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  1. {"MVZ Herp Observations (Arctos)": {"desc": "The MVZ maintains an online catalog of herp observations vouchered with media, fieldnotes, or other documentation. These records are curated with the same minimal data standards as vouchered specimens.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Carol", "surName": "Spencer"}, "organizationName": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Staff Curator of Herpetology", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "3101 Valley Life Science Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-3160", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 643-5778", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "MVZ Herp Observations (Arctos)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley"}, "Consortium of California Herbaria": {"desc": "Founded in 2003, the Consortium of California Herbaria was originally a project funded by the California Digital Library to digitize and publish State of California herbarium records from University of California campuses. Since then, it has grown to include 30 California herbaria as well as participants from outside the state providing California data (Extra-California institutions not included in this dataset).", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Richard", "surName": "Moe"}, "organizationName": "The University and Jepson Herbaria", "positionName": "Emeritus Technical Editor", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "1001 Valley Life Sciences Building # 2465", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "California", "postalCode": "94720-2465", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 642-2465", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "Consortium of California Herbaria", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "The University and Jepson Herbaria"}, "UCMP Vertebrate Collection": {"desc": "The UCMP collection includes vertebrate fossils from the Devonian to the Recent and from localities around the globe. Currently, more than 218,000 vertebrate specimen records from more than 11,300 localities around the globe are online. Live views of data, additional data fields not served in GBIF, and links to images and archival resources are available at", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Patricia", "surName": "Holroyd"}, "organizationName": "University of California Museum of Paleontology", "positionName": "Museum Scientist", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "1101 Valley Life Sciences Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-4780", "country": "US"}, "phone": "+01 510-642-3733", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "UCMP Vertebrate Collection", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "University of California Museum of Paleontology"}, "MVZ Hildebrand Collection (Arctos)": {"desc": "The Milton Hildebrand Collection at the MVZ is a special collection of unusual specimen preparations, including freeze-dried displays of muscles, feet, tongues, and other anatomical parts. This collection was created by Milton Hildebrand, Professor Emeritus, University of California at Davis, and a former MVZ graduate student. Hildebrand developed or perfected most of the anatomical techniques used in his specimen preparations, and many items in the collection are cross-referenced to laboratory exercises in vertebrate functional morphology that he designed. The unique and often delicate nature of these anatomical preparations makes them especially valuable for teaching, but also prohibits their availability for loans.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Carol", "surName": "Spencer"}, "organizationName": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Staff Curator of Herpetology", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "3101 Valley Life Science Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-3160", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 643-5778", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "MVZ Hildebrand Collection (Arctos)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley"}, "CAS Herpetology (HERP)": {"desc": "The electronic catalog of the herpotology collection at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Stanley", "surName": "Blum"}, "organizationName": "California Academy of Sciences", "positionName": "Research Information Manager", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "55 Music Concourse Dr.", "city": "San Francisco", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94118", "country": "US"}, "phone": "+1 (415) 379-5189", "electronicMailAddress": ""}, "name": "CAS Herpetology (HERP)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "California Academy of Sciences"}, "MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)": {"desc": "The MVZ bird collection is one of the largest in the United States. It houses over 185,000 catalogued specimens, including 174 holotype and 2 syntypes. The majority of specimens are study skins, but the collection also contains over 21,000 skeletal specimens and 3,200 fluid-preserved specimens. Other types of preparations include flat specimens (wings, skins) and body skins with skeletons (\"schmoos\"). Tissues, anatomical parts (e.g., syrinx, stomach contents), and parasites are routinely preserved with specimens. Many specimens also are associated with cataloged audio recordings.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Carla", "surName": "Cicero"}, "organizationName": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Staff Curator of Birds", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "3101 Valley Life Science Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-3160", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 642-7868", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "MVZ Bird Collection (Arctos)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley"}, "CAS Botany (BOT)": {"desc": "The electronic catalog of the botanical collection at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Stanley", "surName": "Blum"}, "organizationName": "California Academy of Sciences", "positionName": "Research Information Manager", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "55 Music Concourse Dr.", "city": "San Francisco", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94118", "country": "US"}, "phone": "+1 (415) 379-5189", "electronicMailAddress": ""}, "name": "CAS Botany (BOT)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "California Academy of Sciences"}, "CAS Entomology (ENT)": {"desc": "The electronic catalog of the entomology collection at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Department of", "surName": "Entomology"}, "organizationName": "California Academy of Sciences", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "55 Music Concourse Drive", "city": "San Francisco", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94118", "country": "US"}, "phone": "+1 (415) 379-5189", "electronicMailAddress": ""}, "name": "CAS Entomology (ENT)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "California Academy of Sciences"}, "MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)": {"desc": "The MVZ mammal collection is the fourth largest in the United States and the second largest such collection associated with a U.S. academic institution. It contains over 228,000 skin, skull, skeleton and fluid-preserved specimens. Over 33,700 are also represented by frozen or fluid preserved tissues. The collection includes 364 type specimens, making it the fourth largest collection of such specimens in the US. Karyotype (chromosome) preparations are available for ca. 4,000 rodent specimens. These consist of slides of chromosome preparations and, in some cases, black and white photos and/or 35 mm negatives of chromosome spreads. The mammal collection also houses large series of lab-raised specimens from research by Francis B. Sumner, Richard D. Sage, and William Z. Lidicker.