
Rift PTS summary documentation

Jan 12th, 2012
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  1. Basic globals:
  2. UI.Context
  3. UI.CreateContext
  4. UI.CreateFrame
  5. UI.Frame
  6. UIParent.Event.Move
  7. UIParent.Event.Size
  9. assert
  10. bit.arshift
  12. bit.bnot
  13. bit.bor
  14. bit.bswap
  15. bit.bxor
  16. bit.lshift
  17. bit.rol
  18. bit.ror
  19. bit.rshift
  20. bit.tobit
  21. bit.tohex
  22. collectgarbage
  23. coroutine.create
  24. coroutine.resume
  25. coroutine.running
  26. coroutine.status
  27. coroutine.wrap
  28. coroutine.yield
  29. debug.traceback
  30. dump
  31. error
  32. gcinfo
  33. getfenv
  34. getmetatable
  35. ipairs
  36. load
  37. loadstring
  38. math.abs
  39. math.acos
  40. math.asin
  41. math.atan
  42. math.atan2
  43. math.ceil
  44. math.cos
  45. math.cosh
  46. math.deg
  47. math.exp
  48. math.floor
  49. math.fmod
  50. math.frexp
  51. math.huge
  52. math.ldexp
  53. math.log
  54. math.log10
  55. math.max
  56. math.min
  57. math.modf
  58. math.pi
  59. math.pow
  60. math.rad
  61. math.random
  62. math.randomseed
  63. math.sin
  64. math.sinh
  65. math.sqrt
  66. math.tan
  67. math.tanh
  68. math.tau
  69. newproxy
  70. next
  72. os.difftime
  73. os.time
  74. pairs
  75. pcall
  76. print
  77. rawequal
  78. rawget
  79. rawlen
  80. rawset
  81. select
  82. setfenv
  83. setmetatable
  84. string.byte
  85. string.char
  86. string.find
  87. string.format
  88. string.gmatch
  89. string.gsub
  90. string.len
  91. string.lower
  92. string.match
  93. string.rep
  94. string.reverse
  95. string.sub
  96. string.upper
  97. table.concat
  98. table.foreach
  99. table.foreachi
  100. table.getn
  101. table.insert
  102. table.maxn
  103. table.pack
  104. table.remove
  105. table.sort
  106. table.unpack
  107. tonumber
  108. tostring
  109. type
  110. unpack
  111. xpcall
  113. zlib.BEST_SPEED
  114. zlib._COPYRIGHT
  115. zlib._DESCRIPTION
  116. zlib._VERSION
  117. zlib.deflate
  118. zlib.inflate
  120. Inspectors:
  121. Inspect.Ability.New.Detail
  122. Inspect.Ability.New.List
  123. Inspect.Achievement.Category.Detail
  124. Inspect.Achievement.Category.List
  125. Inspect.Achievement.Detail
  126. Inspect.Achievement.List
  127. Inspect.Addon.Cpu
  128. Inspect.Addon.Current
  129. Inspect.Addon.Detail
  130. Inspect.Addon.List
  131. Inspect.Attunement.Progress
  132. Inspect.Auction.Detail
  133. Inspect.Buff.Detail
  134. Inspect.Buff.List
  135. Inspect.Console.Detail
  136. Inspect.Console.List
  137. Inspect.Currency.Category.Detail
  138. Inspect.Currency.Category.List
  139. Inspect.Currency.Detail
  140. Inspect.Currency.List
  141. Inspect.Cursor
  142. Inspect.Dimension.Layout.Detail
  143. Inspect.Dimension.Layout.List
  144. Inspect.Documentation
  145. Inspect.Event.List
  146. Inspect.Experience
  147. Inspect.Faction.Detail
  148. Inspect.Faction.List
  149. Inspect.Guild.Bank.Coin
  150. Inspect.Guild.Bank.Detail
  151. Inspect.Guild.Bank.List
  152. Inspect.Guild.Motd
  153. Inspect.Guild.Rank.Detail
  154. Inspect.Guild.Rank.List
  155. Inspect.Guild.Roster.Detail
  156. Inspect.Guild.Roster.List
  157. Inspect.Interaction
  158. Inspect.Item.Detail
  159. Inspect.Item.Find
  160. Inspect.Item.List
  161. Inspect.Mail.Detail
  162. Inspect.Mail.List
  163. Inspect.Map.Detail
  164. Inspect.Map.List
  165. Inspect.Map.Monitor
  166. Inspect.Map.Waypoint.Get
