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vlc log

a guest
Oct 30th, 2014
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text 22.84 KB | None | 0 0
  1. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1343\cocoasubrtf140
  2. {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
  3. {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red128\green128\blue128;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;
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  5. \pard\tx560\tx1120\tx1680\tx2240\tx2800\tx3360\tx3920\tx4480\tx5040\tx5600\tx6160\tx6720\pardirnatural
  7. \f0\fs24 \cf2 core debug: VLC media player - 3.0.0-git Vetinari\
  8. core debug: Copyright \'ac\'a9 1996-2014 the VideoLAN team\
  9. core debug: revision 2.2.0-git-1227-g44d4685\
  10. core debug: configured with ../extras/package/macosx/../../../configure '--prefix=/Users/buildbot/slave/vlc-bin-osx-x86_64/build/build/vlc_install_dir' '--enable-macosx' '--enable-merge-ffmpeg' '--enable-growl' '--enable-faad' '--enable-flac' '--enable-theora' '--enable-shout' '--enable-ncurses' '--enable-twolame' '--enable-realrtsp' '--enable-libass' '--enable-macosx-eyetv' '--enable-macosx-qtkit' '--enable-macosx-avfoundation' '--disable-skins2' '--disable-xcb' '--disable-caca' '--disable-sdl' '--disable-samplerate' '--disable-macosx-dialog-provider' '--build=x86_64-apple-darwin10' '--with-macosx-version-min=10.6' '--with-macosx-sdk=/Applications/' 'build_alias=x86_64-apple-darwin10' 'CC=xcrun clang' 'CFLAGS=-g' 'LDFLAGS=' 'CXX=xcrun clang++' 'OBJC=xcrun clang'\
  11. macosx debug: activating or triggering extension 'VLsub 0.9.13', id 1\
  12. lua debug: Activating extension 'VLsub 0.9.13'\
  13. lua debug: [VLsub] Welcome\
  14. lua debug: [VLSub] Working directory: /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/userdata/vlsub\
  15. lua debug: [VLSub] Loading config file: /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/userdata/vlsub/vlsub_conf.xml\
  16. lua debug: [VLSub] Video URI: file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv\
  17. lua debug: [VLSub] file info
  18. \
  19. <cleanName>rubicon s01e02 720p hdtv x264-ctu</cleanName>
  20. \
  21. <completeName>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</completeName>
  22. \
  23. <dir>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/</dir>
  24. \
  25. <ext>mkv</ext>
  26. \
  27. <hasInput>true</hasInput>
  28. \
  29. <is_archive>false</is_archive>
  30. \
  31. <name>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu</name>
  32. \
  33. <path>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</path>
  34. \
  35. <protocol>file</protocol>
  36. \
  37. <stat>
  38. \
  39. <access_time>1414681330</access_time>
  40. \
  41. <creation_time>1414675903</creation_time>
  42. \
  43. <gid>20</gid>
  44. \
  45. <mode>33188</mode>
  46. \
  47. <modification_time>1414675903</modification_time>
  48. \
  49. <size>1173869685</size>
  50. \
  51. <type>file</type>
  52. \
  53. <uid>501</uid>
  54. \
  55. </stat>
  56. \
  57. <uri>file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</uri>\
  58. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  59. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  60. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Search by hash'\
  61. lua debug: [VLSub] Video URI: file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv\
  62. lua debug: [VLSub] file info
  63. \
  64. <cleanName>rubicon s01e02 720p hdtv x264-ctu</cleanName>
  65. \
  66. <completeName>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</completeName>
  67. \
  68. <dir>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/</dir>
  69. \
  70. <ext>mkv</ext>
  71. \
  72. <hasInput>true</hasInput>
  73. \
  74. <is_archive>false</is_archive>
  75. \
  76. <name>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu</name>
  77. \
  78. <path>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</path>
  79. \
  80. <protocol>file</protocol>
  81. \
  82. <stat>
  83. \
  84. <access_time>1414681330</access_time>
  85. \
  86. <creation_time>1414675903</creation_time>
  87. \
  88. <gid>20</gid>
  89. \
  90. <mode>33188</mode>
  91. \
  92. <modification_time>1414675903</modification_time>
  93. \
  94. <size>1173869685</size>
  95. \
  96. <type>file</type>
  97. \
  98. <uid>501</uid>
  99. \
  100. </stat>
  101. \
  102. <uri>file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</uri>\
  103. lua debug: [VLSub] Read hash data from file\
  104. lua debug: [VLSub] Video hash: 817cd1a41a4a9cea\
  105. lua debug: [VLSub] Video bytesize: 1173869685\
