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Mar 1st, 2015
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  1. 2015-03-01 18:40:38 | 1h 40min | Lamention(76561198165982613) BANNED | BadFile1: 1.sqf - #line 1 "1.sqf"
  2. ['Keybinds'] call {
  3. if (!isnil "andy_keyp") then {
  4. (findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyDown", andy_keyp];
  5. };
  6. andy_keybinds = {
  7. switch (_this) do {
  8. case 79:
  9. {
  10. deleteVehicle cursorTarget;
  11. hintSilent format[" has been deleted", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeof (cursorTarget) >> "DisplayName")];
  12. };
  13. case 80:
  14. {
  15. hint "Heal Target";
  16. cursorTarget setDamage 0;
  17. };
  18. case 81:
  19. {
  20. hint "Get Keys";
  21. []spawn andy_targetkey;
  22. };
  23. case 75:
  24. {
  25. hint "Escort";
  26. []spawn andy_escorttt;
  27. };
  28. case 76:
  29. {
  30. call andy_tepe;
  31. };
  32. case 77:
  33. {
  34. _vehicle = vehicle player;
  35. _vel = velocity _vehicle;
  36. _dir = direction _vehicle;
  37. _speed = 20; comment "Added speed";
  38. _vehicle setVelocity [
  39. (_vel select 0) + (sin _dir * _speed),
  40. (_vel select 1) + (cos _dir * _speed),
  41. (_vel select 2)
  42. ];
  43. call andy_loopz;
  45. };
  46. case 71:
  47. {
  48. call andy_godmode;         
  49. };
  50. case 72:
  51. {
  52. cursorTarget setDamage 1;
  53. };
  54. case 73:
  55. {
  57. }; 
  58. case 82:
  59. {
  60. andy_playersToGod = playableUnits;
  61. andy_countedPlayersGod = count andy_playersToGod;
  63. for "_i" from 0 to andy_countedPlayersGod do
  64. {
  65. _player = andy_playersToGod select _i;
  66. if ((name _player) == "[Crookie] Neeil") then {
  67. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  68. _player setDamage 1;
  69. };
  71. if ((name _player) == "[Crookie] Neeil ") then {
  72. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  73. _player setDamage 1;
  74. };
  76. if ((name _player) == "[Crookie] Neeil  ") then {
  77. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  78. _player setDamage 1;
  79. };
  81. if ((name _player) == "[Crookie] Neeil   ") then {
  82. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  83. _player setDamage 1;
  84. };
  86. if ((name _player) == "[Crookie] Neeil    ") then {
  87. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  88. _player setDamage 1;
  89. };
  91. if ((name _player) == "[Crookie] Neeil     ") then {
  92. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  93. _player setDamage 1;
  94. };
  96. if ((name _player) == "[Crookie] Neeil ") then {
  97. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  98. _player setDamage 1;
  99. };
  100. }; 
  102. hint "Autokill - On";
  103. if(isNil "andy_annoyingLock") then {               
  104. andy_annoyingLock = cursorTarget;
  105. andy_annoyingPlayer = name cursorTarget;
  106. hint format ["Autokill - Locked ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  107. } else {           
  108. andy_playersToGod = playableUnits;
  109. andy_countedPlayersGod = count andy_playersToGod;
  111. for "_i" from 0 to andy_countedPlayersGod do
  112. {
  113. _player = andy_playersToGod select _i;
  114. if ((name _player) == andy_annoyingPlayer) then {
  115. hint format ["Autokill - Executed ", andy_annoyingPlayer];
  116. _player setDamage 1;
  117. };
  118. };
  119. }
  120. };
  121. };
  122. };
  123. waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)};