  167. Inspect.Message.Accept.Check
  168. Inspect.Message.Accept.List
  169. Inspect.Mouse
  170. Inspect.Pvp.History
  171. Inspect.Pvp.Prestige
  172. Inspect.Quest.Complete
  173. Inspect.Quest.Detail
  174. Inspect.Quest.List
  175. Inspect.Queue.Handler
  176. Inspect.Queue.Status
  177. Inspect.Role.List
  178. Inspect.Setting.Detail
  179. Inspect.Setting.List
  180. Inspect.Shard
  181. Inspect.Social.Friend.Detail
  182. Inspect.Social.Friend.List
  183. Inspect.Social.Ignore.Detail
  184. Inspect.Social.Ignore.List
  185. Inspect.Stat
  186. Inspect.Storage.Used
  187. Inspect.System.Error.Detail
  188. Inspect.System.Language
  189. Inspect.System.Secure
  190. Inspect.System.Version
  191. Inspect.System.Watchdog
  192. Inspect.TEMPORARY.Experience
  193. Inspect.TEMPORARY.Role
  194. Inspect.Time.Frame
  195. Inspect.Time.Real
  196. Inspect.Time.Server
  197. Inspect.Title.Category.Detail
  198. Inspect.Title.Category.List
  199. Inspect.Title.Detail
  200. Inspect.Title.List
  201. Inspect.Tooltip
  202. Inspect.Unit.Castbar
  203. Inspect.Unit.Detail
  204. Inspect.Unit.List
  205. Inspect.Unit.Lookup
  206. Inspect.Zone.Detail
  208. Commands:
  209. Command.Achievement.Watch
  210. Command.Auction.Analyze
  211. Command.Auction.Bid
  212. Command.Auction.Cancel
  213. Command.Auction.Fulfill
  214. Command.Auction.Order
  215. Command.Auction.Post
  216. Command.Auction.Scan
  217. Command.Buff.Cancel
  218. Command.Buff.Describe
  219. Command.Console.Display
  220. Command.Cursor
  221. Command.Dimension.Layout.Pickup
  222. Command.Dimension.Layout.Place
  223. Command.Dimension.Layout.Select
  224. Command.Event.Attach
  225. Command.Event.Detach
  226. Command.Guild.Bank.Deposit
  227. Command.Guild.Bank.Purchase
  228. Command.Guild.Bank.Withdraw
  229. Command.Guild.Log.Request
  230. Command.Guild.Motd
  231. Command.Guild.Roster.Demote
  232. Command.Guild.Roster.Kick
  233. Command.Guild.Roster.Note
  234. Command.Guild.Roster.NoteOfficer
  235. Command.Guild.Roster.Promote
  236. Command.Guild.Wall.Delete
  237. Command.Guild.Wall.Post
  238. Command.Guild.Wall.Request
  239. Command.Item.Destroy
  240. Command.Item.Move
  241. Command.Item.Split
  242. Command.Item.Standard.Drag
  243. Command.Item.Standard.Drop
  244. Command.Item.Standard.Left
  245. Command.Item.Standard.Right
  246. Command.Mail.Delete
  247. Command.Mail.Open
  248. Command.Mail.Pay
  249. Command.Mail.Return
  250. Command.Mail.Send
  251. Command.Mail.Spam
  252. Command.Mail.Take
  253. Command.Map.Monitor
  254. Command.Map.Waypoint.Clear
  255. Command.Map.Waypoint.Set
  256. Command.Message.Accept
  257. Command.Message.Broadcast
  258. Command.Message.Reject
  259. Command.Message.Send
  260. Command.Quest.Abandon
  261. Command.Quest.Share
  262. Command.Quest.Track
  263. Command.Quest.Watch
  264. Command.Queue.Handler
  265. Command.Slash.Register
  266. Command.Social.Friend.Add
  267. Command.Social.Friend.Note
  268. Command.Social.Friend.Remove
  269. Command.Social.Ignore.Add
  270. Command.Social.Ignore.Note
  271. Command.Social.Ignore.Remove
  272. Command.Storage.Clear
  273. Command.Storage.Get
  274. Command.Storage.List
  275. Command.Storage.Set
  276. Command.System.Flash
  277. Command.System.Strict
  278. Command.System.Texture.Record
  279. Command.System.Watchdog.Quiet
  280. Command.Title.Prefix
  281. Command.Title.Suffix
  282. Command.Tooltip
  283. Command.UI.Error