  106. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  107. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  108. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  109. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  110. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  111. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  112. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  113. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Search by hash'\
  114. lua debug: [VLSub] Video URI: file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv\
  115. lua debug: [VLSub] file info
  116. \
  117. <bytesize>1173869685</bytesize>
  118. \
  119. <cleanName>rubicon s01e02 720p hdtv x264-ctu</cleanName>
  120. \
  121. <completeName>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</completeName>
  122. \
  123. <dir>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/</dir>
  124. \
  125. <ext>mkv</ext>
  126. \
  127. <hasInput>true</hasInput>
  128. \
  129. <hash>817cd1a41a4a9cea</hash>
  130. \
  131. <is_archive>false</is_archive>
  132. \
  133. <name>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu</name>
  134. \
  135. <path>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</path>
  136. \
  137. <protocol>file</protocol>
  138. \
  139. <stat>
  140. \
  141. <access_time>1414681361</access_time>
  142. \
  143. <creation_time>1414675903</creation_time>
  144. \
  145. <gid>20</gid>
  146. \
  147. <mode>33188</mode>
  148. \
  149. <modification_time>1414675903</modification_time>
  150. \
  151. <size>1173869685</size>
  152. \
  153. <type>file</type>
  154. \
  155. <uid>501</uid>
  156. \
  157. </stat>
  158. \
  159. <uri>file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</uri>\
  160. lua debug: [VLSub] Read hash data from file\
  161. lua debug: [VLSub] Video hash: 817cd1a41a4a9cea\
  162. lua debug: [VLSub] Video bytesize: 1173869685\
  163. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  164. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  165. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  166. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  167. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  168. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Show help'\
  169. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  170. lua debug: Deleting dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  171. lua debug: Waiting for the dialog to be deleted...\
  172. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9: Help'\
  173. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Ok'\
  174. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  175. lua debug: Deleting dialog 'VLSub 0.9: Help'\
  176. lua debug: Waiting for the dialog to be deleted...\
  177. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  178. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Close'\
  179. lua debug: [VLsub] Bye bye!\
  180. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  181. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  182. core error: \cf3 Could not convert timestamp 203698344370\
  183. \cf2 core debug: discarded audio buffer\
  184. core warning: \cf4 playback too early (-44699): down-sampling\
  185. \cf2 macosx debug: releasing old sleep blocker (7395)\
  186. macosx debug: prevented sleep through IOKit (7401)\
  187. core debug: picture might be displayed late (missing 12 ms)\
  188. macosx debug: activating or triggering extension 'VLsub 0.9.13', id 1\
  189. lua debug: Deactivating 'VLsub 0.9.13'\
  190. lua debug: [VLsub] Bye bye!\
  191. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  192. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 26)\
  193. lua warning: \cf4 Error while running script /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua, function deactivate(): ...on Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua:1868: Interrupted.\
  194. \cf2 lua debug: Deleting dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  195. lua debug: Waiting for the dialog to be deleted...\
  196. lua warning: \cf4 Extension 'VLsub 0.9.13' did not deactivate properly\
  197. \cf2 lua debug: Extension thread end: 'VLsub 0.9.13'\
  198. core debug: resampling stopped (drift: -7793 us)\
  199. macosx debug: activating or triggering extension 'VLsub 0.9.13', id 1\
  200. lua debug: Activating extension 'VLsub 0.9.13'\
  201. lua debug: [VLsub] Welcome\
  202. lua debug: [VLSub] Working directory: /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/userdata/vlsub\
  203. lua debug: [VLSub] Loading config file: /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/userdata/vlsub/vlsub_conf.xml\
  204. lua debug: [VLSub] Video URI: file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv\
