Guest User

Shadow Warrior Commands and Variables

a guest
Oct 6th, 2013
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  1. quit
  2. menu
  3. ingame_stats
  4. start_level
  5. menu_objectives
  6. menu_hints
  7. menu_achievements
  8. ingame_status
  9. menu_upgrades
  10. menu_recorder
  11. exec
  12. vid_restart
  13. pause
  14. pause_debug
  15. sqrun
  16. imbad
  17. restart
  18. save
  19. load
  20. quicksave
  21. quickload
  22. help
  23. _version
  24. buy_game
  25. achievements
  26. unstream_textures
  27. benchmark
  28. bind
  29. toggle
  30. map
  31. tex_report
  32. +weapon_circle
  33. -weapon_circle
  34. +move_forward
  35. -move_forward
  36. +move_back
  37. -move_back
  38. +move_left
  39. -move_left
  40. +move_right
  41. -move_right
  42. +crouch
  43. -crouch
  44. +weapon_reload
  45. -weapon_reload
  46. +move_up
  47. -move_up
  48. +move_down
  49. -move_down
  50. +rotate_left
  51. -rotate_left
  52. +rotate_right
  53. -rotate_right
  54. +lookup
  55. -lookup
  56. +look_down
  57. -look_down
  58. +jump
  59. -jump
  60. +sprint
  61. -sprint
  62. +attack
  63. -attack
  64. +zoom
  65. -zoom
  66. zoom_toggle
  67. +attack2
  68. -attack2
  69. +attack3
  70. -attack3
  71. +use
  72. -use
  73. fast_attack
  74. flashlight_toggle
  75. special_attack_select
  76. special_attack_next
  77. special_attack_prev
  78. select_weapon
  79. weapon_next
  80. weapon_last
  81. gizmo_mode_toggle
  82. gizmo_space_toggle
  91. a_show_skeletons (show skeletons in game)
  92. a_show_lookat (show look at solver debug info in game)
  93. a_show_ragdolls (show ragdolls ingame and visualdebugger)
  94. a_show_penetrations
  95. a_show_attachments (show attachments on skeletons)
  96. a_ik_enabled
  97. a_parent_skeleton_mapping
  98. a_constraints_enabled
  99. a_curve_default_size
  100. a_atlas_enabled
  101. a_cache_info
  104. d_disable_chapters
  105. d_physics_collisions
  106. d_physics_collisions_pin
  107. d_physics_collisions_freq
  108. d_script_profile
  109. d_show_ai
  110. d_show_spgroupinfo
  111. d_collect_ai_logs
  112. d_budgets_history
  113. d_animatix
  114. d_ui_forms
  115. d_disable_script_cache
  116. d_disable_resource_precache
  117. d_tris_count_placeables
  118. d_tris_shadows_count_placeables
  119. d_budgets
  120. d_visual_debug
  121. d_show_hints
  122. d_enable_level_select
  123. d_reset_steam
  124. d_missing_res
  125. d_spawnpoints_xp
  126. d_enemies_xp
  127. d_frame_delay
  128. d_draw_destro_names (draw destro names)
  129. d_draw_physics_triggers
  130. d_force_enable_heroic
  131. d_disable_spawnpoints
  132. d_toggle_prisec_weapon (toggle weapon fire alt/normal)
  133. d_draw_tbn
  134. d_draw_menu_level
  135. d_show_enemies_darkpower (show enemies darkpower counter)
  136. d_animated_systems_disabled (disable animated systems)
  137. d_disable_roll_when_immortal
  138. d_video_player
  139. d_decals
  140. d_map_cache
  141. d_force_renderer_objects_reload (debug force object reload when changing map state)
  142. d_draw_backbuffer_copy
  143. d_show_asset_info
  144. d_scripts_load_only_used_templates (load only used script templates, disable if edtior problems)
  145. d_can_skip_dynamic_cutsences
  146. d_can_skip_cutscenes_first_time
  147. d_skip_all_cutscenes
  148. d_debug_dialogs
  149. d_auto_start_menu
  150. d_auto_start_level
  151. d_user
  152. d_autoaim
  160. e_selection_color (level editor slection color)
  161. e_selection_border
  162. e_show_items_range (level editor show items range)
  163. e_undo_restores_camera (level editor if undo restores camera)
  164. e_visibility_range (level editor: range of visibility