  284. Command.Unit.Menu
  286. Utilities:
  287. Utility.Auction.Cost
  288. Utility.Auction.CostOrder
  289. Utility.Auction.CostPost
  290. Utility.Dispatch
  291. Utility.Event.Create
  292. Utility.Item.Slot.All
  293. Utility.Item.Slot.Bank
  294. Utility.Item.Slot.Equipment
  295. Utility.Item.Slot.Guild
  296. Utility.Item.Slot.Inventory
  297. Utility.Item.Slot.Parse
  298. Utility.Item.Slot.Quest
  299. Utility.Item.Slot.Vault
  300. Utility.Item.Slot.Wardrobe
  301. Utility.Mail.Cost
  302. Utility.Matrix.Create
  303. Utility.Message.Limits
  304. Utility.Message.Size
  305. Utility.Serialize.Full
  306. Utility.Serialize.Inline
  307. Utility.Storage.Checksum
  308. Utility.Storage.Limits
  309. Utility.Storage.Size
  310. Utility.Type
  311. Utility.Unit.Availability
  313. Native frames:
  314. UI.Native.Ability
  315. UI.Native.Accolade
  316. UI.Native.Achievement
  317. UI.Native.AchievementPopup
  318. UI.Native.Adventure
  319. UI.Native.Ascend
  320. UI.Native.Attunement
  321. UI.Native.Auction
  322. UI.Native.Bag
  323. UI.Native.BagBank1
  324. UI.Native.BagBank2
  325. UI.Native.BagBank3
  326. UI.Native.BagBank4
  327. UI.Native.BagBank5
  328. UI.Native.BagBank6
  329. UI.Native.BagBank7
  330. UI.Native.BagBank8
  331. UI.Native.BagInventory1
  332. UI.Native.BagInventory2
  333. UI.Native.BagInventory3
  334. UI.Native.BagInventory4
  335. UI.Native.BagInventory5
  336. UI.Native.BagInventory6
  337. UI.Native.BagInventory7
  338. UI.Native.Bank
  339. UI.Native.BankGuild
  340. UI.Native.BarBottom1
  341. UI.Native.BarBottom2
  342. UI.Native.BarBottom3
  343. UI.Native.BarBottom4
  344. UI.Native.BarBottom5
  345. UI.Native.BarBottom6
  346. UI.Native.BarMain
  347. UI.Native.BarPet
  348. UI.Native.BarSide1
  349. UI.Native.BarSide2
  350. UI.Native.BarSide3
  351. UI.Native.BarSide4
  352. UI.Native.BarTemporary
  353. UI.Native.Breath
  354. UI.Native.Buffbar
  355. UI.Native.Castbar
  356. UI.Native.Character
  357. UI.Native.Chronicle
  358. UI.Native.Coinlock
  359. UI.Native.Console1
  360. UI.Native.Console2
  361. UI.Native.Console3
  362. UI.Native.Console4
  363. UI.Native.Console5
  364. UI.Native.Console6
  365. UI.Native.Console7
  366. UI.Native.ConsoleSetting
  367. UI.Native.Crafting
  368. UI.Native.Ctf
  369. UI.Native.Guest
  370. UI.Native.Guild
  371. UI.Native.GuildCharter
  372. UI.Native.GuildFinder
  373. UI.Native.Import
  374. UI.Native.Keybind
  375. UI.Native.Layout
  376. UI.Native.Leaderboard
  377. UI.Native.Lfg
  378. UI.Native.Loot
  379. UI.Native.Macro
  380. UI.Native.MacroIcon
  381. UI.Native.MacroSlash
  382. UI.Native.Mail
  383. UI.Native.MailRead
  384. UI.Native.MapMain
  385. UI.Native.MapMini
  386. UI.Native.MechanicPlayer
  387. UI.Native.MechanicTarget
  388. UI.Native.Mentor
  389. UI.Native.Menu
  390. UI.Native.MessageEvent
  391. UI.Native.MessageStandard
  392. UI.Native.MessageText
  393. UI.Native.MessageWarfront
  394. UI.Native.MessageZone
  395. UI.Native.Notification
  396. UI.Native.Notify
  397. UI.Native.PortraitFocus
  398. UI.Native.PortraitParty1
  399. UI.Native.PortraitParty1Pet
  400. UI.Native.PortraitParty2
  401. UI.Native.PortraitParty2Pet
  402. UI.Native.PortraitParty3
  403. UI.Native.PortraitParty3Pet
  404. UI.Native.PortraitParty4
  405. UI.Native.PortraitParty4Pet
  406. UI.Native.PortraitPet
  407. UI.Native.PortraitPlayer
  408. UI.Native.PortraitTarget
  409. UI.Native.PortraitTargetTarget
