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Sep 2nd, 2015
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  1. You're getting rage erections from reading my material and realizing you just can't find my new cam job, be you SJW or AntiSJW. Having been thoroughly cucked thusly, and shown to be privileged idiot consumers who sit around all day and beat your dicks to tranny porn you naturally feel insulted by me. This enrages you more and produces even more fist pounding arousal until you want to just punch your monitor and feel like I ate all of your ally cookies while witch cackling hysterically while you licked my feminazgul boots. The only response you have is to engage in the very rape culture you claim to oppose, the very ableism you claim to oppose, as usual.... under the guise of criticizing claims I've never made, lol.
  3. I'm Oppressing you, and I just don't get it. I get it all right :D
  5. And I like every single moment of it, your rage and failure and exposed privileged idiocy is like the sweetest nectar to my fangs.
  7. The biggest funny thing to me was how some of you femmephobic transphobes got exposed hardcore under the Bunson Burner debacle which you sat on and denied for years, then are getting exposed again more and more by me and others. That you are exposing them and they are exposing you makes me as a political anvil (and not football) all the more delighted. You wanted to toss me around, while hacking, packeting, stalking, misgendering, attempting to appropriate my suffering politically then denying it when you couldn't, etc, look what's happening? The Armegeddon to your jobs and ratings, that's what.
  9. Squirm in your rage erections and rage wetness, when I get done with you you will be reduced to a rubber cock and balls sticking out of the floor with a little mouth on the testicles saying "I'm a good ally Mistress, spare me."
  11. I am furiously oppressing you, and ignoring you, and not believing anything you say anymore, and it's oh so terrible that you can't find my new cam job. So oppressive to you, I like it =~)
  13. I've made you insecure in your manhood and womanhood and personhood so hardcore that you are utterly and entirely obsessed with me to a point that you are having existential meltdowns where your worldview is constantly being checked politically by me into a corner, checked over and over again with logic and reason and fiction which you mistake for Real Background or Gender Performance when it's Windmill political and I am getting you with it again and again, slamming your head into the wall psychologically as Narcissists and hypocritical faux allies, over and over again.
  15. You preach allyship for those that believe your bullshit, and you foist ableism, transphobia, neurotypicalism, etc, for those that don't. Your rank hypocrisy is laid bare for everyone to see and you hate that, you detest that, your ratings plummet, no one believes your bullshit and lies as the AntiSJWs expose you and you expose them in an endless glorious battle that is fracturing your movements.
  17. All the while I just laugh at you, and tell you it could have been easy for you to have me, but that would have entailed you admitting your privilege. Privilege you can't admit, because then it means you've been implicated all along.
  19. What's going to eventually happen is some of you are just going to be utterly destitute and continuously laughed at by the worst elements of AntiSJWs, while you will do the same to the worst elements of AntiSJWs eventually.
  21. But you're going to both lose, both sides, predicated on double standards, lies, hypocrisies, and everything under the sun. And all the while I'm laughing at you and busting you psychologically, again and again.
  23. You are utter masochists for even reading this, and I told you at the beginning it was my sworn oath to get my post count to zero, but you didn't listen. You're being made the hard way to learn to ignore me politically, you don't like that, and I like that you don't like that =~)
  25. You claimed for years to have movements that would raise my quality of life, which claims were found to be full of shit, so naturally I became the bad girl plotting against you. Now look where you are? My quality of life has gotten substantially better, through no effort of yours or those like you, and you are still mired in the same idiotic mentalities you had in the first place, fundamentally.
  27. Very few of you grokked what I was saying over the years, and the few that did are realizing they were being really, really shitty to me. That's too little too late.
  32. -Sara
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