  205. lua debug: [VLSub] file info
  206. \
  207. <cleanName>rubicon s01e02 720p hdtv x264-ctu</cleanName>
  208. \
  209. <completeName>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</completeName>
  210. \
  211. <dir>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/</dir>
  212. \
  213. <ext>mkv</ext>
  214. \
  215. <hasInput>true</hasInput>
  216. \
  217. <is_archive>false</is_archive>
  218. \
  219. <name>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu</name>
  220. \
  221. <path>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</path>
  222. \
  223. <protocol>file</protocol>
  224. \
  225. <stat>
  226. \
  227. <access_time>1414681463</access_time>
  228. \
  229. <creation_time>1414675903</creation_time>
  230. \
  231. <gid>20</gid>
  232. \
  233. <mode>33188</mode>
  234. \
  235. <modification_time>1414675903</modification_time>
  236. \
  237. <size>1173869685</size>
  238. \
  239. <type>file</type>
  240. \
  241. <uid>501</uid>
  242. \
  243. </stat>
  244. \
  245. <uri>file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</uri>\
  246. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  247. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  248. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Search by hash'\
  249. lua debug: [VLSub] Video URI: file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv\
  250. lua debug: [VLSub] file info
  251. \
  252. <cleanName>rubicon s01e02 720p hdtv x264-ctu</cleanName>
  253. \
  254. <completeName>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</completeName>
  255. \
  256. <dir>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/</dir>
  257. \
  258. <ext>mkv</ext>
  259. \
  260. <hasInput>true</hasInput>
  261. \
  262. <is_archive>false</is_archive>
  263. \
  264. <name>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu</name>
  265. \
  266. <path>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</path>
  267. \
  268. <protocol>file</protocol>
  269. \
  270. <stat>
  271. \
  272. <access_time>1414681466</access_time>
  273. \
  274. <creation_time>1414675903</creation_time>
  275. \
  276. <gid>20</gid>
  277. \
  278. <mode>33188</mode>
  279. \
  280. <modification_time>1414675903</modification_time>
  281. \
  282. <size>1173869685</size>
  283. \
  284. <type>file</type>
  285. \
  286. <uid>501</uid>
  287. \
  288. </stat>
  289. \
  290. <uri>file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</uri>\
  291. lua debug: [VLSub] Read hash data from file\
  292. lua debug: [VLSub] Video hash: 817cd1a41a4a9cea\
  293. lua debug: [VLSub] Video bytesize: 1173869685\
  294. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  295. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  296. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  297. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  298. core debug: removing module "ugly_resampler"\
  299. core debug: removing module "a52tofloat32"\
  300. core debug: removing module "scaletempo"\
  301. auhal debug: Stopping the auhal module\
  302. core debug: removing module "float_mixer"\
  303. core debug: keeping audio output\
  304. core debug: reusing audio output\
  305. core debug: VLC is looking for: 'a52 ' 48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE frame=1536 samples/1536 bytes\
  306. auhal debug: attempting to use device 0\
  307. auhal debug: using default audio device 60\
  308. auhal debug: found 9 stream formats for stream id 61\
  309. auhal debug: Audio device supports PCM mode only\
  310. auhal debug: Current device has a latency of 5 frames\
  311. auhal debug: current format is: [44100.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]\
  312. auhal debug: layout of AUHAL has 2 channels\
  313. auhal debug: selected 2 physical channels for device output\
  314. auhal debug: VLC will output: Stereo\
  315. auhal debug: we set the AU format: [48000.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]\
  316. auhal debug: the actual set AU format is [48000.000000][mcpl][9][8][1][8][2][32]\
  317. auhal debug: analog output successfully opened\
  318. core debug: output 'f32l' 48000 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes\
  319. core debug: looking for audio volume module matching "any": 2 candidates\
  320. core debug: using audio volume module "float_mixer"\
  321. core debug: input 'a52 ' 48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE frame=1536 samples/1536 bytes\
  322. core debug: looking for audio filter module matching "scaletempo": 14 candidates\
  323. scaletempo debug: format: 48000 rate, 6 nch, 4 bps, fl32\
  324. scaletempo debug: params: 30 stride, 0.200 overlap, 14 search\