  410. UI.Native.Quest
  411. UI.Native.QuestStickies
  412. UI.Native.Question
  413. UI.Native.Raid
  414. UI.Native.RaidGroup1
  415. UI.Native.RaidGroup1Pet
  416. UI.Native.RaidGroup2
  417. UI.Native.RaidGroup2Pet
  418. UI.Native.RaidGroup3
  419. UI.Native.RaidGroup3Pet
  420. UI.Native.RaidGroup4
  421. UI.Native.RaidGroup4Pet
  422. UI.Native.RaidParty
  423. UI.Native.RaidPartyPet
  424. UI.Native.Reactive
  425. UI.Native.Recall
  426. UI.Native.Respec
  427. UI.Native.Rift
  428. UI.Native.Roll1
  429. UI.Native.Roll2
  430. UI.Native.Roll3
  431. UI.Native.Roll4
  432. UI.Native.Setting
  433. UI.Native.Social
  434. UI.Native.Soul
  435. UI.Native.Split
  436. UI.Native.Streaming
  437. UI.Native.Ticket
  438. UI.Native.Tip
  439. UI.Native.TipAlert
  440. UI.Native.Tooltip
  441. UI.Native.TooltipAnchor
  442. UI.Native.Trade
  443. UI.Native.Tray
  444. UI.Native.TraySocial
  445. UI.Native.Treasure
  446. UI.Native.Trial
  447. UI.Native.Upgrade
  448. UI.Native.Warfront
  449. UI.Native.WarfrontLeaderboard
  450. UI.Native.World
  452. Global events:
  453. Event.Ability.New.Add
  454. Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.Begin
  455. Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.End
  456. Event.Ability.New.Range.False
  457. Event.Ability.New.Range.True
  458. Event.Ability.New.Remove
  459. Event.Ability.New.Target
  460. Event.Ability.New.Usable.False
  461. Event.Ability.New.Usable.True
  462. Event.Achievement.Complete
  463. Event.Achievement.Update
  464. Event.Addon.Load.Begin
  465. Event.Addon.Load.End
  466. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.Begin
  467. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.End
  468. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.Begin
  469. Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.End
  470. Event.Addon.Shutdown.Begin
  471. Event.Addon.Shutdown.End
  472. Event.Addon.Startup.End
  473. Event.Attunement.Progress.Accumulated
  474. Event.Attunement.Progress.Available
  475. Event.Attunement.Progress.Rested
  476. Event.Attunement.Progress.Spent
  477. Event.Auction.Scan
  478. Event.Auction.Statistics
  479. Event.Buff.Add
  480. Event.Buff.Change
  481. Event.Buff.Description
  482. Event.Buff.Remove
  483. Event.Chat.Notify
  484. Event.Chat.Npc
  485. Event.Combat.Damage
  486. Event.Combat.Death
  487. Event.Combat.Dodge
  488. Event.Combat.Heal
  489. Event.Combat.Immune
  490. Event.Combat.Miss
  491. Event.Combat.Parry
  492. Event.Combat.Resist
  493. Event.Currency
  494. Event.Cursor
  495. Event.Dimension.Layout.Add
  496. Event.Dimension.Layout.Remove
  497. Event.Dimension.Layout.Update
  498. Event.Experience.Accumulated
  499. Event.Experience.Rested
  500. Event.Faction.Notoriety
  501. Event.Guild.Bank.Change
  502. Event.Guild.Bank.Coin
  503. Event.Guild.Log
  504. Event.Guild.Motd
  505. Event.Guild.Rank
  506. Event.Guild.Roster.Add
  507. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Level
  508. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Note
  509. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.NoteOfficer
  510. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Rank
  511. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Status
  512. Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.Zone
  513. Event.Guild.Roster.Remove
  514. Event.Guild.Wall
  515. Event.Interaction
  516. Event.Item.Slot
  517. Event.Item.Update
  518. Event.Mail
