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Jul 24th, 2014
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  1. Alby has joined the chat
  2. Stumbles: Hello
  3. Stumbles: I don't know if you remember me, I've been in your room a few times
  4. Alby: fumbles friend
  5. Alby: or alter acc
  6. Alby: idk
  7. Alby: Lol
  8. Alby: Whats up?
  9. Stumbles: Friend
  10. Stumbles: Haha.
  11. Stumbles: I was just wondering if you could tell me why she was blocked from going in?
  12. Alby: Shekept whispering
  13. Alby: thats what got her banned
  14. Stumbles: Who was she whispering though?
  15. Alby: It doesn't matter
  16. Alby: When you whisper the mdoerators don't know if you are undercutting or just makng smalltalk
  17. Alby: thats why I make it a clear rule on te wallsign
  18. Stumbles: That doesn't make sense because we have our own room where whispering is against the rules, she doesn't whisper at all
  19. Stumbles: But if you trust whoever told you then alright.
  20. Alby: Well it doesn't reall matter cs Im taking off her ban
  21. Stumbles: Oh, thank you so much
  22. Alby: I'm trying my best to keep the drama as little as possible in the room
  23. Alby: So if you could please ask her to follow the rules
  24. Stumbles: Of course
  25. Stumbles: Thank you for that
  26. Alby: So I don't have to deal with anything liek this before
  27. Alby: hehe
  28. Alby: again*
  29. Alby: No worries ♥
  30. Alby: You are a good friend for taking the time to check on that by the way ♥
  31. Stumbles: I'll make sure to tell her to follow the rules
  32. Stumbles: Yeah, a lot of customers go through your room, that's where we like working
  33. Alby: Well hun my room is for everyone who wants to make money and behaves
  34. Alby: So you are all welcome there anytime you want
  35. Alby: for as long as you want
  36. Stumbles: Thank you again, you run a very professional room
  37. Alby: thankss I try
  38. Alby: And my mods help a lot
  39. Stumbles: Good mods are the best
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