
lavender 01

Feb 2nd, 2014
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  8. <!--
  9. _________________________
  10. | |
  11. | hello hacker fucker |
  12. | this is matt furniss |
  13. | heres the deal. |
  14. | if you hack this game |
  15. | i will find you |
  16. | where ever you are |
  17. | and break your legs |
  18. | and thats a promise |
  19. |_________________________|
  21. lavender redux edit by jean @
  23. this is my first theme ever so it's sure to have bugs. if you need help please just send me an ask and i'll try to fix your problem.
  25. feel free to edit the code as much as you want! just please don't remove the credit, i put a lot of time into this.
  27. original redux theme by jacob @
  28. inconsolata by raph levien @
  29. infinite scrolling script by cody sherman @
  30. tooltip script by manos malihutsakis @
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