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May 3rd, 2016
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  1. zexot joined the room.
  2. Dream Soda joined the room.
  3. Soltempest joined the room.
  4. Tysu Poooh: wow trundle
  5. Tysu Poooh: whats your main?
  6. lndie Jones GFAQS: you try dealing with lane that got 4 kills because of your dumbass teammate
  7. Tysu Poooh: ima follow and subscribe
  8. lndie Jones GFAQS: yes I am fucking mad
  9. Soltempest USA: the illaoi is 4/12/1 in his last two games
  10. juicyfruitx left the room.
  11. Soltempest USA: so i'm guessing hes tilted
  12. Tysu Poooh: common trundle tell me
  14. gossipboyxoxo left the room.
  15. Dream Soda left the room.
  16. lndie Jones GFAQS: after causing 2 death
  17. Hyoomin >:C: lol
  18. Tysu left the room.
  19. Darth Elevader left the room.
  20. Hyoomin >:C: this illaoi so bad
  21. Hyoomin >:C: report pls
  22. Hyoomin >:C: feeder
  23. lndie Jones GFAQS: you expect me to win lane
  24. Rezu left the room.
  25. Hyoomin left the room.
  26. lndie Jones GFAQS: when you moronic piece of fucking shit
  27. lndie Jones GFAQS: fed the fuck out of the lane I was winnign in?
  28. lndie Jones GFAQS: like fuck
  29. zexot SexQQ: how about you stop lpaying illaoi
  30. zexot SexQQ: ur stats say otherwise
  31. lndie Jones GFAQS: i don't give a shit about stats
  32. lndie Jones GFAQS: mumu came top
  33. lndie Jones GFAQS: trundle got double because he was caught
  34. lndie Jones GFAQS: he tped bot
  35. lndie Jones GFAQS: jhin basically afked
  36. lndie Jones GFAQS: fed him another one
  37. lndie Jones GFAQS: I am still ahead
  38. lndie Jones GFAQS: about to kill trundle
  39. lndie Jones GFAQS: NOPE seju ani comes top three fucking times
  40. zexot SexQQ: doesn't matter if you don't know how to play
  41. lndie Jones GFAQS: how to play my ass
  42. lndie Jones GFAQS: I am behind as hell
  43. lndie Jones GFAQS: can't farm up
  44. lndie Jones GFAQS: and all I see is amumu chasing
  45. lndie Jones GFAQS: and constantly casuing fight
  46. lndie Jones GFAQS: what the hell do you want me to do
  47. Soltempest USA: playing from behind is also a skill
  48. lndie Jones GFAQS: with trundle having about 2 items ahaed
  49. Soltempest USA: you dont just jungle my jungle
  50. Soltempest USA: when the trundle is bot lane lol
  51. Soltempest USA: you push when hes not there
  52. lndie Jones GFAQS: means shit
  53. lndie Jones GFAQS: I need farm
  54. lndie Jones GFAQS: not turrets
  55. Soltempest USA: instead you chose to take 100g from gromp instead of your lane minions
  56. lndie Jones GFAQS: I am taking both
  57. lndie Jones GFAQS: the fuck are you smokeing
  58. zexot SexQQ: team game
  59. zexot SexQQ: not always about you
  60. lndie Jones GFAQS: and I had none
  61. zexot SexQQ: dont drag the team down ause you suck
  62. Soltempest USA: i let you take the gromp lol
  63. lndie Jones GFAQS: drag the team down?
  64. Soltempest USA: its ok ragey ppl will be just that sadly : /
  65. lndie Jones GFAQS: you guys literally bropught me down
  66. lndie Jones GFAQS: you are telling me
  67. Soltempest USA: ur personality is what dragged you down
  68. lndie Jones GFAQS: I can somehow magically carry the game
  69. lndie Jones GFAQS: with trundle having 2 items up
  70. lndie Jones GFAQS: with aboustly no help
  71. lndie Jones GFAQS: ????