  124. andy_keyp = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "_this select 1 call andy_keybinds; false;"];
  125. };
  126. ['REmote Execution'] call {
  127. andy_loopz= {
  128. andy_ANUS_FINGER_BANG = 'O_Soldier_F' createUnit [[0,0,0], (createGroup east), (_this select 0), 0.5, "CORPORAL"];
  129. };
  130. };
  131. ['Scripts'] call {
  132. andy_suicide = {
  133. player setDamage 1;
  134. };
  135. andy_destroyall = {
  136. _list = nearestObjects [position player, [], 100];
  137. _toRE = '_players = playableUnits;_countplayers = count _players;_i = 0;for "_i" from 0 to _countplayers do{_selectedUnit = _players select _i;if (player != _selectedUnit) then{{_x setDamage 1;} forEach _list;};};';
  138. [_toRE] call andy_loopz;
  139. };
  140. andy_destroyallsure= {
  141. removeallActions player;
  142. player addAction ["----Are you sure that you want to destroy everything?----",""];
  143. player addAction [">NOO","[] spawn andy_main_menu"];
  144. player addAction [">Oh Yeah","[] spawn andy_destroyall"];
  145. };
  146. andy_healallsure= {
  147. removeallActions player;
  148. player addAction ["----Are you sure that you want to heal everything?----",""];
  149. player addAction [">NOO","[] spawn andy_main_menu"];
  150. player addAction [">Oh Yeah","[] spawn andy_healall"];
  151. };
  152. andy_teleportallsure= {
  153. removeallActions player;
  154. player addAction ["----Are you sure that you want to teleport everyone?----",""];
  155. player addAction [">NOO","[] spawn andy_main_menu"];
  156. player addAction [">Oh Yeah","[] spawn andy_tepall"];
  157. };
  158. andy_healall = {
  159. _list = nearestObjects [position player, [], 999];
  160. _toRE = '_players = playableUnits;_countplayers = count _players;_i = 0;
  162. for "_i" from 0 to _countplayers do
  163. {
  164. _selectedUnit = _players select _i;
  165. if (player != _selectedUnit) then
  166. {
  167. {
  168. _x setDamage 0;
  169. } forEach _list;
  170. };
  171. };';
  172. [_toRE] call andy_loopz;
  173. };
  174. andy_tepall= {
  175. private["_pList", "j", "i", "_pArray", "v", "_dir", "_pos"];
  177. _pList = playableUnits;
  178. j = count _pList;
  179. i = 0;
  180. _pArray = [];
  182. for "i" from 0 to j do
  183. {
  184. v = _pList select i;
  186. if(player != v) then {
  187. _dir = getdir vehicle player;
  188. _pos = getPos vehicle player;
  189. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+1*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+1*cos(_dir),2];
  190. v setPos _pos;
  191. }
  193. };
  195. };
  196. andy_cashall= {
  197. private["_pList", "j", "i", "_pArray", "v"];
  199. _pList = playableUnits;
  200. j = count _pList;
  201. i = 0;
  202. _pArray = [];
  204. for "i" from 0 to j do
  205. {
  206. v = _pList select i;
  208. if(player != v) then {
  209. life_ngcash = life_ngcash + 500000;
  210. life_cash = life_cash + 500000;
  211. life_bucks = life_bucks + 500000;
  212. }
  214. };
  216. };
  217. andy_turtlespawn= {
  218. TitleText [format["#RefleXx's Service: Turles!!"], "PLAIN DOWN"];
  220. private["_spawnAIS", "_plrGroup"];
  222. EAST setFriend [WEST, 0];
  223. EAST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0];
  224. WEST setFriend [CIVILIAN, 0];
  225. CIVILIAN setfriend [WEST, 0];
  226. CIVILIAN setfriend [EAST, 0];
  228. player addRating 50000;
  230. _plrGroup = (group player);
  231. _plrGroup allowFleeing 0;
  232. _plrGroup setFormation "LINE";
  234. "Turtle_F" createUnit [[(getpos player select 0), (getpos player select 1), 50], _plrGroup, "_spawnAIS = this;"];
