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a guest
Jun 28th, 2016
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  1. psilent_aimbot_key mouse1 // Key for activating silent aimbot?
  2. psilent_aimbot_weapon_settings 1 // Should the silent aimbot use weapon settings? (1 = Groups, 2 = Weapons)
  3. psilent_aimbot_friendly_fire false // Silent aimbot shoots teammates?
  5. psilent_aimbot_active true // Silent aimbot enabled?
  6. psilent_aimbot_fov 1.2 // Silent aimbot field of view? (0 = unlimited)
  7. psilent_aimbot_random 100 // % of how active the silent aimbot is?
  8. psilent_aimbot_hitchance 0.0 // 0-100%, silent will only aim if the hitchance to the current target is above this percentage, 0 = always
  9. psilent_aimbot_hitboxes head,neck,chest // Hitbox at which silent aimbot aims while standing (fullbody works)
  10. psilent_aimbot_hitboxes_ducking head,neck,chest // Hitbox at which silent aimbot aims while ducking (fullbody works)
  11. psilent_aimbot_autowall true // Silent aimbot shoots trough walls when possible?
  12. psilent_aimbot_nospread false // Account for spread when possible? (NOTE: THIS WILL ONLY WORK IF WEAPON_ACCURACY_NOSPREAD IS NOT 1 AND SV_USERCMD_CUSTOM_RANDOM_SEED IS SET TO 0 SERVER-SIDE).
  13. psilent_aimbot_ignore jumping // Bots and jumping works (will ignore these conditions if players have them)
  14. psilent_aimbot_autoshoot false // Silent aimbot shoots automatically?
  15. psilent_aimbot_autoshoot_only false // Only let autoshoot do the job?
  16. psilent_aimbot_autoshoot_conditions hitchance_75,v // Standing, keys work in any order, you can add more keys as well
  17. psilent_aimbot_anti_spawn_protection true // Will prevent shooting players that are protected
  19. weapon_awp_psilent_aimbot_hitboxes chest
  21. //weapon_pist_psilent_aimbot_autoshoot_conditions fullaccuracy,hitchance_75//,mouse4 // Example of using autoshoot conditions, hitchance can be set to 0-100 (the less hitchance, the more it will shoot, but there's less chance to hit)
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