks4,2-) | return }
  356. if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) == 90) {
  357. window -e @sock4
  358. suces4 $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port $calc($ticks - $sock($sockname).mark)) $+ ms
  359. sockrename $sockname fld $+ $sockname
  360. }
  361. }
  362. on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s5*:{ echo @sock5 4,5 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. | return }
  363. on 1:SOCKCLOSE:s4*:{ echo @sock4 4,5 * $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port Connection Terminated. | return }
  364. alias scans4file { s4.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
  365. alias s4file { play -a scans4file @sock4 $1- }
  366. alias scans5file { s5.scan $getiphost2($1-) }
  367. alias s5file { play -a scans5file @sock5 $1- }
  368. alias logo return psyBNC2.3.1d
  369. on 1:SOCKREAD:fld*:{
  370. if (!$sock($sockname).mark) || ($sock($sockname).mark == c) sockmark $sockname $ctime
  371. sockread %fld
  372. if ($gettok(%fld,1,32) == PING) { sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $remove($gettok(%fld,2,32),:) }
  373. if ($gettok(%fld,2,32) == Privmsg) && ($gettok(%fld,4,32) == :!own) { sockwrite -n $sockname NOTICE $remove($gettok($gettok(%fld,1,32),1,33),:) : I am connecting from $sock($sockname).ip $+ : $+ $sock($sockname).port }
  374. if ($gettok(%fld,2,32) == Privmsg) && ($gettok(%fld,4,32) == :!up) { %up = $ctime - $sock($sockname).mark | sockwrite -n $sockname NOTICE $remove($gettok($gettok(%fld,1,32),1,33),:) : Uptime:  $+ $duration($calc(%up)) $+  }
  375. if ($gettok(%fld,2,32) == Privmsg) && ($gettok(%fld,4,32) == :!kill) { sockwrite -n $sockname QUIT : $+ $gettok(%fld,5,32) }
  376. if (*NOTICE AUTH* iswm $gettok(%fld,1-3,32)) || (451 == $gettok(%fld,2,32)) || (43* iswm $gettok(%fld,2,32)) {
  377. sockmark $sockname $ctime
  378. .timerNICK $+ $sockname 1 1 sockwrite -n $sockname NICK $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(0,9)
  379. .timerUSR $+ $sockname 1 1 sockwrite -n $sockname USER $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(0,9) "." "." : $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(0,9)
  380. .timerJOIN $+ $sockname 1 2 $iif(%fldchan != $null,sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN %fldchan)
  381. }
  382. }
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