  325. scaletempo debug: 1.000 scale, 1440.000 stride_in, 1440 stride_out, 1152 standing, 288 overlap, 672 search, 2400 queue, fl32 mode\
  326. core debug: using audio filter module "scaletempo"\
  327. core debug: conversion: 'a52 '->'f32l' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE->3F2R/LFE\
  328. core debug: looking for audio converter module matching "any": 11 candidates\
  329. core debug: no audio converter modules matched\
  330. core debug: looking for audio converter module matching "any": 11 candidates\
  331. core debug: using audio converter module "a52tofloat32"\
  332. core debug: conversion pipeline complete\
  333. core debug: conversion: 'f32l'->'f32l' 48000 Hz->48000 Hz 3F2R/LFE->Stereo\
  334. core debug: looking for audio converter module matching "any": 11 candidates\
  335. core debug: using audio converter module "simple_channel_mixer"\
  336. core debug: conversion pipeline complete\
  337. core debug: looking for audio resampler module matching "any": 2 candidates\
  338. core debug: using audio resampler module "ugly_resampler"\
  339. core warning: \cf4 playback way too early (-1985966): playing silence\
  340. \cf2 core debug: inserting 95326 zeroes\
  341. macosx debug: releasing old sleep blocker (7401)\
  342. macosx debug: prevented sleep through IOKit (7402)\
  343. lua debug: [VLSub] Video URI: file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv\
  344. lua debug: [VLSub] file info
  345. \
  346. <bytesize>1173869685</bytesize>
  347. \
  348. <cleanName>rubicon s01e02 720p hdtv x264-ctu</cleanName>
  349. \
  350. <completeName>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</completeName>
  351. \
  352. <dir>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/</dir>
  353. \
  354. <ext>mkv</ext>
  355. \
  356. <hasInput>true</hasInput>
  357. \
  358. <hash>817cd1a41a4a9cea</hash>
  359. \
  360. <is_archive>false</is_archive>
  361. \
  362. <name>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu</name>
  363. \
  364. <path>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</path>
  365. \
  366. <protocol>file</protocol>
  367. \
  368. <stat>
  369. \
  370. <access_time>1414681466</access_time>
  371. \
  372. <creation_time>1414675903</creation_time>
  373. \
  374. <gid>20</gid>
  375. \
  376. <mode>33188</mode>
  377. \
  378. <modification_time>1414675903</modification_time>
  379. \
  380. <size>1173869685</size>
  381. \
  382. <type>file</type>
  383. \
  384. <uid>501</uid>
  385. \
  386. </stat>
  387. \
  388. <uri>file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</uri>\
  389. macosx debug: releasing old sleep blocker (7402)\
  390. macosx debug: prevented sleep through IOKit (7403)\
  391. lua debug: [VLSub] Video URI: file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv\
  392. lua debug: [VLSub] file info
  393. \
  394. <bytesize>1173869685</bytesize>
  395. \
  396. <cleanName>rubicon s01e02 720p hdtv x264-ctu</cleanName>
  397. \
  398. <completeName>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</completeName>
  399. \
  400. <dir>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/</dir>
  401. \
  402. <ext>mkv</ext>
  403. \
  404. <hasInput>true</hasInput>
  405. \
  406. <hash>817cd1a41a4a9cea</hash>
  407. \
  408. <is_archive>false</is_archive>
  409. \
  410. <name>rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu</name>
  411. \
  412. <path>/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Folx Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</path>
  413. \
  414. <protocol>file</protocol>
  415. \
  416. <stat>
  417. \
  418. <access_time>1414681466</access_time>
  419. \
  420. <creation_time>1414675903</creation_time>
  421. \
  422. <gid>20</gid>
  423. \
  424. <mode>33188</mode>
  425. \
  426. <modification_time>1414675903</modification_time>
  427. \
  428. <size>1173869685</size>
  429. \
  430. <type>file</type>
  431. \
  432. <uid>501</uid>
  433. \
  434. </stat>
  435. \
  436. <uri>file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD2/Folx%20Downloads/Rubicon.S01.720p.HDTV.x264/Rubicon.S01E02.720p.HDTV.x264-CTU/rubicon.s01e02.720p.hdtv.x264-ctu.mkv</uri>\
  437. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  438. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  439. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': ' Show config '\
  440. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  441. lua debug: Deleting dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  442. lua debug: Waiting for the dialog to be deleted...\
  443. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9: Configuration'\