  165. e_show_children
  166. e_show_triggers
  167. e_show_aimpaths
  168. e_show_blockers
  169. e_show_occluders
  170. e_show_flyer_zones
  171. e_enable_p4 (enable p4 in level editor)
  172. e_p4_always_checkout
  173. e_window_template
  174. e_window_animations
  175. e_animations_last
  176. e_animations_dir_last
  177. e_window_material
  178. e_material_last
  179. e_material_import_last
  180. e_material_texture_last
  181. e_material_auto_save
  182. e_animatix_texture_last
  183. e_animatix_atlas_last
  184. e_animatix_last
  185. e_template_last
  186. e_template_fx_last
  187. e_template_ai_last
  188. e_search_last
  189. e_oject_last
  190. e_hide_ro_in_object
  191. e_window_file_chooser
  192. e_keep_area_modifier
  193. e_max_scripts
  199. fx_dump_stats
  205. g_text_default_time_min
  206. g_text_default_time_long_word
  207. g_text_default_time_short_word
  208. g_text_default_time_short_word_max_length
  209. g_binary_saves
  210. g_binary_profile
  211. g_enable_rain
  212. g_enable_lightnings
  213. g_enable_electricity
  214. g_enable_subtitles
  215. g_enable_hints
  216. g_enable_blood
  217. g_autopause_time
  218. g_difficultry
  219. g_radar_shows_all (radar shows all enemies)
  220. g_enable_arrow
  221. g_remains_quality
  222. g_physics_quality
  223. g_explosions_glow_strength_mod
  224. g_explosions_glow_threshold_mod
  225. g_disable_sprint_effects
  226. g_katana_mouse_direction (0 - katana cuts depends on movement with aiming (no ALT) | 1 - katana cuts depends on use mouse release | 2 - katana cuts depends on use mouse press | 3 - katana cuts depends on use mouse, possible to continue cuts while holding mouse)
  227. g_katana_mouse_direction_window (time window for direction choice when g_katana_mouse_direction=2)
  228. g_katana_slowdownanim_whenhit_amount (Slow down katana cut animation when hitting monster. 1.0 - disable, 0.2 - anim will play with 20% of speed)
  229. g_katana_slowdownanim_whenhit_time (how long slow down will be applied)
  230. g_katana_cut_animation_speed (katana cuts anim speed)
  231. g_combo_max_time_between (combo keys max time between)
  232. g_combo_max_time_hold (combo keys max time hold
  233. g_autodelete_meshes_min_time
  234. g_autodelete_meshes_parts_time
  235. g_autodelete_meshes_limit (meshes limit left on level)
  236. g_autodelete_meshes_limit_large (meshes limit left on level, large)
  237. g_autodelete_skinned_meshes_max_onlevel (max skinned meshes on level)
  238. g_outline_bbox_expand
  239. g_containers_auto_collect
  240. g_player_speed
  241. g_player_speed_whenjump
  242. g_player_acceleration
  243. g_player_backward_ratio
  244. g_player_aircontrol
  245. g_player_rotation_when_zooming
  246. g_player_onground_friction
  247. g_player_onground_force_multiplier
  248. g_player_inair_force_multiplier
  249. g_agent_force_multiplier
  250. g_agent_force_damping
  251. g_player_independent_reload
  252. g_player_inertia_range
  253. g_player_inertia_damping
  254. g_player_maxpitch (player max patch, lookup/down)
  255. g_player_time_between_dialogs
  256. g_save_AI_data
  257. g_cutscene_skip_delay
  258. g_player_sword (w1_sword)
  259. g_enable_checkpoints
  260. g_weapon_autochange_ammoout
  261. g_damage_player_own_multiplier
  262. g_damage_to_enemies_multiplier
  263. g_damage_to_player_multiplier
  264. g_second_chance_revive
  265. g_infinite_ammo
  266. g_fall_never_kills
  267. g_color_objective_title
  268. g_color_objective_description
  269. g_color_objective_completed_title
  270. g_color_objective_completed_description
  271. g_color_objective_failed_title