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Chris", "surName": "Conroy"}, "organizationName": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Staff Curator of Mammals", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "3101 Valley Life Science Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-3160", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 643-7709", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "MVZ Mammal Collection (Arctos)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley"}, "CAS Ornithology (ORN)": {"desc": "The electronic catalog of the ornithology collection at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Stanley", "surName": "Blum"}, "organizationName": "California Academy of Sciences", "positionName": "Research Information Manager", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "55 Music Concourse Dr.", "city": "San Francisco", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94118", "country": "US"}, "phone": "+1 (415) 379-5189", "electronicMailAddress": ""}, "name": "CAS Ornithology (ORN)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "California Academy of Sciences"}, "CAS Ichthyology (ICH)": {"desc": "The electronic catalog of the ichthyology collection at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Stanley", "surName": "Blum"}, "organizationName": "California Academy of Sciences", "positionName": "Research Information Manager", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "55 Music Concourse Drive", "city": "San Francisco", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94118", "country": "US"}, "phone": "+1 (415) 379-5189", "electronicMailAddress": ""}, "name": "CAS Ichthyology (ICH)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "California Academy of Sciences"}, "MVZ Egg and Nest Collection (Arctos)": {"desc": "MVZ egg and nest specimens are catalogued separately from traditional specimens (skins, skeletons, fluids). The egg and nest collection contains over 14,000 items, including over 12,800 egg sets, 220 nests, and 900 egg-nest combinations. The size of this collection ranks it as one of the largest such collections in North America. Eggs of nest parasites (e.g., cowbirds) are present in approximately 120 sets, and 150 egg sets or nests are associated with catalogued bird specimens. Eggs in this collection range in size from the tiny eggs of hummingbirds (0.2 grams) to the gigantic eggs of the extinct elephant bird (9 kilograms). Approximately 80-90% of the specimens are accompanied by original collector data slips and by photographs of sets taken in the museum, both of which are digitally linked to the record online. These data slips contain information on collecting locality, date, clutch size, incubation, identification, nest composition, and nest placement.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Carla", "surName": "Cicero"}, "organizationName": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Staff Curator of Birds", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "3101 Valley Life Science Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-3160", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 642-7868", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "MVZ Egg and Nest Collection (Arctos)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley"}, "MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)": {"desc": "The MVZ collection of amphibians and reptiles contains over 270,000 catalogued specimens. As of 8 April 2004, 123 of these have been designated holotypes, three are neotypes, three are syntypes, and 1793 are paratypes and paratopotypes. Most specimens are fluid-preserved, but the collection also contains skeletal preparations, sets of amphibian eggs and larvae, and several thousand specimens that have been cleared and stained. Other special collections include pineal organs, 800 sectioned heads, a series of dried anuran skins from California and Argentina, and stomach contents that have been removed from more than 3,000 predatory reptiles.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Carol", "surName": "Spencer"}, "organizationName": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Staff Curator of Herpetology", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "3101 Valley Life Science Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-3160", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 643-5778", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "MVZ Herp Collection (Arctos)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley"}, "MVZ Mammal Observations (Arctos)": {"desc": "The MVZ maintains an online catalog of mammal observations vouchered with media, fieldnotes, or other documentation. These records are curated with the same minimal data standards as vouchered specimens.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Chris", "surName": "Conroy"}, "organizationName": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Staff Curator of Mammalogy", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "3101 Valley Life Science Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "94720-3160", "country": "US"}, "phone": "(510) 643-7709", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "MVZ Mammal Observations (Arctos)", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC Berkeley"}, "LACM Vertebrate Collection": {"desc": "The Collection includes the Fish, Herpetology, Bird and Mammal Collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. They are worldwide collections with greatest concentration in North and South America, Africa, the Pacific Ocean, and the Antarctic.", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Rick", "surName": "Feeney"}, "organizationName": "Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County", "positionName": "Fishes Collection Manager", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "900 Exposition Blvd.", "city": "Los Angeles", "administrativeArea": "CA", "postalCode": "90007", "country": "US"}, "phone": "+01 213 763 3374", "electronicMailAddress": "", "onlineUrl": ""}, "name": "LACM Vertebrate Collection", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County"}, "Essig Museum of Entomology": {"desc": "Essig Museum of Entomology", "contact": {"individualName": {"givenName": "Joyce", "surName": "Gross"}, "organizationName": "UC Berkeley", "positionName": "Programmer", "address": {"deliveryPoint": "1096 Valley Life Sciences Building", "city": "Berkeley", "administrativeArea": "California", "country": "US"}, "electronicMailAddress": ""}, "name": "Essig Museum of Entomology", "metadata": "", "institutionDescription": "You can get these manually if you know institution", "institution": "Essig Museum of Entomology"}}
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