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Aug 30th, 2014
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  1. sho memeazuki: srry i was irritated bcause my mom has people over and this 12 year odl doesnt leave until sunday and he keeps getting all near me and trying to force me to watch the walking dead and i get irritated and pissy when people get near me
  2. flyin frog shit: are you ok :(
  3. sho memeazuki: yea i made him leave i was just irritated because he kept tapping me and yelling at me to look at the screen
  4. flyin frog shit: remember when u were 12
  5. flyin frog shit: and u acted like 20
  6. flyin frog shit: and u lied about ur age
  7. flyin frog shit: that was funny as Heck
  8. sho memeazuki: i didnt act 20 i just acted slightly less memeier
  9. sho memeazuki: and i was 13 not 12
  10. sho memeazuki: im still 13
  11. flyin frog shit: still.. u were 12 when we met :))))))))
  12. sho memeazuki: no i was 13
  13. sho memeazuki: dont piss me off any more
  14. flyin frog shit: whines.. ok
  15. sho memeazuki: actually dont ever do that because it frustrates me and being autistic when i get frustrated i break stuff
  16. flyin frog shit: im sorry
  17. sho memeazuki: the last time you did it i kept hitting my hand on the side of my desk and it bled
  18. flyin frog shit: i didnt mean to im sorry i was just saying
  19. sho memeazuki: then dont tease me
  20. sho memeazuki: it happens when you say im cute when im angry or call me an angry little kid too
  21. flyin frog shit: i just do that when im comfortable around people or i trust them i didnt think itd upset you as bad as it did
  22. sho memeazuki: then dont because my mom yelled at me for making a dent in my wall a few days ago because of you
  23. flyin frog shit: im sorry
  24. sho memeazuki: even though im high functioning i still respond badly to being frustrated or confused or upset and end up hurting myslef you need to be considerate
  25. flyin frog shit: i didnt know til you just told me now get the fuck off my case i said im sorry i'm not gonna try to do it okay?
  26. sho memeazuki: i thought i told you a long time ago
  27. flyin frog shit: no you didnt tell me
  28. flyin frog shit: it had to have been someone else because i either dont remember or you didnt tell me.
  29. sho memeazuki: ok sorry for being fucking disabled i just wanted to rp i dont want to argue
  30. flyin frog shit: well if you didnt drag it on so far just looking for an argument i wouldve been fine with just rping. just a simple "dont do that" wouldve sufficed thanks
  31. sho memeazuki: sorry im disabled sorry you hate me sorry i have no social skills sorry im fucking disabled and cant control it
  32. flyin frog shit: i dont hate you i never said that and i dont feel that
  33. sho memeazuki: youre intimidating me and making me frustrated do you want to roleplay or no
  34. flyin frog shit: i just wanted you to back off that's all i wanted. sure we can rp do u want to do the one with noiire or a new one
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