  272. g_color_objective_failed_description
  278. ol_use_local_dir (use local instead of OnLive profile directory
  279. ol_hide_cursor (onlive: hide cursor)
  285. p_agent_paths (show paths)
  286. p_agent_ps (show ps)
  287. p_agent_vel (show velocities)
  288. p_fps (FPS for ticking physics simulation)
  289. p_max_steps (max steps for physics simulation)
  290. p_particles (physics particles)
  291. p_particles_cache (enable particles cache)
  292. p_particles_warmup_fps
  293. p_half_step_enabled (enable physics half stepping)
  294. p_surface_velocity_enabled (enable surface velocity simulation)
  295. p_water_simulation_enabled
  296. p_show_water_simulation
  297. p_ragdoll_attachments_enabled (enable ragdoll attachments)
  298. p_show_info
  299. p_show_transforms
  300. p_show_player_info
  301. P_ragdoll_linear_damping_scale (ragdoll rigid body linear damping multiplier)
  302. p_ragdoll_angular_damping_scale (ragdoll rigid body angular damping multiplier)
  303. p_slow_mo (enable slow motion effect on dead bodies)
  304. p_enable_dead_body_collision (enable player collisions with dead bodies requires map reload)
  305. p_penetrations_enable (enable ragdoll penetration control)
  306. p_debug_memory
  307. p_debug_ragdoll
  308. p_debug_world_snapshot
  314. pp_quality
  315. pp_enable
  316. pp_dof_enable
  317. pp_dof_translucents
  318. pp_dof_force_quality
  319. pp_glow_enable
  320. pp_blur_enable
  321. pp_film_grain_enable
  322. pp_sharpen_enable
  323. pp_screen_blur_enable
  324. pp_radial_blur_enable
  325. pp_sun_shafts_enable
  326. pp_color_grading_enable
  327. pp_ca_enable
  328. pp_ca_force_val
  334. r_screenshot
  335. r_screenshot_3d
  336. r_shader_list_save
  337. r_shader_list_load
  338. r_sync
  339. r_fov
  340. r_weapon_fov
  341. r_menu_fov
  342. r_show_fps
  343. r_show_cam_pos
  344. r_show_system_stats
  345. r_show_box (show object bounding boxes)
  346. r_show_box_mesh_static (show mesh skinned bounding boxes)
  347. r_show_box_mesh_skinned (show mesh skinned bounding boxes)
  348. r_show_box_translucent (show translucent object bounding boxes)
  349. r_show_box_particle (show particle bounding boxes)
  350. r_show_box_offscreen (show off screen bounding boxes)
  351. r_show_box_light (show shadow light bounding boxes)
  352. r_show_box_light_shadow (show shadow light bounding boxes)
  353. r_show_box_flare (show flare bounding boxes)
  354. r_show_box_lightning (show lightning bounding boxes)
  355. r_show_box_animatix (show animatix bounding boxes)
  356. r_show_box_animatix_chunks (show animatix chunks bounding boxes)
  357. r_show_box_rain_box (show rain boxes)
  358. r_show_box_fog_volume (show fog volumes)
  359. r_show_flares (show flares)
  360. r_show_shadow_casters (show shadow casters)
  361. r_show_shadow_casters_local (show shadow casters local)
  362. r_show_basis (show object local basis)
  363. r_show_lights (show lights bounding spheres)
  364. r_show_lights_shadow (show shadow lights bounding spheres/cones
  365. r_show_lights_shadow_point (show shadow lights point bounding spheres/cones
  366. r_show_lights_shadow_spot (show shadow lights spot bounding spheres/cones)
  367. r_show_lights_particle (show particle lights quads)
  368. r_show_particles (show particles quads)
  369. r_show_sim_particles (show simulated particles)
  370. r_show_grid (show debug grid)
  371. r_triggers (show triggers)
  372. r_flyer_zones (show triggers)
  373. r_show_rain_map (show rain map)
  374. r_show_name (show object names)
  375. r_show_name_light (show light names)
  376. r_show_name_particle (show particle names)
  377. r_win_pos_x (window x coordinate)
