
Rust Server Config Options 2/25/14

Feb 25th, 2014
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  1. env.time( ) : Gets or sets the current time
  2. env.daylength : The length of a day in real minutes
  3. env.nightlength : The length of a night in real minutes
  4. airdrop.drop() : no help
  5. airdrop.min_players : no help
  6. save.avatars( ) : Saves all avatars of alive users
  7. save.load( string Filename ) : Load a map. Careful - this doesn't clear the map first!
  8. save.tofile( string Name ) : Saves to a file
  9. ) : Performs a auto save and restarts auto save timer
  10. save.all( ) : saves world and all alive avatars
  11. save.friendly : Should save a json formatted save too (for debugging)
  12. save.autosavetime : The amount of seconds between auto saves
  13. save.profile : turn on to display more timing info on world saves
  14. player.backpackLockTime : no help
  15. voice.distance : The voice distance
  16. dmg.godmode( ) : Set all admins to be god true/false
  17. global.find( string Name ) : Search for a command
  18. global.findsv( string Name ) : Search for a command (server-side)
  19. global.echo( string output ) : Prints something to the debug output
  20. global.quit( ) : Quits the game
  21. global.status( ) : Print out currently connected clients etc
  22. global.say( ) : Sends a message in chat
  23. global.users( ) : Show user info for players on server.
  24. global.banlist( ) : List of banned users (sourceds compat)
  25. global.banlistex( ) : List of banned users - shows reasons and usernames
  26. global.listid( ) : List of banned users, by ID (sourceds compat)
  27. global.kick( ) : kick a user from the server
  28. global.ban( ) : Bans a user from the server
  29. global.banid( ) : Bans a userid from the server
  30. global.removeid( ) : Unbans a userid from the server
  31. global.unbanall( ) : Removes all bans
  32. global.logprint : When set to True, all console printing will go through Debug.Log
  33. global.fpslog : Prints fps at said interval
  34. ) : Save the current config to config.cfg
  35. config.load( ) : Load the current config from config.cfg
  36. objects.count( ) : Logs object counts
  37. objects.prefabs( ) : Logs prefab names by count
  38. interp.ratio : This value determins how much time to append to interp delay ( on clients ) based on server.sendrate
  39. interp.delayms : This value adds a fixed amount of delay ( in milliseconds ) to interp delay ( on clients ).
  40. packet.loglevel : Setting this to non zero values will allow log messages ( for things like rpc drops )
  41. packet.dropclockthresh : Fix clock sync threshold, when someones timestamps have been corrected this many times their clock will resync. ( 0 for off )
  42. packet.verify : Enable/disable packet dropping caused by invalid timestamps
  43. packet.dropms : Set the alloted transit time (in millis) for rpcs whom use NetCull.VerifyRPC
  44. packet.dropsec : Set the alloted transit time (in seconds) for rpcs whom use NetCull.VerifyRPC
  45. netcull.list() : no help
  46. netcull.log : no help
  47. truth.punish : no help
  48. truth.threshold : no help
  49. server.setlog( ) : gets/sets log flags to given log level
  50. server.framerate : The server's target framerate. 30 is fine.
  51. server.clienttimeout : How long until unresponsive clients timeout.
  52. server.hostname : The name of the current server
  53. server.maxplayers : The maximum allowed connected players
  54. server.port : The port for the server to use. Requires restart.
  55. server.pvp : Should players be allowed to damage other players
  56. : The scene file to use
  57. server.datadir : Folder in which to store data. Must end in slash.
  58. server.sendrate : Sendrate. Higher = more cpu, more network. Lower = less frequent updates, delayed game play.
  59. server.lan : Allow for more communication to be had by unconnected players (useful over lan)
  60. server.ip : The local ip to use for server. use "" for any
  61. server.timesrc : Time measurement source (0=stopwatch, 1=tickcount, 2=datetime)
  62. server.sendbuffer : the send buffer size ( must be inside of a .cfg )
  63. server.receivebuffer : the receive buffer size ( must be inside of a .cfg )
  64. server.log : gets/sets the minimum log level
  65. server.steamgroup : If set only users in this steam group can join the server. This should be the huge numberic ID of the
  66. steam group.
  67. profile.record( int seconds ) : Starts profiling for x seconds.
  68. chat.enabled : Enable or disable chat displaying
  69. chat.serverlog : no help
  70. lockentry.changepassword() : no help
  71. notice.popupall() : no help
  72. wildlife.forceupdate : no help
  73. decay.deploy_maxhealth_sec : Number of seconds until decay deals max health amount of damage
  74. decay.decaytickrate : How often decay is processed
  75. decay.maxperframe : Maximum amount of env decays to process per frame. Use zero to process all env decays every frame
  76. decay.maxtestperframe : Maximum amount of env decays to process with raycasts. Use zero to process all env decays every frame
  77. falldamage.min_vel : Fall velocity to begin fall damage calculations - min 18
  78. falldamage.max_vel : Fall Velocity when damage of maxhealth will be applied
  79. falldamage.enabled : enable/disable fall damage
  80. falldamage.injury_length : Average amount of time a leg injury lasts
  81. crafting.complete( ) : completes every single crafting job in progress (for all crafting character)
  82. crafting.cancel( ) : cancels every single crafting job in progress (for all crafting character)
  83. crafting.instant : no help
  84. crafting.instant_admins : no help
  85. crafting.timescale : no help
  86. crafting.workbench_speed : no help
  87. gunshots.aiscared : no help
  88. inv.give( <case sensitive name of item> [number of stacks or uses=1] [number of ammo=random] [number of mod slots=random] ) : give item(s) to calling alive admin with inventory
  89. inv.givearmor( <case sensitive name of item> [number of stacks or uses=1] [number of ammo=random] [number of mod slots=random] ) : give armor(s) to calling alive admin with inventory
  90. inv.giveall( <case sensitive name of item> [number of stacks or uses=1] [number of ammo=random] [number of mod slots=random] ) : give item(s) to every alive player with a inventory
  91. inv.giveplayer( <player name> <case sensitive name of item> [number of stacks or uses=1] [number of ammo=random] [number of mod slots=random] ) : give item(s) to every alive player with inventory and matching name
  92. inv.giveplayerarmor( <player name> <case sensitive name of item> [number of stacks or uses=1] [number of ammo=random] [number of mod slots=random] ) : give armor(s) to every alive player with inventory and matching name
  93. inv.ammo( [number of ammo to give] ) : gives you the ammo for the current active item if any
  94. inv.loglevel : no help
  95. inv.clientupdates : no help
  96. conditionloss.damagemultiplier : Multiply the amount of condition loss when it happens
  97. conditionloss.armorhealthmult : Incoming damage is multiplied by this and applied as condition loss to armor i.e. 100 dmg * 0.333 = 33% condition loss
  98. rcon.password : Remote connection password for admin. - use: rcon.password password
  99. teleport.toplayer( string fromName, string destName ) : Teleport one player to another. if only one player is entered then the calling player will be fromName and entered will be destName
  100. teleport.topos( string fromName, float x, float y, float z ) : Teleport player to a point in world space
  101. sleepers.clear() : no help
  102. sleepers.kill() : no help
  103. sleepers.loglevel : no help
  104. sleepers.pointsolver : no help
  105. sleepers.on : no help
  106. structure.touchall() : no help
  107. structure.minpercentdmg : no help
  108. structure.framelimit : no help
  109. structure.maxframeattempt : no help
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