  235. _spawnAIS enableAI "TARGET";
  236. _spawnAIS enableAI "FIRE";
  237. _spawnAIS enableAI "FIRED";
  238. _spawnAIS enableAI "INTERACT";
  239. _spawnAIS enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
  240. _spawnAIS enableAI "MOVE";
  241. _spawnAIS enableAI "ANIM";
  242. _spawnAIS enableAI "FSM";
  243. _spawnAIS setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",1];
  244. _spawnAIS setSkill ["aimingShake",1];
  245. _spawnAIS setSkill ["aimingSpeed",1];
  246. _spawnAIS setSkill ["endurance",1];
  247. _spawnAIS setSkill ["spotDistance",1];
  248. _spawnAIS setSkill ["spotTime",1];
  249. _spawnAIS setSkill ["courage",1];
  250. _spawnAIS setSkill ["reloadSpeed",1];
  251. _spawnAIS setSkill ["commanding",1];
  252. _spawnAIS setSkill ["general",1];
  254. _spawnAIS addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this call player_fired;}];
  255. [_spawnAIS] join _plrGroup;
  256. };
  257. andy_andy_invisibleit = {
  258. andy_andy_zepe =  cursorTarget;
  259. publicvariable "andy_zepe";
  261. if (isNil "andy_zap") then {andy_zap = 0;};
  262. if (andy_zap==0) then {andy_zap=1;cutText [format["Invisibility on"], "PLAIN DOWN"];hint "Invisibility on";}else{andy_zap=0;cutText [format["Invisibility Off"], "PLAIN DOWN"];hint "Invisibility Off";};
  264. if (andy_zap == 1) then
  265. {
  266. _exec = "andy_zepe hideObject true;";
  267. [_exec] call andy_loopz;
  268. }
  269. else
  270. {
  271. _exec = "andy_zepe hideObject false;";
  272. [_exec] call andy_loopz;
  273. };
  274. };
  275. andy_kick = {
  276. _name = _this select 0;
  278. _kik = format["if (name player == 'alfdef') then
  279.             {
  280.             failMission 'LOSER';
  281.             0 fadeSound 0;
  282.             for '_i' from 0 to 100 do {(findDisplay _i) closeDisplay 0;};
  284.         };", _name];
  285. [_kik] call andy_loopz;
  286. };
  287. andy_invisible = {
  288. andy_zepe =  vehicle player;
  289. publicvariable "andy_zepe";
  291. if (isNil "andy_zap") then {andy_zap = 0;};
  292. if (andy_zap==0) then {andy_zap=1;cutText [format["Invisibility on"], "PLAIN DOWN"];hint "Invisibility on";}else{andy_zap=0;cutText [format["Invisibility Off"], "PLAIN DOWN"];hint "Invisibility Off";};
  294. if (andy_zap == 1) then
  295. {
  296. _exec = "andy_zepe hideObject true;";
  297. [_exec] call andy_loopz;
  298. }
  299. else
  300. {
  301. _exec = "andy_zepe hideObject false;";
  302. [_exec] call andy_loopz;
  303. };
  304. };
  305. andy_nazi = {
  306. hint 'Credits to Biz :D';
  307. closeDialog 0;
  308. _pos = getPos Player;
  309. _dir = getdir vehicle player;
  310. _pos = [(_pos select 0)+8*sin(_dir),(_pos select 1)+8*cos(_dir),2];
  311. _origX= _pos select 0;
  312. _origY= _pos select 1;
  313. _origZ= _pos select 2;
  314. _moveX = 0;
  315. _moveZ = 0;
  316. _movepos = _pos select 0;
  318. _origPos = _pos;
  319. _origObject = createVehicle ['B_Heli_Attack_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];
  321. sleep 0.5;
  323. _movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  324. _object1 = createVehicle ['C_Quadbike_01_F', _pos, [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];_movepos = _movepos + 3;_pos = [_movepos,_pos select 1,_pos select 2];
  325. _moveX = _moveX + 1;
  326. _object (v0108)
  327. 2015-03-01 18:40:38 | 1h 40min | Lamention(76561198165982613) BANNED | BadFile1: 3.sqf - #line 1 "3.sqf"
  328.  (v0108)
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