  378. r_win_pos_y (window y coordinate)
  379. r_win_width (width of window screen viewport)
  380. r_win_height (height of window screen viewport)
  381. r_max_game_vp_width (max width of game viewport)
  382. r_max_game_vp_height (max height of game viewport)
  383. r_windowed_fixed_backbuffer (windowed mode with fixed backbuffer size)
  384. r_fullscreen (fullscreen mode)
  385. r_fullscreen_aspect (fullscreen aspect mode)
  386. r_fullscreen_modes (fullscreen modes)
  387. r_fullscreen_refreshes (fullscreen refresh rates for current mode)
  388. r_fullscreen_monitor (fullscreen monitor)
  389. r_fullscreen_width (width of fullscreen screen viewport)
  390. r_fullscreen height (height of fullscreen screen viewport)
  391. r_vsync (Vsync)
  392. r_tripple_buffering (tripple buffering toggle)
  393. r_sort (toggle draw sorting)
  394. r_vis (visibility toggle)
  395. r_mip_lod (Mipmap LOD bias)
  396. r_anisotropy
  397. r_render_thread (enable rendering thread)
  398. r_shader_cache (enable shader cache)
  399. r_shader_cache_preload (enable shader cache preload)
  400. r_shader_cache_save_asm (enable shader cache asm saving)
  401. r_mip_cap (texture quality mip offset)
  402. r_mip_max (max mip map level)
  403. r_texture_quality
  404. r_particle_quality
  405. r_sort_mode only|last|first (draw fragments sorting mode)
  406. r_load_dds (load DDS textures order)
  407. r_max_prims (Max primitivies per DIP)
  408. r_min_prims (Min primitivies per DIP)
  409. r_dump_render_lists
  410. r_wireframe (enable wireframe mode)
  411. r_wireframe_lights (enable wireframe mode for lights geometry)
  412. r_gamma
  413. r_merge_dips (merge skinned mesh dips)
  414. r_discard_buffers (discard dynamic vertex buffers)
  415. r_preload_thumbs (preload texture thumbnails
  416. r_regenerate_only_missing_thumbs (do not regenerate thumbs with invalid timestamp)
  417. r_decals_z_bias (Decals -bias offset)
  418. r_decals_z_bias_weapon (decals z-bias offset for weapons)
  419. r_decals_mirror_position_threshold (mirror position threshold)
  420. r_decals_mirror_normal_threshold (mirror normal threshold)
  421. r_farZ (camera far z) Default 0.1
  422. r_nearZ (camera near z)
  423. r_draw_simulation (simulate draws)
  424. r_lod_skinned_meshes (LOD for skinned meshes)
  425. r_lod_skinned_decals (LOD for skinned decals)
  426. r_lod_skinned_meshes_distance (LOD for skinned meshes distance)
  427. r_lod_foliage (Foliage LOD) Default 1.0f
  428. r_foliage_range_multiplier (foliage range multiplier)
  429. r_foliage_range_z (foliage range for z)
  430. r_foliage_scale_distance (foliage scale distance radius)
  431. r_foliage_scale_distance_z (foliage scale distance for z)
  432. r_foliage_show_boxes (foliage show boxes)
  433. r_foliage_quality (foliage quality)
  434. r_blink_enabled (blinking enabled)
  435. r_blink_frequency_1 (blink freq)
  436. r_blink_frequency_2 (blink freq)
  437. r_blink_amplitude_1 (blink amp)
  438. r_blink_amplitude_2 (blink amp)
  439. r_blink_duration_1 (blink amp)
  440. r_blink_duration_2 (blink amp)
  441. r_blink_delay_1 (blink amp)
  442. r_blink_delay_2 (blink amp)
  443. r_blink_color_1 (blink color)
  444. r_blink_color_2 (blink color)
  445. r_blink_peaks_1 (blink peaks)
  446. r_blink_peaks_2 (blink peaks)
  447. r_stereo_eye_separation
  448. r_stereo_separation
  449. r_stereo_convergence
  450. r_stereo_enabled
  451. r_async_io_enabled
  452. r_async_io_enabled_texture_streaming
  453. r_async_io_buffer
  454. r_tex_in_range (count textures in range)
  455. r_tex_lru_size (Texture LRU cache size in MB)
  456. r_draw_cables
  457. r_draw_particles
  458. r_draw_mesh_particles