  72. Soltempest USA: you didnt need to carry, just let the team carry xD
  73. zexot SexQQ: we're not telling you to carry cause we know you cant
  74. Soltempest USA: rest of the team was up
  75. zexot SexQQ: just dont stop us from carrying you
  76. lndie Jones GFAQS: you guys were never ahead
  77. zexot SexQQ: yeah we were
  78. lndie Jones GFAQS: the hell are you talking about
  79. Soltempest USA: you just walked into the enemy
  80. lndie Jones GFAQS: if you mean by dragon
  81. lndie Jones GFAQS: liss was there
  82. lndie Jones GFAQS: and I died
  83. lndie Jones GFAQS: and seju died
  84. lndie Jones GFAQS: guess which one is worth more
  85. zexot SexQQ: you were getting butt fucked top while bot was 7/1
  86. Soltempest USA: and curious why you didnt get life?
  87. Soltempest USA: when trundle is a lot of armor shred
  88. lndie Jones GFAQS: i don't care about trundle
  89. lndie Jones GFAQS: unless I have 50 more mins
  90. lndie Jones GFAQS: I wasn't going to win against him
  91. lndie Jones GFAQS: I needed mr
  92. lndie Jones GFAQS: to go in to lux
  93. Soltempest USA: you werent dying to lux xD
  94. Soltempest USA: but its k
  95. lndie Jones GFAQS: i said go in to
  96. zexot SexQQ: your job is to keep him top if he's ahead not hope he roams and get farm to yourself
  97. lndie Jones GFAQS: thats the thing
  98. lndie Jones GFAQS: I can't farm
  99. zexot SexQQ: if he roams shove his shit, and if you die oh well
  100. lndie Jones GFAQS: when all you guys try to do
  101. lndie Jones GFAQS: is fight and fight and fight
  102. zexot SexQQ: we weren't?
  103. lndie Jones GFAQS: you sure?
  104. Soltempest USA: AHA
  105. zexot SexQQ: until like like 5 mins
  106. lndie Jones GFAQS: cause every time I looked
  107. Soltempest USA: its k let it be
  108. lndie Jones GFAQS: I see amumu going in
  109. Soltempest USA: hes tilted from losing his promos probs
  110. lndie Jones GFAQS: or jhin getting caught
  111. lndie Jones GFAQS: I don't tilt
  112. lndie Jones GFAQS: I just win hard or lose hard
  113. lndie Jones GFAQS: Even with seju ganking
  114. zexot SexQQ: we dont need 5 people to fight 3?
  115. lndie Jones GFAQS: if jhin and amumu
  116. lndie Jones GFAQS: didn't give him free pass for the lane
  117. Soltempest USA: if you lose less hard, i think you'll find yourself winning more
  118. lndie Jones GFAQS: I would have still won the game
  119. lndie Jones GFAQS: I win more games than I lose
  120. lndie Jones GFAQS: and I could care less
  121. zexot SexQQ: don't we all
  122. lndie Jones GFAQS: what "advice" you give me
  123. lndie Jones GFAQS: i am just stating
  124. lndie Jones GFAQS: with the amount of shit
  125. zexot SexQQ: doesn't matter if you win or lose when you're bad
  126. lndie Jones GFAQS: you guys handed to trundle
  127. zexot SexQQ: you can get carried
  128. lndie Jones GFAQS: I could do jack shit
  129. zexot SexQQ: dynamic queue is a thing now
  130. Soltempest USA: cooliio good chat
  131. lndie Jones GFAQS: i mean look at this ass hat sona
  132. lndie Jones GFAQS: scape goating me
  133. lndie Jones GFAQS: the fuck
  134. zexot SexQQ: i dont think illaoi is reading chat, just typing
  135. lndie Jones GFAQS: did you do for me?
  136. lndie Jones GFAQS: literally nothign
  137. Soltempest USA: i concur haha
  138. Soltempest USA: its k i only lost 15 for that :D
  139. zexot SexQQ: same
  140. lndie Jones left the room.
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