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Aug 23rd, 2016
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  2. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 7:52 PM
  3. If you wanna get 5k you seriously need to learn creep equilibrium
  4. and BOOM there you go 5k 😄
  5. Madsen - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
  6. my lane equilibrium stuff is fine, you just messed up my first pull lol
  7. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 7:54 PM
  8. you didn't need to pull
  9. os you could've kept the creeps back
  10. without the pull
  11. and I and kunkka would bully the tide out of the lane
  12. or not let him get xp
  13. Madsen - Yesterday at 7:55 PM
  14. but i WANTED to pull
  15. so that kunkka could farm creeps and get xp so he could roam earlier
  16. which is why i doubled up on ranged creeps
  17. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 7:56 PM
  18. he needs one level to roam if PA has dagger
  19. Madsen - Yesterday at 7:56 PM
  20. or he could get level 2 for free without me losing anything and do much more reliable ganks
  21. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 7:59 PM
  22. you aren't losing anything
  23. but you have to as timber hit under the tower and if tide was smarter he could disrupt the pulls
  24. Madsen - Yesterday at 7:59 PM
  25. lol
  26. this is pretty pointless
  27. you're not listening to what i'm telling you
  28. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  29. I am
  30. I'm just saying a different view on things
  31. Madsen - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  32. and i don't think your view on things is a view that helps me get any further in rank than i am now
  33. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  34. great
  35. call me when you're 5k 😉
  36. Madsen - Yesterday at 8:00 PM
  37. Sure
  38. I'll start playing solo again when I have fewer admin duties but as soon as that happens you'll be the first one I call 😉
  39. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 8:58 PM
  40. great 😄
  41. You'll prollyl get 5k when more people get 9k
  42. and the pool expands
  43. Madsen - Yesterday at 9:24 PM
  44. Yep, probably around the time you get around 3k
  45. Kubalionzzale - Yesterday at 9:34 PM
  46. well I can't say it's not true 😉
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