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a guest
Oct 25th, 2016
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Bash 1.88 KB | None | 0 0
  1. alias gmff='git merge --ff-only'
  2. alias gmnff='git merge --no-ff'
  3. alias glff='git pull --ff-only'
  4. alias glr='git pull --rebase'
  5. alias ggrh='git reset --hard origin/$(current_branch)'
  6. alias gf='git fetch'
  7. alias grb='git rebase'
  8. alias grbd='git rebase develop'
  9. alias grbod='git rebase origin/develop'
  10. alias grbid='grbi develop'
  11. alias grbiod='grbi origin/develop'
  12. alias gfp='git format-patch'
  13. alias gffs='git flow feature start'
  14. alias gfff='git flow feature finish'
  15. alias grha='git reset --hard'
  16. alias gcd='git checkout develop'
  17. alias gpt='git push --tags'
  18. alias gt='git tag'
  19. alias gcl='git clone'
  20. alias grm='git rm'
  21. alias gcpa='git cherry-pick --abort'
  22. alias gcpc='git cherry-pick --continue'
  23. alias gdh='git diff HEAD'
  24. alias gdo='git diff origin/$(current_branch) $(current_branch)'
  25. alias gre='git reset'
  26. alias greh='git reset --hard'
  27. alias ggr='git grep'
  28. alias grbi='GIT_EDITOR=~/bin/ git rebase -i'
  29. alias grbp='bash /tmp/'
  30. alias gs='git status'
  31. alias gsh='git show'
  33. alias aiwtl='ruby ~/dev/aiwtl/aiwtl.rb'
  35. alias rc='COUNTRY=us bundle exec rails console'
  36. alias rs='COUNTRY=us bundle exec rails server'
  37. alias rsp='bin/rspec'
  38. alias par='bundle exec rake parallel:spec'
  39. alias cirubo='bundle exec rake ci:rubocop:strict'
  40. alias dbnuke='git checkout db && bundle exec rake db:drop:all db:create:all db:structure:load db:seed db:test:prepare db:example_data parallel:quick_setup db:example_data'
  41. alias hivespec='bin/rspec --tag type:hive'
  43. alias ss='spring stop'
  44. alias undup='awk '\''!a[$0]++'\'''
  45. alias lmn='ls db/migrate | sort -r | head -n1 | cut -d '_' -f1'
  47. alias touchdiff='git diff --name-only | xargs touch'
  48. alias cdqd='cd ~/dev/ns-quality_dashboard'
  50. st() {
  51.     sbt "testOnly $1"
  52. }
  54. style-config-reload() {
  55.     cp ~/dev/scalastyle-config-stripped.xml scalastyle-config.xml
  56.     git update-index --assume-unchanged scalastyle-config.xml
  57. }
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