  459. r_draw_meshes
  460. r_draw_meshes_translucent
  461. r_draw_dyn_meshes
  462. r_draw_level_meshes
  463. r_draw_skinned_meshes
  464. r_draw_lights
  465. r_draw_lights_directional
  466. r_draw_lights_ambient_cube
  467. r_draw_lights_tube
  468. r_draw_lights_spot
  469. r_draw_lights_point
  470. r_draw_lights_particle
  471. r_draw_translucents
  472. r_draw_translucents_gun
  473. r_draw_translucents_gun2
  474. r_draw_opaques
  475. r_draw_opaques_skybox
  476. r_draw_invisible_sun_shaft_blockers
  477. r_draw_weapon
  478. r_draw_decals
  479. r_draw_decals_skinned
  480. r_draw_overlay
  481. r_draw_hud
  482. r_draw_hud_refraction
  483. r_draw_hud_console
  484. r_draw_flares
  485. r_draw_lens_flares
  486. r_lens_flares_blur_strength
  487. r_draw_animatix
  488. r_draw_animatix_debug_bg
  489. r_draw_flare_occlusion
  490. r_draw_fog_volumes
  491. r_draw_water_ss (draw screen space water)
  492. r_draw_water_ss_particles
  493. r_draw_outlines
  494. r_draw_mirror
  495. r_draw_foliage
  496. r_material_buffer
  497. r_material_buffer_lookup
  498. r_material_buffer_lookup_directional
  499. r_material_buffr_default
  500. r_fxaa
  501. r_fsaa
  502. r_aa_quality
  503. r_fsaa_fill_stencil
  504. r_caps_hw_depth
  505. r_caps_copy_depth
  506. r_caps_nvdb
  507. r_refraction
  508. r_refraction_hud
  509. r_refraction_decals
  510. r_restrict_viewport (restrict gameplay viewport to first adapter)
  511. r_ssao
  512. r_ssao_downsample_depth
  513. r_ssao_range_near
  514. r_ssao_range_far
  515. r_ssao_acceptance_angle
  516. r_ssao_blur_depth_ratio
  517. r_ssao_temporal_enabled
  518. r_ssao_temporal_ratio
  519. r_ssao_temporal_position_threshold
  520. r_ssao_temporal_angle_threshold
  521. r_ssao_noise_randomization
  522. r_ssao_debug
  523. r_lighting
  524. r_lighting_multiplicative
  525. r_mirror_quality
  526. r_dyn_meshes_double_buffering
  527. r_dyn_meshes_partial_update
  528. r_debug_render_mode
  529. r_dummy_mem_usage
  530. r_dummy_video_mem_usage
  531. r_debug_depth_start
  532. r_debug_depth_end
  533. r_debug_refaction_rt_copy
  534. r_rain_boxes
  535. r_depth_bounds
  536. r_refration_force_fs_copy
  537. r_rain_lock
  538. r_rain_enable
  539. r_water_lock
  540. r_offscreen_enable
  541. r_offscreen_force_on
  542. r_offscreen_min_distance
  543. r_lights_min_size
  544. r_lights_force_cam_inter
  545. r_shadows
  546. r_shadows_quality
  547. r_shadows_res
  548. r_shadows_filtering
  549. r_shadows_directional
  550. r_shadows_spot
  551. r_shadows_point
  552. r_shadows_format
  553. r_shadows_csm_split_factor
  554. r_shadows_csm_depth_bias
  555. r_shadows_csm_depth_slope_bias
  556. r_shadows_csm_force_shadow_range
  557. r_shadows_caster_cull_size
  558. r_shadows_local_depth_bias
  559. r_shadows_local_depth_slope_bias
  560. r_shadows_local_force_res
  561. r_dissolve_border_color Default: 0xFF38384D
  562. r_dissolve_border_color_intensity
  563. r_dissolve_border_size
  564. r_dissolve_time
  565. r_dissolve_angle
  566. r_dissolve_angle_shadow
  567. r_dissolve_angle_light
  568. r_dissolve_angle_decals
  569. r_outline_color_1
  570. r_outline_color_2
  571. r_outline_color_3
  572. r_outline_intensity_1
  573. r_outline_intensity_2
  574. r_outline_intensity_3
  575. r_outline_occluded_multiplier
  576. r_outline_occluded_separation
  577. r_outline_blur_radius
  578. r_outline_scissor_test_enabled
  579. r_animatix_pp_enable (animatix post process)
  580. r_animatix_force_res
  581. r_animatix_pp_min_distance (animatix post process min distance)
  582. r_animatix_text_partial_clear
  588. s_null_sound (enable null sound engine)