  519. Event.Map.Add
  520. Event.Map.Change
  521. Event.Map.Detail.Coord
  522. Event.Map.Remove
  523. Event.Map.Waypoint.Update
  524. Event.Message.Receive
  525. Event.Mouse.Move
  526. Event.Pvp.History.Favor
  527. Event.Pvp.History.Kill.Today
  528. Event.Pvp.Prestige.Accumulated
  529. Event.Pvp.Prestige.Rank
  530. Event.Quest.Abandon
  531. Event.Quest.Accept
  532. Event.Quest.Change
  533. Event.Quest.Complete
  534. Event.Queue.Status
  535. Event.Slash (category for dynamically-created events)
  536. Event.Slash.addonerror
  537. Event.Slash.dump
  538. Event.Slash.eventlog
  539. Event.Slash.framecap
  540. Event.Slash.layout
  541. Event.Social.Friend
  542. Event.Social.Ignore
  543. Event.Stat
  544. Event.Storage.Get
  545. Event.Storage.List
  546. Event.System.Error
  547. Event.System.Secure.Enter
  548. Event.System.Secure.Leave
  549. Event.System.Texture
  550. Event.System.Update.Begin
  551. Event.System.Update.End
  552. Event.TEMPORARY.Experience
  553. Event.TEMPORARY.Role
  554. Event.Title.Add
  555. Event.Tooltip
  556. Event.Unit.Add
  557. Event.Unit.Availability.Full
  558. Event.Unit.Availability.None
  559. Event.Unit.Availability.Partial
  560. Event.Unit.Castbar
  561. Event.Unit.Detail.Absorb
  562. Event.Unit.Detail.Afk
  563. Event.Unit.Detail.Aggro
  564. Event.Unit.Detail.Blocked
  565. Event.Unit.Detail.Charge
  566. Event.Unit.Detail.ChargeMax
  567. Event.Unit.Detail.Combat
  568. Event.Unit.Detail.Combo
  569. Event.Unit.Detail.Coord
  570. Event.Unit.Detail.Energy
  571. Event.Unit.Detail.EnergyMax
  572. Event.Unit.Detail.Guild
  573. Event.Unit.Detail.Health
  574. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthCap
  575. Event.Unit.Detail.HealthMax
  576. Event.Unit.Detail.Level
  577. Event.Unit.Detail.LocationName
  578. Event.Unit.Detail.Mana
  579. Event.Unit.Detail.ManaMax
  580. Event.Unit.Detail.Mark
  581. Event.Unit.Detail.Mentoring
  582. Event.Unit.Detail.Name
  583. Event.Unit.Detail.Offline
  584. Event.Unit.Detail.Planar
  585. Event.Unit.Detail.PlanarMax
  586. Event.Unit.Detail.Power
  587. Event.Unit.Detail.PublicSize
  588. Event.Unit.Detail.Pvp
  589. Event.Unit.Detail.Radius
  590. Event.Unit.Detail.Ready
  591. Event.Unit.Detail.Role
  592. Event.Unit.Detail.Tagged
  593. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixId
  594. Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixName
  595. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixId
  596. Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixName
  597. Event.Unit.Detail.Vitality
  598. Event.Unit.Detail.Warfront
  599. Event.Unit.Detail.Zone
  600. Event.Unit.Remove
  602. UI:
  603. Layout:
  604. Members:
  605. EventAttach
  606. EventDetach
  607. EventList
  608. EventMacroGet
  609. EventMacroSet
  610. GetBottom
  611. GetBounds
  612. GetEventTable
  613. GetHeight
  614. GetLeft
  615. GetName
  616. GetOwner
  617. GetRight
  618. GetTop
  619. GetType
  620. GetWidth
  621. ReadAll
  622. ReadHeight
  623. ReadPoint
  624. ReadWidth
  625. Events:
  626. Move
  627. Size
  628. Native: Inherits from Layout
  629. Members:
  630. GetLayer
  631. GetLoaded
  632. GetSecureMode
  633. GetStrata
  634. GetStrataList
  635. SetLayer
  636. SetStrata
  637. Events:
  638. Layer
  639. Loaded
  640. Strata
  641. Element: Inherits from Layout
  642. Members:
  643. GetAlpha
  644. GetBackgroundColor
  645. GetChildren
  646. GetKeyFocus