  444. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Save'\
  445. lua debug: [VLSub] Saving config file: /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/userdata/vlsub/vlsub_conf.xml\
  446. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  447. lua debug: Deleting dialog 'VLSub 0.9: Configuration'\
  448. lua debug: Waiting for the dialog to be deleted...\
  449. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  450. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  451. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  452. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Search by name'\
  453. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  454. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  455. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  456. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  457. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  458. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  459. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': ' Show config '\
  460. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  461. lua debug: Deleting dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  462. lua debug: Waiting for the dialog to be deleted...\
  463. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9: Configuration'\
  464. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Save'\
  465. lua debug: [VLSub] Saving config file: /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/userdata/vlsub/vlsub_conf.xml\
  466. lua debug: [VLSub] Closing dialog\
  467. lua debug: Deleting dialog 'VLSub 0.9: Configuration'\
  468. lua debug: Waiting for the dialog to be deleted...\
  469. lua debug: Creating dialog 'VLSub 0.9'\
  470. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Download selection'\
  471. lua debug: Clicking '/Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua': 'Close'\
  472. lua debug: [VLsub] Bye bye!\
  473. core debug: net: connecting to port 80\
  474. core debug: connection succeeded (socket = 32)\
  475. core debug: incoming request - stopping current input\
  476. core debug: control: stopping input\
  477. core debug: discarded audio buffer\
  478. core debug: incoming request - stopping current input\
  479. core debug: removing module "a52"\
  480. core debug: finished input\
  481. core debug: killing decoder fourcc `a52 ', 62 PES in FIFO\
  482. core debug: removing module "ugly_resampler"\
  483. macosx debug: releasing sleep blocker (7403)\
  484. core debug: removing module "a52tofloat32"\
  485. core debug: removing module "scaletempo"\
  486. core debug: removing module "simple_channel_mixer"\
  487. auhal debug: Stopping the auhal module\
  488. core debug: removing module "float_mixer"\
  489. core debug: keeping audio output\
  490. core warning: \cf4 can't get output picture\
  491. \cf2 core debug: removing module "avcodec"\
  492. avcodec debug: ffmpeg codec (h264) stopped\
  493. core debug: killing decoder fourcc `h264', 58 PES in FIFO\
  494. core debug: saving a free vout\
  495. core debug: reusing provided vout\
  496. core debug: removing module "mkv"\
  497. core debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES\
  498. mkv debug: Stopping the UI Hook\
  499. core debug: removing module "record"\
  500. core debug: removing module "filesystem"\
  501. core debug: incoming request - stopping current input\
  502. core debug: dead input\
  503. core debug: destroying useless vout\
  504. macosx debug: releasing sleep blocker (7403)\
  505. lua warning: \cf4 Error while running script /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua, function input_changed(): ...on Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua:1443: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)\
  506. \cf2 core debug: removing module "swscale"\
  507. core debug: Filter 0x1028d2ab8 removed from chain\
  508. core debug: removing module "macosx"\
  509. core debug: removing module "freetype"\
  510. core debug: removing module "yuvp"\
  511. core debug: removing module "swscale"\
  512. macosx debug: releasing sleep blocker (7403)\
  513. lua warning: \cf4 Error while running script /Users/User1234/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua, function input_changed(): ...on Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/vlsub.lua:1443: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)\
  514. \cf2 macosx debug: releasing sleep blocker (7403)\
  515. macosx debug: toggle playlist from state: removed splitview 0, minimized view 0. Event 2\
  516. macosx debug: toggle playlist to state: removed splitview 0, minimized view 0\
  517. }
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