  589. s_sound_volume
  590. s_sound_cutscenevolume
  591. s_sound_musicvolume
  592. s_sound_VOvolume
  593. s_sound_stats (show sound stats)
  594. s_sound_dopplerratio
  595. s_sound_forcestereo
  596. s_sound_forcemono
  597. s_sound_occlusion
  598. s_sound_optimizememory
  599. s_console_commands_history (show console commands history)
  600. s_console_show_custom_logs
  601. s_console_lines_always_visible
  602. s_console_height_ratio
  603. s_mouse_lock
  604. s_mouse_invert
  605. s_mouse_smooth
  606. s_mouse_sesitivity
  607. s_mouse_raw_input
  608. s_allow_attack_as_use (allow to use attack action as use/pickup)
  609. s_pad_look_sensitivity_x
  610. s_pad_look_sensitivty_y
  611. s_pad_look_invert
  612. s_pad_vibration
  613. s_pad_autoaim
  614. s_pad_autoaim_radius
  615. s_pad_autoaim_speed
  616. s_pad_layout_buttons
  617. s_pad_layout_sticks
  618. s_pad_layout_triggers
  619. s_pad_combo_threshold
  620. s_pad_look_pow_x
  621. s_pad_look_pow_y
  622. s_pad_look_speed_x
  623. s_pad_look_speed_y
  624. s_pad_look_linear_ratio_x
  625. s_pad_look_linear_ratio_y
  626. s_logs_enabled (enable logs system)
  627. s_fly_mode (free fly mode)
  628. s_disable_loading_thread
  629. s_load_streaming_lock (determines if load thred waits for all resources streaming finished)
  630. s_simulte_particles
  631. s_profilers_enabled
  632. s_profilers_history_size
  633. s_profilers_summarize_calls
  634. s_profilers_summarize_counters
  635. s_use_my_documents (store profiles in My Documents folder)
  636. s_language
  637. s_language_from_steam
  638. s_use_steam
  639. s_fast_menu (use fast menu animations)
  640. s_skip_logo (skip launch logos)
  641. s_recorder_enable (enable recorder)
  642. s_recorder_freq (recorder freq)
  643. s_hud_visibility
  644. s_hud_exp_bonus_messages
  645. s_hud_crosshair
  646. s_hud_crosshair_custom_color Default: 0xFFFFFFFF
  647. s_hud_crosshair_custom_alpha Default: 1.0
  648. s_hud_crosshair_custom
  649. s_hud_crosshair_scale
  650. s_hud_crosshair_custom_outline
  651. s_scripts_compiled_use (use compiled scripts)
  652. s_scripts_compiled_dir Default: data/scriptsbin/
  653. s_scripts_watchhog_enable (enable squirrel watchhog)
  654. s_scripts_watchhog_timeout (squirrel watchhog timeout [s])
  655. s_debug_break (toggle to make controlled crash when script error encountered.)
  656. s_time_multiplier
  662. ui_enabled
  663. ui_color_window_border
  664. ui_color_window_top
  665. ui_color_window_inside
  666. ui_color_focus
  667. ui_color_primary
  668. ui_color_primary_ro
  669. ui_color_cursor
  670. ui_transparency
  671. ui_windows_visible
  672. ui_default_menu
  673. ui_enable_modal
  674. ui_font
  675. ui_font_vertical_shift
  676. ui_font_size_min
  677. ui_font_size_max
  678. ui_font_scale
  679. ui_font_always_upper
  680. ui_force_window_focus
  681. ui_font_rescale_width
  682. ui_font_rescale_kerning
  683. ui_font_multiline_gap
  684. ui_font_force_flags
  690. v_show_grid (shows sky grid)
  691. v_show_boxes
  692. v_show_frustum
  693. v_show_events
  694. v_show_halfedge
  695. v_use_sectors_in_editor
  696. v_grid_check_sector
  697. v_grind_check_boxes
  698. v_grid_check_boxes_as_convex
  699. v_grid_sanity_check
  700. v_bsp_insert_into_beamtree
  701. v_max_occluders (max number of occluders inserted into beam tree)
  702. v_show_convex (show convex by convexID)
  703. v_show_split (show split by nodeID)
  704. v_show_object (show objectID)
  705. v_show_sector
  706. v_lock (lock visiblity)
  707. v_only_always_visible (show only always visible object)
  708. v_activate_occluder
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