  647. GetMouseMasking
  648. GetVisible
  649. SetAlpha
  650. SetBackgroundColor
  651. SetKeyFocus
  652. SetMouseMasking
  653. SetVisible
  654. Events:
  655. KeyDown
  656. KeyFocusGain
  657. KeyFocusLoss
  658. KeyRepeat
  659. KeyType
  660. KeyUp
  661. LeftClick
  662. LeftDown
  663. LeftUp
  664. LeftUpoutside
  665. MiddleClick
  666. MiddleDown
  667. MiddleUp
  668. MiddleUpoutside
  669. Mouse4Click
  670. Mouse4Down
  671. Mouse4Up
  672. Mouse4Upoutside
  673. Mouse5Click
  674. Mouse5Down
  675. Mouse5Up
  676. Mouse5Upoutside
  677. MouseIn
  678. MouseMove
  679. MouseOut
  680. RightClick
  681. RightDown
  682. RightUp
  683. RightUpoutside
  684. WheelBack
  685. WheelForward
  686. Frame: Inherits from Element
  687. Members:
  688. ClearAll
  689. ClearHeight
  690. ClearPoint
  691. ClearWidth
  692. GetLayer
  693. GetMouseoverUnit
  694. GetParent
  695. GetSecureMode
  696. GetStrata
  697. GetStrataList
  698. SetAllPoints
  699. SetHeight
  700. SetLayer
  701. SetMouseoverUnit
  702. SetParent
  703. SetPoint
  704. SetSecureMode
  705. SetStrata
  706. SetWidth
  707. Events:
  708. Layer
  709. Strata
  710. Context: Inherits from Frame
  711. Members:
  712. (No extra members)
  713. Events:
  714. (No extra events)
  715. Canvas: Inherits from Frame
  716. Members:
  717. GetShape
  718. SetShape
  719. Events:
  720. (No extra events)
  721. Mask: Inherits from Frame
  722. Members:
  723. GetShape
  724. SetShape
  725. Events:
  726. (No extra events)
  727. Text: Inherits from Frame
  728. Members:
  729. GetEffectBlur
  730. GetEffectGlow
  731. GetFont
  732. GetFontColor
  733. GetFontSize
  734. GetText
  735. GetWordwrap
  736. SetEffectBlur
  737. SetEffectGlow
  738. SetFont
  739. SetFontColor
  740. SetFontSize
  741. SetText
  742. SetWordwrap
  743. Events:
  744. (No extra events)
  745. Texture: Inherits from Frame
  746. Members:
  747. GetTexture
  748. GetTextureHeight
  749. GetTextureWidth
  750. SetTexture
  751. Events:
  752. (No extra events)
  753. RiftButton: Inherits from Frame
  754. Members:
  755. GetEnabled
  756. GetSkin
  757. GetText
  758. SetEnabled
  759. SetSkin
  760. SetText
  761. Events:
  762. LeftPress
  763. RiftCheckbox: Inherits from Frame
  764. Members:
  765. GetChecked
  766. GetEnabled
  767. SetChecked
  768. SetEnabled
  769. Events:
  770. CheckboxChange
  771. RiftScrollbar: Inherits from Frame
  772. Members:
  773. GetEnabled
  774. GetOrientation
  775. GetPosition
  776. GetRange
  777. GetThickness
  778. Nudge
  779. NudgeDown
  780. NudgeUp
  781. SetEnabled
  782. SetOrientation
  783. SetPosition
  784. SetRange
  785. SetThickness
  786. Events:
  787. ScrollbarChange
  788. ScrollbarGrab
  789. ScrollbarRelease
  790. RiftSlider: Inherits from Frame
  791. Members:
  792. GetEnabled
  793. GetPosition
  794. GetRange
  795. SetEnabled
  796. SetPosition
  797. SetRange
  798. Events:
  799. SliderChange
  800. SliderGrab
  801. SliderRelease
  802. RiftTextfield: Inherits from Frame
  803. Members:
  804. GetCursor
  805. GetSelection
  806. GetSelectionText
  807. GetText
  808. SetCursor
  809. SetSelection
  810. SetText
  811. Events:
  812. TextfieldChange
  813. TextfieldSelect
  814. RiftWindow: Inherits from Frame
  815. Members:
  816. GetBorder
  817. GetContent
  818. GetController
  819. GetTitle
  820. GetTrimDimensions
  821. SetController
  822. SetTitle
  823. Events:
