
rogue trader

Nov 1st, 2014
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  1. Rolls: 8, 11, 7, 13, 18, 14, 18, 13, 6. rerolled the 6, got 17
  3. WS: 33 (28)
  4. BS: 43
  5. S: 38 (35)
  6. T: 42
  7. Ag: 38
  8. Int: 43 (57)
  9. Per: 39
  10. WP: 36 (33)
  11. Fel: 32
  13. Wounds: 2xT + 1d5 + 1 = 2 x 4 + (2) + 1 = 11
  14. Fate Points: rolled a 2, 2 + 1 = 3 FP
  15. Talents: Technical Knock, Paranoia, Unremarkable, Enemy (Ecclesiarchy), Basic Weapon Training (Universal), Melee Weapon Training (Universal), Logis Implant
  16. Skills: Common Lore (Machine Cult, Tech, Adeptus Astra Telepathica) (Int), Forbidden Lore (Archeotech, Adeptus Mechanicus) (Int), Literacy (Int), Logic (Int), Speak Language (Explorator Binary, Low Gothic, Techna-lingua) (Int), Tech-Use (Int), Trade (Technomat) (Int), Secret Tongue (Tech) (100xp)(Int), Demolition (Int)
  17. Trait: Mechanicus Implants
  18. Starting Gear: Baleful Eye, Boltgun, Best-Craftsmanship shock staff, Enforcer light carapace, multikey, void suit, injector, sacred unguents, micro-bead, combi-tool, dataslate. Servo-Skull Familiar, named "it".
  20. Homeworld: Forge World ( -5 WS, +5 INT, Credo Omnissiah, Fit for purpose(+3 INT), Stranger to the cult)
  21. Birthright: One Amongst Billions (+3 INT, -3 S) (200xp)
  22. Lure of the Void: Renegade (+3 INT, -3 WP)
  23. Trials and Travails: Press-ganged (Demoltion, Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica))
  24. Motivation: Fortune
  25. Career: Explorator
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