  824. (No extra events)
  826. Frame events:
  827. Event.UI.Button.Left.Press
  828. Event.UI.Checkbox.Change
  829. Event.UI.Input.Key.Down
  830. Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.Gain
  831. Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.Loss
  832. Event.UI.Input.Key.Repeat
  833. Event.UI.Input.Key.Type
  834. Event.UI.Input.Key.Up
  835. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.In
  836. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.Move
  837. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.Out
  838. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Click
  839. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Down
  840. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Up
  841. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.Upoutside
  842. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Click
  843. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Down
  844. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Up
  845. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.Upoutside
  846. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Click
  847. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Down
  848. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Up
  849. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.Upoutside
  850. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Click
  851. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Down
  852. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Up
  853. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.Upoutside
  854. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Click
  855. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Down
  856. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Up
  857. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.Upoutside
  858. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.Back
  859. Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.Forward
  860. Event.UI.Layout.Layer
  861. Event.UI.Layout.Move
  862. Event.UI.Layout.Size
  863. Event.UI.Layout.Strata
  864. Event.UI.Native.Loaded
  865. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Change
  866. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Grab
  867. Event.UI.Scrollbar.Release
  868. Event.UI.Slider.Change
  869. Event.UI.Slider.Grab
  870. Event.UI.Slider.Release
  871. Event.UI.Textfield.Change
  872. Event.UI.Textfield.Select
  874. Parameter types:
  875. Canvas
  876. Context
  877. Element
  878. Frame
  879. Layout
  880. Mask
  881. Native
  882. RiftButton
  883. RiftCheckbox
  884. RiftScrollbar
  885. RiftSlider
  886. RiftTextfield
  887. RiftWindow
  888. Text
  889. Texture
  890. ability
  891. achievement
  892. achievementcategory
  893. auction
  894. boolean
  895. buff
  896. callbackfunction
  897. console
  898. currencycategory
  899. dimensionitem
  900. error
  901. eventFrame
  902. eventGlobal
  903. faction
  904. frameEventTable
  905. function
  906. function/nil
  907. function/string
  908. function/string/nil
  909. guildrank
  910. guildwall
  911. handleEventFrame
  912. handleEventGlobal
  913. item
  914. itemtype
  915. location
  916. mail
  917. nil
  918. number
  919. number/nil
  920. quest
  921. role
  922. slot
  923. string
  924. string/nil
  925. table
  926. title
  927. titlecategory
  928. unit
  929. variant
  930. zone
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